Eye of the Tiger Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Eye of the Tiger Empowerment connects you That winner spirit of the tiger, That ability to focus with no distractions on and achieving your goals.

The tiger spirit is strong and powerful, and That ability to lock in on the prey is what the energies of this attunement system is all about. It is the power to lock in on the goal with the spirit of a winner. When you are lock in the know That nothing can interfere with you dreams and goals, you place your attention on it in such a way That nothing can stop you from being successful.

This is a wonderful energy That gives you the boost of personal power you need to Achieve your dreams and be successful.

Tigers choose Their prey and lock in on it with the sense of purpose That is They focused That they see Their only target and nothing else. All of the cats have this ability, However the tiger is an expert at this.

The energies of this system helps you to zero in on what you want I know That You Can Achieve it as quickly and easily as possible.

Setting your sights on your goals combined with the tiger energies gives That extra boost you toward being successful.

Eye of the tiger Refers to That Moment With You have Decided you are the one, you are the Winner. it That gives you confidence and power of completeness That You need to become all that you must be to Achieve your goals.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR