Waning Moon Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf


Waning Moon Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

year 2013

The WaningMoon Empowerment connects you to the energies of the moon in its phase of waning

It also works with the energies of the Dark Goddess and wisdom of the Crone.The energies help you with release ,letting go ,endings and gestation of your ideas and goals etc..

The energies of the Waning Moon is a time of rest ,recuperation and allowing change.

When the moon is Waning ,the light of the moon isgetting smaller.This is a reaffirmation of the cycle of life.Birth -new-moon-maiden,it grows in waxing moon to the full moon mother ,death waning moon crone .Thephases of themoon embrace all of the phases of Maiden ,Mother and Crone of the Tripe Goddess.

The Waning Moon is the time for letting go of things that no longer serve you.

It is time as the moonlight lessens ,to ebrace changes and transitions.

It is time to allow rest and to recharge you energies -time to plan,organize that reflect rather than to take strong actions.

There is wisdom in this phase of the moon.Wisdom of the ages ,that speaks of the cycle of things and the promise of rebirth

In Magick ,you will find that working with the DarkGoddess is most Hecate ,Kali and Morgana are among the Dark Goddessesthat will empower you with wisdom ,transition ,change self confidence ,strengthand very very strong protection during the Waning oon .While you can call on and invoke these or any Dark Goddess during any phase of the moon ,the Waning Moon the most powerful time for working with these energies.

Use the Waning Moon to bring prosperity ,abundance ,love joy,healing or any other desire of apositive nature.

You do this by stating your request to the Dark Goddess to release and remove poverty ,lack lonliness ,sorrow,sickness etc..

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