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Annapurna-Goddess of Abundance Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2015

This system connects you to the Goddess Annapurna for empowerment and blessings of abundance.

She is the Hindu Goddess of nurishment and she brings blessings of food, money, possessions, and spirituals connection.

Working with her energies into positive abundance as it draws opens opportunities and helps you to allow yourself to receive all that you need to live and thrive.

Annapurna is the mother of nurishment.

She blesses Those who call on her with a higher spiritual energy That helps you to not just survive, but Also to thrive.

Often she is seen holding a golden ladle and an offering dish full of food. She is a great mother Goddess and has Been Often described as being one face of Lakshmi.

Her name means Full, Complete, Perfect.

She blesses children and opens you up to true spirituality.

As a Goddess of the Grains she will bless crops, help you attain spiritual enlightenment, and help you to always have your needs taken care of. She feeds the hungry, she Provides the nurishment, the money needed to live and thrive.

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Fairies of Prosperity and Happiness Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 7.99   year 2015

Working with Fairies is always fun.

The Fairies of Prosperity and Happiness attunement connects you to These fairies for empowerment. The Fairies of Prosperity and Happiness Their sprinkle fairy dust to make you a magnet for money and drawing good fortune in all money related things, and for drawing happiness.

You may Find That positive upbeat people are drawn to you to help you Achieve your goals, and Increase your income.

Happiness always comes in Whenever you are working with the fae!

Fairies of Prosperity and Happiness The fairies are so delightful to work with. They radiate joy and happiness. They come to us and wait for us to ask for Their help.

When you ask them they are than willing to help you. Fairies think we take things too serious. They understand That we need money to survive in today's world, but they think We Should not ever worry about it. There is more than enough for everyone! All you need to do is expect the money and it will as to you. Fairies Also want to let all of us know That We Should enjoy money and do fun things. Their advice is to not work so hard That there is no joy in your life.

Trust the universal energy source to supply your needs.

Trust yourself to Recognize and create new opportunities for success and prosperity.

The Fairies of Prosperity and Happiness will sprinkle you with fairy money dust to help you attract prosperity and money opportunities.

They love to see people happy and will always brighten your day if you will let them. Fairies have an energy That vibrates to joy and happiness. They never They worry about having enough Because They "know" it will always be supplied When there is a need for And Also things you just want.

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Gratitude Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Gratitude Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 7.99   year 2015

Gratitude Reiki connects you to spirit for empowerment and abundance.

This system helps eliminate worry and fears about money and relationships by helping you to connect strongly to all that you are grateful for.

When you feel connected to the good things in your life, your focus changes to positive thoughts and a positive attitude. Feeling good, attracts good things into your life.

Often we get so busy in our lives, and we get overwhelmed with our Responsibilities. We give to others, and most of the time Those we place love ahead of our own needs. Often this can drain us of our energies, and lead to some stress or even depression.

When your energies are depleted, and you have not given yourself to, or received from Those you love what you need, it can lead to feeling down and depressed Because your energies arent being Renewed.

Gratitude Reiki helps you get your priorities straight and helps you to get your attention focused on positive things.

When you feel grateful, you feel I loved. You feel in love with life, with all the wonderful things around you.

In this day and age with so much hate, war, and destruction all around us, That feeling universal love and peace of mind That comes with gratitude, is truly needed.

It places your attention of the good things rather than the bad and the result is That You attract more of the good things into your life.

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Stop Procrastination Now! Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2015

Stop Procrastination Now! Reiki

It is so easy to get stuck in a cycle of putting things off That we want to do or need to get done. Sometimes this happens without us even Realizing it until one day we notice days, weeks, months, and even years have passed and the still we have not done whatever it is That we wanted or needed to get done.

It is hard to break this habit-and it is a habit to some extent.

The energies of Stop Procrastination Now! Reiki connects you to spirit and your higher self for empowerment, healing, and breaking out of That procrastination cycle.

The energies are positive and flowing and to get help you moving so you can get things done, feel energized and enthusiastic about your project, and reach your goals.

Whenever you put something off That first time, That delay slows your energy. Also it sets in motion a stagnation That makes it so much easier to put it off and delay it again and again. This is very easy to get stuck in as this cycle actually Creates a block to your energy. With each time you delay doing something, it Becomes harder and harder to take the steps to break Which block this become a habit, and there comes a point where eventually you must decide if it is important to you or not to do the project.

What's interesting is this That Becomes a Dream That gets pushed aside When It is creative, and it builds resistance in any area of your life That You are in procrastination. It actually Creates a resistance to and achieving your goals. It is important to be aware of this, and to commit to removing the block and resistance so That You can stop procrastination and complete projects.

The energy of this system is very easy to use and helps you to stop procrastination know you can be successful and complete your projects.

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Wonderful Joyful Change Reiki Lightwork Ch by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Wonderful Joyful Change Reiki Lightwork

Change can be dramatic.

It can sometimes be unwelcome, even if it is for your highest good.

You can feel it coming most of the time. you know When it is on the horizon. Often and it fills you with dread. You do not want to deal with it. You hope it will go away. But it will not.

This energy attunement connects you to your hope, joy, and sense of wonder. It works to help you accept the changes, and transform yourself When Necessary your life, and find joy in the process of it.

The energies are some of the very best for Bringing joy and wonder into your life and assisting you with the entire process and energy of transformation

It is Wonderful Joyful Change and the energies are amazing!

Change is inevitable.

It has to happen.

Energy is always moving, changing, expanding and more. You are energy. Your life force is energy. your life Circumstances and situation are created by your energy. When changes are They destined to come, and they will, resistance is only going to delay it and make it drag out longer.

You can try to avoid it.

You can try not to face it. You can deny change, but you can not stop it.

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Magick of the Four Seasons Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2013

This energy attunement connects you to source creative spirit and to the energies of all four seasons for empowerment.

As the seasons progress Through the year, the energies of each season change and flow and move forward. Always flowing, always moving, always progressing and bring empowering you with the most powerful energies of whatever season is present.

Knowing and connecting to the specific energies of each season helps you to always get the best results and most powerful healing and magick.

The energies of Magick of the Four Seasons is a flowing Lightwork That brings energy in harmony and personal power in all areas of your life.

Each season holds its own energy and power.

For three months of each year, the energies of That season grows to completion, and then moves into the next season.

This is a never ending circle of life-eternal energy, always moving, always vibrating with power and life.

The Seasons also have peak times That Are: Spring Equinox Summer Solstice Autumn Equinox Winter Solstice

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Higher Healing & Manifestation Alignment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99

year 2015

The Higher Healing & Manifestation Alignment is a higher energy That works to bring you into alignment with your desire.

It Reaches beyond the physical realm to connect you to what you want to be, do, or have in a way That aligns you with it so That it can manifest in the physical realm.

Whatever it is you want, whatever you desire to do or be, can be yours.

it is Easy to create what you want-the part Seem That makes it hard is learning to adjust your energy alignment

So That it matches your desire. Only then, it can become physical reality.

The energies of this system help you to energetically align with what you desire know That you can manifest it on this earth.

This is a very powerful energy, That once you learn it and connect with it, you will empower you with all you need to create your life as you want it to be.

It is one of the best systems you will find with the energies and information to raise your vibration to match and manifest your desires. Higher Alignment Reiki Healing & Manifestation When you have a desire, you actually expand and it is created for you in a holding place etherically. Often this is called a vortex. It is a plan That is your personal connection to the energy source and all that is. Whatever it Is that you want, it is created in the ethereal realm Just Because you want it. Once your desire is created in the etheric realm, it can come to you and manifest in the physical realm. But at this point you must focus your thoughts on what you want, and bring your energies into vibration with it. The wish or desire is created in the ethereal realm and it is pure energy. it waits for you. It is yours. Now you have to focus on it, put your attention on it, and feel its vibration, feel the energy of it, and this raises your vibration to match it. When you match your vibration to it, you will manifest it quickly. When you feel good you move your desire to you. When you feel sad, or bad, you are not focusing on positive thoughts and feelings. Your attention is on negative things like pain, lack, limitation and so you do not feel well and may even be depressed. When your attention is on lack and limitation, That is what is moved toward you. Things can come to you so fast When You Are in alignment with them. Being in alignment means your energies vibrate on the same frequency. The Things That can only come to you are Things That are on the same vibrational frequency. So if you want more money you must align your energies with this by knowing what you want and desire, Which puts it out Creates there and it immediately in your personal etheric vortex for holding you. Then, feel good. Do Things That Make you feel good, and feel abundant. Because when you do not dwell on what you do not have, then what you want is allowed to come in. Allow yourself to be happy. Allow yourself to do what you love. Allow yourself to feel good. Everyone goes through this fluctuation at times.

The key is to pull yourself out of it so That You can stay in a positive focus on what you want and how it feels to have it

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Ultimate Reiki Healing by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Italian

EUR 9.99   year 2015

This system is easy to use and one of the very best out there.

It is of a very high energy and it works fast to help with any form of healing from physical issues, healing animals, or healing situations and Circumstances.

This is a special energy system Lightwork That really has all of the energy needed to heal any situation.

It is powerful-and if it were the only system you had, you would be use it for any magickal and lightwork need.

United our positive energy is more powerful as we work on our individual needs and goals, and it brings healing to the Earth and all who live on this planet as the energy radiates from each of us with pure unconditional love, and this system can only be used for good.

It can not be attached to or interfered with by anything negative.

It does it all-clears, heals, and brings magickal energy lightwork changes Within your own physical and energy bodies for the highest good.

It brings healing to our planet Earth as the positive energy spreads out to touch all around us and adds to the universe love and light. Ultimately it is one of the best energy systems to use for any situation.

There is a special section on Ultimate animal healing as a bonus in the manual.

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Release Addictions Reiki Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Addictions destroy lives.

It destroys families, and isolates you from Those You love you.

It eats away ate your self-esteem, your confidence, and your abilities to function and be happy.

The energies of this system connect you to your higher self, to infinite intelligence, and to the light of spirit for working toward breaking and releasing addictions of any kind.

The energies are loving, clearing, and high protection from cravings. release Addictions Reiki helps you or others let go of any addiction, and fills the void with love, light, and healing.

It works to help you get to the root of the addiction, discover what holds you in bondage to the addiction, and helps you to release it.

Once you let it go, the healing fills in your energies with love, strength, and determination to overcome the addiction, and restore your confidence and self-esteem.

There are many kinds of addictions.

But all of them are devastating to Those who have addictions and to Those Who love them.

Any addiction is an addiction Because of the reward the person gets from it. So to get at the root of an addiction you first have to look at what is the payoff? What is the That reward for addiction? If there was not some kind of gratification or reward no one would be addicted.

Often it is a very misunderstood illness.

And yes it is an illness.

If the addiction is alcohol or drugs, it is a type of self medication in many ways. The payoff is the temporary relief from emotional pain or mental agony. or it may even be deeper and be a spirit or soul issue.

What happens with any Is that kind of addiction there is a low self esteem.

With this, the addiction That itself gives persons per temporary relief by getting attention, making the person more feel confident, strong, or some other form of instant gratification. The addicted person may later feel bad about it all, but for That instant, it is worth the risk of feeling bad later on. It is a psychological issue.

Addictions have a strong hold and grip on whoever is living with one.

That person may thing they do not want to give in to the addiction but they will usually you end up going along with it.

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Stealth of the Cat Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Finnish

EUR 9.99  year 2013

This attunement to the spirit and energies of the Cat connects you quickly to the lessons, and the power of the Cat.

This attunement empowers you to quietly and determinedly continue your path while removing or avoiding That the obstacles may hold you back or block your path.

The stealth of the Cat helps you easily move forward to Achieve your goals.

Everyone has heard of the eye of the tiger, but in truth, all cats have this ability to zero in on Their target, and quickly, silently and pounce on it. These same energies come through for anyone working with cat energies.

The spirit of the cat empowers you with the determination to see things throughs, the abilities to see it, target it, and Achieve it.

Cats do not like to draw a lot of attention to Themselves When They are hunting or seeking Their target.

You can connect to the cat and energies use the lessons of stealth to work your way through and around anything That may try to block your success.

Cats are fast!

They are efficient.

They are powerful.

And they are determined to succeed.

They also have the Ability to Protect Themselves pretty well from other animals with Those sharp claws and teeth!

All of These energies are gifts of the spirit of the cat

When you work with cat energies. Cats are Also Considered to be magickal, and able to see spirits and energies, and other entités That might be lingering around.

Their magick helps you to be intuitive more, and Increases your psychic abilities.

There is almost a royal energy all about cats.

A sense of sleekness and That energy power commands.

Cats definitely have an independent attitude of pure the manual have the symbol to use to connect quickly and easily with the stealth of the cat empowerment energies

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High Enlightenment Dragons by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Dutch

EUR 9.99   year 2015

There are times When We need to raise our energy to deal with certain situations.

In These Times we need more than just courage and strength.

The energies of this system you connect to Dragons.

They are high energy and they hold wisdom That brings enlightenment and ascension.

Dragons are powerful.

They are protective of people they are fond of. And they will offer assistance and guidance to you if you call on them.

High Enlightenment Dragons will help you rise up and stand up against anything That tries to hold you back.

Courage and strength are only One of their gifts.

High Enlightenment Dragons Dragons are magnificent in every way.

They are highly intelligent, strong, and powerful.

The High Enlightenment Dragons are see into the past and the future.

They can offer guidance to help you make good choices and to stay on course. They can help you avoid serious mistakes and lessen the effects of some situation That is Already sets motion through offering suggestions on how to move forward in the best way. They run grant you the gift of enlightenment in cui you are view and perceive things from many perspectives.

This Allows you to see all sides of the situation

The high enlightenment dragons can help you to understand whole picture of what you are dealing with.

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Karmic Healing Multiple-Sclerosis by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to your higher self and source energy. it works to help you discover what may be at the root of this disease.

multiple Sclerosis Happens When the myelin - the outside of the nerve is attacked by your own body's immune system.

This causes injury and then hard patches on the central nervous system and brain. These hard patches causes messages going to and from the brain to be slowed or stopped. The result can be any number of symptoms That come and go sporadically.

It is simply and easy to use. You will learn some Reasons Why karmically this disease happens, symptoms, And Also you will receive the energy to flow through you and bring healing you

. This is a very good system and it works well.

Karmic Healing Multiple-Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis attacks your own central nervous system. Some Reasons why your body attacks itself in any autoimmune disease is: Lack of self love Inability to forgive yourself self criticism Anger resentment loneliness Regret perfectionism

The symptoms of MS can be severe or mild. The symptoms range from crippling inablity to walk, paralysis in any part of the body, and more.

There Often are vision problems and shaking hands, and there can be ultra sensivity in nerves in any part of the body.

Fatigue is a serious issue with this disease. It is not just being tired, but a feeling of exhaustion and inability to get up and do anything

I want to make it perfectly clear That every may not be healed completely, but reiki energy and lightwork energy are always beneficial and never ever harm.

It is important to see your physician who may give treatment

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Karmic Healing-Borreliosis and Lyme Disease by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Are serious bacterial infections That Are Carried by some ticks

Often it can lead to permanent autoimmune disease That requires treatment with medication to keep infection down and prefect flare up of symptoms and other complications.

The Energy of this system works to help with healing body, mind, and spirit with a special emphasis on Borreliosis and Lyme Disease.

It looks at some of the karmic issues That can be connected with getting this illness to give some insight and help with clearing out the negative That energy may flare up of symptoms causes.

All illness runs deeper than just the physical realm, and karmic and emotional issues are Often Associated with the basic causes and the internal stress That Make the symptoms worse.

Each person is different and there can be different results for different people using reiki energy for healing.

I want to make it perfectly clear That every may not be healed completely, but reiki energy and lightwork energy are always beneficial and never ever harm.

The basic symptoms of this Disease are: Fever Cold and flu symptoms aching joints rash

Complications of Lyme Disease Borreliosis and if not treated can lead to heart disease and meningitis.

It is important to see your physician who may give you antibiotics and other treatment

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Healing Poverty Consciousness Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2014

Connects you to the pure positive energies of creative source and to the energies of prosperity Which works to transmute poverty.

It brings in the energies of healing, and abundance as it helps you to release poverty consciousness.

As you work with These Energies you will discover what triggers your thoughts and habits That lead to manifesting poverty.

Once you know, you will be release it with ease and heal this negative attachment know That it Becomes positive energy of prosperity and abundance.

This is a powerful system, and it is easy to use.

It brings enlightenment That lifts you above this life challenge as you That discover triggers your negative thought patterns about money.

Often, we may be having a windfall of positive energies and abundance and then suddenly everything just Seems To stop for no reason.

What we do not Is that understand When this happens, it is two to us falling into some negative thought form.

This usually you is the result of habits and attitudes we learned as children about money, prosperity, and wealth. At the time, we That may not even realize we have fallen into this poverty consciousness way of thinking. And even worse, Is that it is Often trigger to reverse our wonderful positive flow of prosperity

Because one little thought popped lodged` into our head and in our mind. The reason this negative thought popped into your mind is Because while you were working on being prosperous and abundant and trying to keep your positive thoughts, you allowed one little thought That came from something you were taught about money at some point in your life to causes a doubt.

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Healing Pet Anxiety Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Italian

EUR 9.99  year 2014

Have you ever had a pet That Seems To destroy your home while you are gone?

What makes them act this way?

What can you do to help him or her to not get into things?

Can Reiki Help?

You will find information That will help you to understand why your pet acts This Way in the manual.

And Yes, reiki can help.

The energies of this attunement will bring a calming and soothing energy to your pet.

It works to help your pet feel safe and helps to heal this anxiety I know your animal friend will feel happier and calmer.

Pet Reiki Healing Anxiety When animals are left home alone while you are at work, or out for the day, many of them get so sad and so anxious That they can not stand it. They become overwhelmed with fear - they think When you leave the house you are gone forever and it The fear you will never come back, that you must not love them anymore or maybe you have forgotten them. Animals feel such powerful emotions, it is hard for them Because They They do not always understand what they feel or why they feel it. Even birds can feel depressed or sad

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Bright Star Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Bright Star Reiki connects you to your inner light, That area of you shining star, the solar plexus for empowerment. It connects you to Universal star power through working with your inner star through the connection of the universal energy star.

This brings your full potential to the surface so your bright star energy can shine toward success.

Bright Star Reiki-Tapping into your Full Potential You may feel draw to doing something or to a specific career, but you hesitate to really try to Achieve it. You may feel That you are just dreaming and That maybe you are not good enough. You may fear being laughed at or ridiculed for your dreams of doing some specific work. Maybe you want to be an artist, or a performer. But you worry others may not take you seriously.

If you are feeling strongly drawn to something like this, you Should Know That this Indicates That your higher self, your inner star is calling you to some type of work in the field. Using the energies of this system, helps you to tap into your full potential I know That You Can Take advantage of opportunities in the area of work with or projects you may want to do. Your inner star power connects to the universal energy to star give you more confidence, and opens up doors for your potential to manifest

Opportunities are drawn as you begin to move toward manifesting your desire.

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Advanced Manifestation Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Advanced Manifestation Lightwork

When working for manifestation of your dreams and goals, there are steps you must take to make it happen.

There are energies to push That Work things through to the physical world. Both They are easy and hard, but if you can learn the method and learn the techniques as you connect to the energies that link you immediately to creative source energy, you can manifest your desires.

This reiki attunement connects you quickly to That energies can push your desires into reality.

It works to help you stay on track and it teaches the methods That Work to help you manifest your dreams and goals.

The energies are positive and powerful and gives you That little extra push to draw to you all you need to be successful.

When you are working to manifest anything, there are steps you must follow to bring your desire into reality in the physical world.

Those steps are important and you can not skip any of them.

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Butterfly of Abundance by Daelyn Wolf-


Butterfly of Abundance by Daelyn Wolf-

EUR 9.99   year 2016

The Butterfly of Abundance Reiki connects you to the spirit of abundance, money, prosperity, and butterflies to bring in positive empowerment and good fortunes.

Using These energies will be helpful to you in working in the etheric realms where you can have any and all that you want-and then helping you to bring it to you in the physical world so you can actually use en.

It is a very easy to use system and the energies are very powerful.

Butterfly of Abundance Reiki Butterflies are amazing in That they transform from an ugly into a beautiful flying butterfly. And this energy is so helpful in not only transforming your life, but especially your money situation

. Butterflies bring in a sense of freedom and Often they bring messages from loved ones who have crossed over and spiritual guidance messages from angels, and your guides.

The butterflies are a wonderful energy of abundance That helps you to focus on beautiful things in order to bring and draw in prosperity and good fortune.

None of this is hard-it only feels hard to us Because our physical and logical minds tell us we are limited. But in truth, we are not limited at all. The butterflies are a beautiful place to focus point your mind and energies on drawing in more money When You need it and having fun doing it.

When you make a request for more money for anything, ask for a sign from Spirit of seeing a beautiful butterfly. and you will. When you do know-this is your butterfly of abundance and the good things are coming to you right away.

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Eye of the Tiger Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Eye of the Tiger Empowerment connects you That winner spirit of the tiger, That ability to focus with no distractions on and achieving your goals.

The tiger spirit is strong and powerful, and That ability to lock in on the prey is what the energies of this attunement system is all about. It is the power to lock in on the goal with the spirit of a winner. When you are lock in the know That nothing can interfere with you dreams and goals, you place your attention on it in such a way That nothing can stop you from being successful.

This is a wonderful energy That gives you the boost of personal power you need to Achieve your dreams and be successful.

Tigers choose Their prey and lock in on it with the sense of purpose That is They focused That they see Their only target and nothing else. All of the cats have this ability, However the tiger is an expert at this.

The energies of this system helps you to zero in on what you want I know That You Can Achieve it as quickly and easily as possible.

Setting your sights on your goals combined with the tiger energies gives That extra boost you toward being successful.

Eye of the tiger Refers to That Moment With You have Decided you are the one, you are the Winner. it That gives you confidence and power of completeness That You need to become all that you must be to Achieve your goals.

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Animal Familiars Empowerment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Italian

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Animal Familiars Empowerment Reiki connects you to Spirit and your personal Animal Familiars.

Many people have pets, and even semi tame That wild animals come around, but your personal Animal Familiar will be the One That connects with you on a much stronger energy than the others

. Usually you will have only one familiar, but it is possible to have more.

The energies of this attunmement will help you to connect with your personal Animal Familiar and empower you work together with an energy That helps, heals, and Strengthens each other in all areas of your life

When you have an Animal Familiar it is a real pleasure to be around this animal. It will be an animal That comes to you.

This animal will always find you. You do not have to worry about making a mistake When choosing an animal to share your home. You can know you have found your familiar When you look into His or her eyes. The animal will have a strong intense connection with you. You will feel as though this animal Understands you, and you will feel His or her energy as well as love surrounding you.

Often your familiar will be a wild animal and you will know Because You Will feel the connection. Just as you immediately feel a connection to a person who is part of your group soul, you will feel it with an animal familiar in the same way.

It is a feeling When you look into the animal's eyes That you both Already Know Each Other. This is why it is called "familiar". your souls Already Know Each Other. And just as people come to this earth to help you on your life journey, animals can choose to do this too. And Often they do. An animal spirit guides is the energy essence of a Particular animal or animal species, and it is not the same as an animal familiar. The animal familiar is a specific living animal That will be around you a lot if it is wild, or comes to live with you as your animal friend.

The animal finds you. You Necessarily do not seek them or choose them, they choose you and they find you. You can not make a mistake When choosing a family pet and miss your familiar. The Familiar will be sure you choose him or her. this animal comes to you and grabs your attention and your heart so you know and Feel That familiar connection with him or her.

You may have other animal friends or pets, but the connection to your familiar animal is special and very strong

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