
Yak Animal Meditation Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99  year 2016

Prerequisite: Animal Meditation Master Empowerment

This attunement connects you to the spirit of the Yak and to your higher for self empowerment, healing, and abundance.

The Yak Resembles the American Buffalo or Bison. It is a strong, powerful animal with a somewhat shaggy coat. Often it is used as a pack animal and sometimes for food, or milk.

The Yak is from Asia and is a herd animal That is a herbivore.

The energies of the Yak bring in abundance, and strength.

The Yak brings in the power of strength, and can handle colder weather Because of its longer hair.

It is connected to abundance, much like the cow or buffalo and brings in abundance wherever it is.

The yak is a survivor and uses its powerful horns to dig through snow and ice to get to the grass and greens beneath the surface

Also this helps anyone using this energy to look beyond, Within look, look beneath the surface of reality to find the truth and the wisdom you seek

To easily connect and use the energies, use the Master Key symbol given Prerequisite in the attunement of Animal Meditation Master. this symbol opens up the energies for more power and a stronger connection to the animal energy you are working with.

the energies will be much stronger if you attuned to the Animal Meditation Master system

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 7,99 EUR