Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German
EUR 9.99
year 2016
Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Smoky Quartz is a very protective crystal.
The energies of this system connects you to the energy of the Smoky Quartz and to source energy.
The Smoky Quartz have used to protect against negativity and psychic attacks.
This crystal is powerful and very strong.
Using Smoky Quartz for healing clears out negativity from your energy fields and chakras.
It is an amazing That brings crystal clarity and strength. Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Smoky Quartz is a powerful crystal for healing, And Also manifestation. it is an earthy crystal That helps with grounding and purification of energy.
Smoky Quartz is a powerful crystal protection and works to clear all chakras of any negativity
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