Magick of Pan Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf
EUR 6.99
year 2013
This attunement connects you to the spirit of the Greek God Pan .
The energies of Pan enhance lustiness ,sensuality and a wilder sense of being .It brings joy and laughter and well as music and celebration as you work with the energies .Pan is a very passionate and charismatic Being.
Pan is a joyous and happy God .He is earthy and lusty and this energy works to help with issues of impotence and fridgity.His love of music often makes him a patron God of musicians and his chrismatic personality often helps to bring in energies of self confidence .If you are having a celebration ,call on the energies of Pan to liven things up
Fragrances that work well with Pan energy are earthy like Patchouli ,woodsy scents and little spice .Though some of those are connected with the fire element ,it is also connected to Pan since he does have a fiery passion and helps to bring those energies to your goals romances and enhancements
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6,99 EUR