Faery Spirit Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German
EUR 6.99
year 2013
Faery Spirit Healing Reiki connects you to the realm of the Fae and heals your wounded spirit.
It lifts you sorrow and raises your vibrational energies So That you can cope with emotions and regain control of your life.
The Faery Spirit Healing Reiki works to eliminate feelings of being overwhelmed and oppressed by issues and Circumstances. It gives you a spiritual energy boost and helps you to regain positive perspective so you can Achieve your goals and take back control of your life.
Faery Spirit Healing Reiki Faeries are masters at healing your heart and soul.
They are so full of life, light, and joy That Their presence around you can light your path and brighten your heart. As humans, we Often do not fully understand the how our emotions and feelings can drop us down into lower levels of energy. We tend to get caught up in the moment and the experiences we are living and it draws our focus and attention away from the light. This can happen When We overload our schedules, When We take on too much at once, When We have changes thrust upon us by others or by Circumstances.
The Fae are offering Their assistance in the energies of this attunement to help you by using Their faery light to show you the way, to light your path, to lift you up and brighten your heart
You receive the pdf manual and chi ball attunement.
6,99 EUR