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by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

This system connects you to Universal Energy Source and your higher self. It works to clear out any negative emotions That are causing illness and diseases of the nervous system.

These may me anxiety, any pinched nerve or wound to the nerves, anything That effects the nerves, such as Multiple Sclerosis (Which is Also an auto immune disease), or any injury, malfunction, or etc. That effects the actual nerves as well as any nervousness and jitters, or etc.

Which are more mental but have strong effects on the nervous system. It works to heal and restore good health. This system draws in positive energies for healing and recovery.

Stress and tension are caused by worry and doubt. They are fear based. Anxiety is the result of worry and doubt and fear, and it leads to physical That ailments involve your nervous system.

The nervous system is a That network of nerves run Throughout your body, and carry messages to and from the brain.

When your nervous system malfunctions, Those messages either do not get through, or are distorted. So When You Are feeling anxiety, stress, with worry and fear, your messages are telling your body to dump certain natural chemicals into your bloodstream to prepare you to fight or run. But we live in a society where These feelings of fight or run are not always possible or acceptable.

This tension Creates Your nervous system starts working overtime and Often tightens the muscles with fear and stress. You can have any number of Throughout effects your body. And many specific illnesses or diseases such as a heart attack, can be Caused by nothing more than stress.

It is important to find ways to relax and enjoy yourself to relieve stress and anxiety as well as using holistic methods. All chakras can be Involved Because the areas Effected by the negative emotions Involving the nervous system can be anywhere Throughout your body. However, stress, tension, and anxiety, etc. through the original crown and third eye. We envision the false beliefs That Are negative and our Body Reacts with fear, panic, anxiety, etc. Which then goes on to effect our physical body.

So what are you afraid of?

What holds you back in your life?

What do you want to do that you feel you can not do?

What makes your heart sing?

What causes you to shut down and withdraw?

What depletes your energy?

What stresses you?

What are you worried about?

Take a close look Also at the people around you-who makes you feel He stressed, nervous, or anxious When You Are around them and why?

The energies of Nervous System Emotional Healing works to release you from your fear, doubt, and anxiety

. The works to remove negative emotions of any kind, including feelings of helplessness, and unworthiness. it removes negative energy blocks and opens up the free flow of positive energy for healing and recovery.

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Holiday Stress Relief Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2014

Often there is a great deal of stress connected to the holidays-any holiday.

Usually we have company coming or we are going to visit others, there are family and friends Gathered together Which is good, but Often filled with some people coming together who do not get along, or do not like Each Other.

The stress of having everyone together, and trying to be cheerful Whether you feel it or not, and entertaining guests, Following tradition, even if you are now on a different path, can be overwhelming and drain your energies.

This attunement is simple and easy to use.

It works to surround you in protection from negative energies, and it boosts your energies and charisma to help make the holidays special and fun.

No longer will you have to worry about being around others That may be grumpy, or just have negative energies.

Just use the symbol Whenever You need it and allow the energies to work.

During the holidays it is easy to become depressed or feel hopeless.

The entire season from Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all fall right in line and do not allow for a chance to recover before beginning to celebrate the next holiday.

We look forward to the holidays as it brings the promise of happy family gatherings where there is abundance, joy, and harmony. But many times there are family get togethers where your energy just drains away and you feel you are just going through the motions and doing what is expected.

Sometimes emotions get too serious and too caught up in the celebration and we may feel we just do not fit in or do not want to be there for the same old family issues That crop up During These Times.

Not everyone has this kind of stress, but many do.

Others may experience a sense of pushing too hard to please themselve everyone, or to make sure everything is done and That is they way you want the celebration to be.

When this happens Also it drains away your energies and takes away the fun and joy of the holiday.

Still others may feel stress Because They do not have the finances to be give gifts or even have a special dinner.

Whatever the reason for the holiday blues, and the stress That comes with working too hard to make it all perfect, the energies of this system will help That you release stress and give your energies to boost.

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Anubus Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in French

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Anubus Reiki Empowerment

This system connects you to the spirit of Anubus, for empowerment - healing, protection, and justice.

Anubus is the Egyptian God of embalming, protector of the dead, Guides For Those of a pure heart.

Many think of him as a golden jackal but he is actually an African Golden Wolf Which looks very similar.

The energies of Anubus Reiki Empowerment is one of justice, and fairness, as well and protection on any journey through the underworld or any rites of passage.

Anubus is Also a healer, though many people are not aware of this.

Working with the energies associated with Anubus brings a connection with Those Who have crossed over.

It helps you with connecting to the spirit world and enhances communications with the dead.

African Golden Wolf Anubus Reiki Empowerment The Egyptian God Anubus rules the ceremony of embalming and guards the dead.

He weighs the heart of a person against a feather, and one of pure heart and intentions will have a heart That weighs less than or equal to feather. Those with a pure heart are raised in energy to the equivalent of Heaven.

It is the great kingdom of life everlasting.

Those with dark hearts are sent to the underworld for eternity.

There is nothing to fear from Anubus.

This judgment is the equivalent of reaping what you sow or what goes around comes around-to karma of sorts.

And Anubus oversees it to be sure the judgment is fair and just. But there is so much more to Anubus than most people think. He is Also a healer, knowing all of the anatomy of humans and anmials and is wise in herbology, he knows how to bring the wisdom of healing to you.

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Soul Transition Beyond Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Soul Transition Beyond Reiki connects you to spirit and works with the crown chakra.
It works to help the Soul transition into the light beyond When That Time comes.

It helps to remove any fear, suffering, and pain as the transition from the physical realm death takes place

. It helps the Soul to move beyond back into the realm of energy source energy.

It can be used to help others When it comes time to cross over.

Also it is helpful for animals When the time comes for them to cross over.

It makes the transition smoother and easier When It is time to let go of the physical body and move into the realm of energy and the life beyond.

Soul Transition Beyond Reiki is high energy That lifts up the soul as it leaves the body to help with leaving the heaviness of the physical realm.

When it is time to cross over, any pain and suffering are lessened and the energy helps the Soul prepare and let go.

There are times When the Soul may linger or hesitate to leave loved ones That Are attached.

The energy of this attunement helps with this so That the Soul can move into the light with ease and the transition is smooth.

It can be used to help others That need some assistance When the Time comes to cross over. Also it may be helpful for animals That are ready to cross over. It is a gentle, loving energy, That surround the Soul with love and protection as the Soul begins to transition into the pure energy realm of light.

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Soul Release & Relief Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Soul Release & Relief Reiki connects you to your deepest inner essence of Being, I know you can release inner soul Those issues That hold you back and prevent you from and achieving your goals.

When you release the negative beliefs and the Fears That reside in your mind, your soul breathes a sigh of relief.

It is a feeling That happens in an instant When That negative energy of harmful belief is cleared and replaced.

Your Soul knows only love, light, and truth.

But When You allow false beliefs to grow Within Your energy field, the result Is that your soul Becomes weighed down with heavy energy That Prevents moving forward in positive ways.

The energy of this attunement, works to release Those false beliefs and negative energies and brings in a beautiful, soothing relief.

Did you ever have a quick, fleeting feeling of well Often That total relief flows through you, Followed by a feeling of recognition is the deep, but feels as though it is there only for an instant and It seems to not make sense consciously?

This is your soul communicating with your consciousness.

Your soul knows truth and only truth. It Recognizes That instant When you replace a false belief, no matter how large or small That belief is, with truth. When this happens you will feel the release of the negativity and the relief will be deep in your soul.

Because this happens false beliefs are heavy and weigh you down-and this why your energy rises to reach a new level with a light feeling Whenever You release Those negative false beliefs.

The soul does not communicate in words-it Communicates with feelings. When you have a fleeting feeling

That passes through your energy field, That is your soul telling you something.

Pay attention to it in order to get a clear understanding of your true self and what your soul is telling you about whatever it is you are thinking or doing. It will guide you if you allow it.

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Soul Happiness Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Soul Happiness Reiki connects you to your soul on a conscious level I That you can be enlightened about what your purpose on this Earth is.

When you follow your path and work toward your true purpose on this Earth rejoices your soul and you will feel the energy of resonating happiness.

Before you were born, in you set out a plan for your life to learn specific lessons. This plan provided you with opportunities for experiences That would help you learn and grow.

As you lived through your experiences, you had opportunities to make choices That would determinates what direction your challenges would go.

When you are Following your path, working on That lessons help you move toward and understanding and achieving your That goals are in line with your purpose, you will always feel joyful.

When you are out of alignment with your purpose on this Earth, or not in harmony with the things you wish to accomplish and manifest, you will feel something like (you may not know what it is) is missing and may even fall into depression or just feel a never ending restlessness That You Can not Seem to heal.

This is the misalignment with your goals and life purpose, it Within causes dis-ease, and can make you ill.

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Soul Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Soul Healing Reiki connects you to your deepest essence on a conscious That level so you can be aware of what you truly want and desire.

When you are hurting on a soul level it is Because You are not in harmony with your true self and you may not even be aware of it, except for a little glimpse of confused insight That Seems To make no sense to you on a conscious level.

Soul Healing Reiki helps you to be aware of your deepest essence and to So THAT connect you can follow your true path on Earth and for healing know That You Can Achieve your missions on Earth.

Whenever you have a feeling That something is missing in your life, That something is not quite right but you do not know exactly what it is, you are experiencing a form of Soul disconnection.

Often this happens When Your channels on the axis of Body, Mind, and Soul is blocked or weakened.

Soul Healing Reiki works to heal this through dissolving blocks and Strengthening the connection on this energy axis.

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Soul Listening Lightwork - Nature Inspirations by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Connects you to your soul and spirit all of the universal energy.

It Focuses On Establishing and Strengthening in connection to Nature So THAT your Soul can link on a higher level for empowerment.

It opens your chakras and kundalini channels for well source energy to move through you

Bringing natural inspiration and messages of spirit.

You will learn how to quiet your mind and allow the energies and messages of Nature and Higher Source to flow Within Your Soul with clarity.

We are born with a spirit soul connection to source energy. But as time goes by and we live our lives, we are influenced by people, Circumstances, and the situations come into our lives and have emotional effects on us.

This can dim our perceptions and our ability to connect with purely source and our higher soul.

When you become confused, depressed, Unable to visualize the future in positive ways, you may be suffering from a disconnection to Source and your higher soul.

Your soul gives you intuitive signals to guide you. Also it sends forth Which feelings in your gut instincts are. While your gut instincts are more in primal energy do they indicated with a sick feeling or tightening in your abdomen over certain people or situations That it is not right for you, it is not the highest good decision, or That These People or situations Should be excluded from your life.

On the other hand, When It is something That is good for you, you will feel a lightness Within, and you will feel happy and excited.

Your intuition is a little blackberries in depth and more are in the airy feelings created Within You. You will receive These messages through your crown chakra, your third eye chakra, and your energy fields That Are Within You and around you, including your aura.

You may see visions (Clairvoyance), or you may hear messages (Clairaudience)

. You could just know with certainty (not thinking or dwelling on it but just know without knowing how you know-this is Clairsentience).

Or you may just feel it in your energy and be sensitive to the energies of people, places, and things.

You may have all of the above or various combinations.

All of These are your soul offering guidance though different perception

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Removing Negative Energy Attachments Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in German or in Italian

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to spirit and your higher self for empowerment
and cleansing of negative energy.

It works to remove completely remove negative energy and any entities from you, your home, and anything you bring into your home.

You may purchase something cute and innocent looking only to discover it was brought` That into your home everything starts to go wrong.

These attachments of negativity and especially negative entities, can actually cause illness and disease, effect your finances, relationships and even break. Left to grow unrecognized,you may find yourself losing everything completely, or becoming seriouslyill for no reason.

You may discover That you or your family suddenly begin
fighting and not getting along at all When everything was in harmony and
going well just a day or days before you brought` That cute item home.

This system works to remove all negative energy and all negative
attachments That stick to you, or ride in on anything you may have brought`
unsuspectingly into your home.

Yes, this is real!

Yes it can and does happen all the time Yes, you can clear it, remove it completely, and protect yourself and your home from negative energy

These attachments.Removing Negative Energy Attachments Reiki is a powerful spiritual energy that works to remove all of These negative energies once and for all.
You will learn an easy method to do this And Also how to protect yourselffrom it so it does not happen again.

This system is a must-have for anyone working with energy Because your
light and energy work attracts These attachments sometimes.

Use this system to clear, cleanse, and protect yourself now!

if you are

Sudden confusion
Lack of energy
feeling drained
Unable to get anything done
Sudden loss of income
Suddenly everything goes wrong
Suddenly Unable to sleep, with frequent waking when you do sleep
Unable to concentrate or focus on goals
Feeling alone and unloved
Withdrawing from people
Not wanting to go out
Suddenly quarreling with family or friends
Constantly irritability
Feeling angry and argumentative with everyone, especially Those you love
Pain - Emotional or / and physical

When These Things happen for no reason, just seemingly out of the blue, it
is Likely to be Caused by Negative energy or entities That have attached to
you or something you bring home.

And they are persistent and will not go away.

When this happens, it is time to clear and remove negative energy and entities!

Once they are removed, things will begin to get better.

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Protection and Healing from Energy Vampires Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Italian or in Spanish

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to pure energy source, and the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael for protection and healing.

Energy Vampires are sometimes human, but they can be entities Also, and even very dark energy beings.

They are Often Attracted to your light, especially if you are a lightworker.

They are deceptive and you may not even realize one It has attached to you until it is too late. They drain your energy, day by day, robbing you of your power and you life essence.

This system is a high That energy system removes them, heals your energy, and protects you Further from any attacks.

This system works with removing and protecting you from Both types of Energy Vampires-the people who just wear you out draining you, And Also the energy BE-ings who see your light etherically and just zap you for a good meal of high energy.

It is easier to clear out the people around you who are just draining your energy. These people are just low energy, and they do not even Most Likely They know they are doing it.

The reason they do it is Because They feel better When they are around you

. Your energy feeds Their emotional needs for attention, acceptance, and Their confidence gets a boost.

They feel you care about them, When They actually lack the self-love that is what will lift them to a higher vibration.

It boosts Their energy. Sometimes you have to separate yourself from them.

Sometimes the only way you can protect yourself and your energy is to avoid them as much as possible.

There are times, though When it is someone in your family, That you may be reluctant to hurt Their feelings. But in the end, you just have to Separate yourself from them.

The other option is to clear your energy and then keep yourself very heavily protected.

If you are dealing with the Energy Vampire That is not a physical being, it will take something more powerful to get rid of them.

The Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel are ready to help you with removing the attachments and banishing any Energy Vampires That You may be feeding off you.

Energy Vampires may actually be attached and feeding Constantly, or they may be coming back and forth to feed on your energy.

But they do not care Their feedings if you survive or not. They are intentionally feeding. They suck the life out of you and then come back for more.

The only way to free yourself of this type of Energy Vampire is to removing them and then totally banish them know they can not return.

Once you have removed the Energy Vampire, then you must protect yourself to prevent it from happening again in the future from any other Energy Vampires. And then you can heal and recover to regain your energy, strength, and power.

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Snake Medicine - Renew Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to the spirit of the snake for healing, renewal, and empowerment.

Snakes are Often used for symbols of medicine, healing, and renewal. The physicians symbols of healing is the caduceus Which is two snakes entwined around a staff medicines.

The energies of Snake Medicine, brings to you enhanced healing, regeneration and renewal, and speedy recovery from any illness, or emotional stress.

Working with the energies of the Snake draws in positive empowerment to assist you with anything you choose to do.

Snakes shed Their skins as they grow, and this energy When you connect to the Spirit of the Snake, brings in renewal and expansion of your energy and your life.

The energy of the Snake gives you a stronger sense of empowerment as you work magick and healing.

In healing the renewal energies of the Snake speeds recovery from illness, wounds, an emotional trauma.

In love, the energy of the Snake Strengthens relationships and reproduction with increased At fertilization That energies can be used to Increase crops as well as helping people and animal blackberries be fertile.

The Snake is a symbol of healing, and animal totem is a perfect for anyone in the medical and healing professions.

Snakes must warm up in the sun to get Their energy flowing, but this energy is powerful and can be helpful in assimilating proper nutrition and vitamins.

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Master Dreamer-Astral Travel, Lucid Dream Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to your soul and energy to source.

It works to help you travel on a new plane of existence and to move on from plane to another.

It helps you to free your inhibitions about Astral Travel So That you can gain experience and understanding.

In the area of Lucid Dreaming it can help you to be aware of your dreams and change them for empowerment.

This can help you to break chains of old habits, and it can help you to move forward fearlessly. Together, this system works to help you gain wisdom and knowledge, and to make changes beneficial That Are to your life by Overcoming Fears and Doubts and stepping into your power.

Master Dreamer-Astral Travel, Lucid Dream Reiki Astral Travel Often happens while you are sleeping without you even knowing it.

You wake with the feeling of just returning from somewhere and a very strong real feeling this was not just a dream.

Astral Travel can be done with a conscious intention, but may take some Practices to Achieve.

First you will have to believe in yourself and your abilities to accomplish astral travel.

There is a bit of a push as your soul leaves your body. you are Still alive and still attached by a cord That can not be cut or broken. this cord keeps you connected and the moment there is any need to get back to your body - something is wrong or someone tries to wake you, or etc.) you will zap right back into your body.

Lucid Dreaming is When You Are Sleeping and dreaming but you are completely aware you are dreaming and you can make changes to your dream to have the results you want - and this once you have learned how, Can be Life Altering.

It changes events in your life.

You can learn to control your dreams to change the events in the dreams Which results in changing you like.

When you are train yourself to be aware of your dreams while you are sleeping, you can then Recognize what your deeper subconscious is trying to tell you.

The subconscious mind Often talks to you in pictures-dreams. And once you see what is being revealed, you can consciously influence the dream to have only positive things happen in dreams.

The result for This is that it helps to clear guilt, fear, Doubts, regrets, and any other negative thoughts and feelings That may be stuck Within your mind and energy. Just being consciously control how the dream plays out, reinforces positive energy and outcomes Which pushes you forward into positive results in the physical world.

The energy of this system help you to open up to become a Master Dreamer. The Master Dreamer is be aware of dreams, Their meanings, and Their influence over your life. And the Master Dreamer Also enhances your ability to control Those dreams and to Astral Travel in dreams and consciously.

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Golden Ray of Abundance by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Golden Ray of Abundance

The Golden Ray of Abundance connects you to source energy and the highest ray of abundance.

The golden light draws to you riches, prosperity, and wealth.

It works to create a positive connection to help the flow of money and abundance of good things flow to you swiftly, steadily, and with ease.

This system is energetically charged with energy to boost your energy in the area of creating abundance in your life.

The energy of the Golden Ray of Abundance surrounds you with well golden light and guides you toward positive thoughts That expand creativity and open you to opportunities.

Using the vibration and the energy to hold you Within the harmonic energy of wealth, prosperity, and abundance in all areas of your life, only requires That you intend to focus your attention on your desire and That You visualize what you want to manifest and hold yourself-body, mind, and spirit in the energy of abundance.

When you do this, it diminishes any Doubts and fears, So That you can boost success positive energy to create the abundance in your life.

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Apollonius of Tyana Reiki Attunement by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in French

EUR 9.99  year 2016

This system connects you to the energy of your higher self and to Apollonius of Tyana for empowerment, clarity, heightened psychic abilities, and transformation.

Apollonius was a Greek philosopher who performed miracles and healing.

He was an alchemist and was thought by many to be the equivalent of Jesus.

The energy of this system opens you up to a wider perspective and more abundance as well as healing, and alchemist energy.

Apollonius of Tyana Reiki Attunement Apollonius was a healer, philosopher, and alchemist

. Working with the energies of this system, you will connect to Apollonius of Tyana, and Enhance your psychic and intuitive abilities. Also it brings healing through transformation.

The energy of alchemy works to bring changes and That transformation improves your situation and heals all areas of your life.

Alchemy is all about change.

Changing yourself.

Changing how you think.

Changing your situation.

In order to fully create the life you want to live and to be fully empowered to your greatest potential, requires alchemy of some form to get you from where you are to where you want to be. nothing You happen if you stay stagnant.

Apollonius created change-he worked miracles, and in order to create and manifest miracles, there is some form of alchemy and change.

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Nature Shaman Reiki 3 Levels by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Nature Shaman Reiki is 3 levels and the energies connect you to nature, higher source, and your soul energy.

Level 1 works with being at one with all of nature.

Becoming one with Mother Earth and moving your energies in to "I am" consciousness.

Level 2 works to move you into guided meditation for energy expansion, self discovery, and empowerment.

Level 3 works to open you to nature communication with animals, plants, and Mother Earth.

It opens up your psychic energies to help you receive spiritual guidance from nature devas, and more.

This is a great system to Enhance Your connections and communications with Nature and Mother Earth.

It will bring in empowerment and personal power.

There are 3 levels, and each comes in one right after the other automatically.

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Nature Reiki for Children by Daelyn Wolf


Nature Reiki for Children by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Nature Reiki for Children There is a need for more reiki systems That Are for children. many children can benefit from a spiritual connection That comes from learning reiki and connecting to Spirit Source energy.

Nature Reiki for Children connects you to Mother Earth and all of Nature.

It is designed to help children connect and they understand That they are all in this part of Nature and Earth as well as Spiritual Beings.

The energy of this attunement is for empowerment and loving connection to all that is.

The energy is pure, gentle, and flowing. it feels as though angelic arms are wrapped around you as you are connected.

And this loving, Belonging energy can be called upon any time you (or any child attuned) needs comfort, encouragement, and confidence.

A child can be attuned to the energy, or you can run the energy for any child.

Nature Reiki for Children Mother Earth is our home.

This planet is home for every living creature on Earth. It is important to learn to care for Planet Earth, by recycling, and keeping the Earth, Air, and Water clean. If you take care of planet Earth, she Will Provide all that every living creature on this planet needs to survive. Nature is the very essence of life-everything works together in cooperation and harmony. All of the plants and animals are connected and so are you. Should you spend some time outside, in Nature, just watching the birds, bunnies, and other animals eating and playing. Enjoy your connection to all animals, and release any fear you may have

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Magick Reiki Untangle Me by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Magick Reiki Untangle Me is a magick infused energy system that works to untangle you from other people's drama and energy.

You may be working with energy in too many directions at once and the energy Becomes entangled.

This can cause you to be tangled up in situations and free yourself of this entanglement ounces and for all!

Sometimes When you are working with energy, you can be going in too many directions at once.

When this happens, there is always The Possibility That the connections of energy become a tangled mess That stops everything at best or explodes into some disaster.

Generally, an entanglement or to "tangle" as the Ascended Masters informed me when I Asked about this type of energy, Involves not only you, but other Also people.

You may be working for someone to help them or magickally energetically with a situation and it somehow Becomes a tangled mess.

Also this can happen When someone has too many people working energetically for them and everyone is doing something different using different energies. It tangles up. It can be fixed, However, usually you one strand at a time.

This system works to untangle you.

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Magick Reiki Open Minded Understanding by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Magick Reiki Open Minded Understanding

This is a magick infused energy system combines That magick and reiki. it is powerful and works to open your mind for clear understanding.

Often we may not be comprehend another person's point of view or perspective on things. Or we may not understand spiritual Teachings or any other ideas or perspectives.

This system opens your mind to seeing things in new ways.

It Allows you to understand, and to learn new ways to look at any situation or problem so you can see solutions and opportunities, as well as learn acceptance of different views and lifestyles.

It gives you the ability to open up to new ideas with understanding.

Often there are times When We just can not understand someone's point of view or ideas

. Generally this happens Because We have one set pattern of thinking and there is an unwillingness to try or accept new ideas.

The energies of this system work to open your mind to accept new perspectives and ideas so you can understand and see more than one way of doing things or will more than one way of BE-ing.

You do not have to agree with the ideas, but you will understand and see things from many directions of points of view.

This gives you the ability to choose what is best for you and to learn to accept other people, cultures, ideas and more That may be different from your perspective.

It broadens your mind you know become enlightened.

This raises your energy.

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Magick Reiki Grounding by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Magick Reiki Grounding is a magick infused energy system combines That magick and reiki.

It works to help you get grounded and stay down to Earth. When you need to be connected to the Earthly plane, this system Also helps with any of the light headed side effects of high energy reiki or energy work so That You will be grounded and feel empowered, rather than spacey with your "head in the clouds".

It keeps you grounded know-you-can function your best on this earth as you follow your path

. Magick Reiki Grounding Staying Grounded is essential if you do any kind of energy work. while working with powerful energy vibrations That is high, you can get Often caught up in the etheric energy and lose touch with the reality of Earthiness.

Magick Reiki Grounding, keeps connects you know you can work in higher planes and with high vibrational energy and apply it to your physical life.

It is a very powerful energy That keeps you on your path as you work with energy.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR


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Magick Reiki Destiny by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Japanese

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Magick Reiki Destiny is energy system that combines The magick and reiki.

It is a very powerful system that works to help you Fulfill your destiny as you follow your life path.

Whatever you came to earth to do, is sets motion, and when to there are things you must Achieve, sometimes its easy to get distracted or caught up in Things That work against your being fulfilled.

Magick Reiki Destiny helps you live your life to the fullest and keeps you moving forward.

Magick Reiki Destiny When you are doing whatever you are meant to do on this earth, you will feel fulfilled.

This is Because You are living the life you are destined for, and you are doing what you love.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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