magick reiki calm (1)


Magick Reiki Calm, Confidence and Charisma by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2016

This is a magick infused energy reiki system.

The Magick energies of Reiki Calm, Confidence and Charisma work to harmonize your energy fields know That you are in balance and harmony with what you want to attract. in this system, it brings a calm, confident energy into your energy field and Creates a powerful charisma That draws success and positive people, places, opportunities, and things into your life.

It is a great energy to use before presenting any work, or performance, or public appearance as it Strengthens your confidence and keeps you calm, while attracting positive like minded people and results into your life.

Whenever being in the public eye, a sense of fear, doubt, That comes from feeling you are being judged and either accepted or rejected can cause That anxiety has to be worked through for success. This sense of being judged, is the opposite of feeling calm and confident.

The energy of itself is a radiating charisma of your personal energy That is confident and believes's in your own empowerment. To be confident, you must know you are good enough and That you are doing an excellent job at whatever you do. Being confident is a feeling of knowing your worth and value. When you are confident, you know you have something positive and powerful to offer.

Being calm comes as a feeling of peace with who you are and what you do. There is no fear or doubt here. When you are calm and at peace, and feeling confident, your inner light will shine brightly and this is brilliant charisma expanding outward from within you.

The energy of this system is powerful in helping you to Find That inner That peace of mind comes from confidence in knowing you are worthy and Allows this valuable and your inner light to shine brighter than ever!

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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