
High Protection Circle Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in French

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Is a high light energy system that works to protect you from any dark energy (under any name it is called or anyone who sends it).

This is a very high energy That protects you from psychic attacks, negative energy attacks, dark energy attacks of any kind, and all sorts of jealous, hate, fear, and etc. That might attach or attack you.

If you have noticed you feel confused, Unable to function, fear to the point of panic, or everything Seems to be going wrong-the High Protection Reiki Circle will break, bind, and banish These and surround you with protection from future attacks.

This is a very strong and powerful energy That frees you from energy attacks of all kinds and keep working to protect you from future attacks.

This is a System That everybody will want to have and is one of the most important protection systems you can get.

These attacks can be devastating. The dark energy attacks can stop your income completely and hit you hard in other areas of your life also

. These attacks are meant to destroy you.

Who sends These kind of attacks?

Someone who really hates you personally, or someone who sees you as a threat to them, Their business, or Their relationships - real or imagined.

What are the symptoms of this kind of attack?

Suddenly and for no reason your source of income stops completely and you feel as though you are bound and Unable to do anything to change it.

You feel overwhelmed, or Unable to function Clearly think. You have no strength, you feel exhausted, you can not see the light Because You are in locked inside a dark energy sphere.

It is like you are imprisoned within at dark energy sphere and you lose all sense of time

. The days roll by and you just can not do anything you need to do to change the situation.

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