Magick & Healing Inspiration of the Willow Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf
EUR 6.99
The Attunement to MAgick and Healing Inspiration of the Willow Empowerment connects you to the Spirit of the Willow Tree.It holds a strong connection to the moon and the Goddess as well as working to help heal and restore your energies .
Working with the energies of this attunement also draws inspiration to enhance any form of creativity
The Willow is connected to the moon and the Goddess and is sacred to Brighid.The Willow sways in the breeze ,her energy is flowing ,gentle ,soothing.She gives healing and a release from tension and stress.The Willow also was used as a pain and fever reducer and originally aspirin was born of the medicinal proprieties of this tree
The Willow seeks water and this brings in the magick of the moon and water along with cleansing and release .The feminine connection to the Willow is the result of the graceful appearance and flowing of her branches .the Willow 's energies also enhance psychic abilities and intuition
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