Greenwoman Sacred Mother of the Woods by Daelyn Wolf Manual in english or in german
EUR 6.99
Year 2014
Your attunement to Greenwoman -Sacred Mother of the Woods brings in positive energies for healing ,fertility ,abundance and free spirit joy.
The Greeenwoman is the Lady of the Forest and Guardian of the plants and animals .The energies of this attunement connect you to the Greenwoman quickly and also to your higher self for empowerment and joy.
The Greenwoman is rarely seen by anyone in the woods because she has the ability to merge into the trees and plant life.She is one with all that grows in the forest .She protects all in her woods and brings forth fertility of flowers ,trees and animals
All life in her woods is sacred.
The Greenwoman many appear to those who ask and of pure and gentle heart.If you see her ,she may appear as a beautiful woman wearing leaves and flowers .She is able to trasnform herself into plants and on rare occasions may appear as an animal -a female white deer being one in particular.
The Greenwoman will help you with healing as plants are healing and often life sustaining as food ,medicine and energy.And She will help you with fertility and abundance of reproduction.and growth of living positive beings ( animals,people,plantas )
The Greenwoman also assists with bringing playfulness and joy into your life.If you are taking things too seriously she will lighten your oppression and bring laughter to you for healing and joy
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