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Bear Animal Meditation Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99

year 2016

Prerequisite: Animal Meditation Master Empowerment

This attunement connect you to the spirit of the Bear. through this connection you will be extra energies That boost your empowerment and bring success in your goals.

The Bear is a powerful animal That brings courage, strength, endurance, and opportunities.

Bears are intelligent, and protective of Their young.

Working with the energies of Bears can boost your abilities to get through challenges and to seek and That find opportunities are all around you to push you to success.

The Bear is an amazing animal and its energy is very powerful!

Bear Animal Meditation Empowerment

The spirit of the bear is powerful in helping you with healing, protection, endurance, strength and courage, and I know you Recognizing opportunities can take action. Bears are amazingly good parents and this energy Also helps you with parenting skills.

Bears are swim and climb trees Which brings in the energies of being adaptable in situations When You need to be versatile.

Which bear energy, if one thing does not work, Keep trying till you find something That does work.

This energy Applies well to jobs and problem solving.

To easily connect and use the energies, use the Master Key symbol given Prerequisite in the attunement of Animal Meditation Master. this symbol opens up the energies for more power and a stronger connection to the animal energy you are working with.

the energies will be much stronger if you attuned to the Animal Meditation Master system

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Animal Meditation Master Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Animal Meditation Master Empowerment

This system is a prerequisite for the individual Animal Meditations That Are sold separately.

Animal Meditation Master Empowerment is a shamanic energy attunement That gives you the master key to become one with individual animal species.

This system connects you to universal energy source and your higher self for empowerment.

By learning the techniques in the manual and connecting to the energy, you will be Enhance empathy and Oneness with various animals.

This system is the master key.

All of the Mediations individual animal will walk you through becoming one with each animal

. In this Animal Meditation Master Empowerment you will be learn how to connect in a shamanic way for healing, and empowerment and to Enhance Your psychic abilities.

This is a great system. It will open the doors to better understanding of animals and the wonderful spiritual energies and wisdom they offer us.

Animal Meditation Master Empowerment No matter what animal you want to connect with, this system can help you do it.

All animals are Necessary in the cycle of life.

All animals have habits, instincts, and unique survival That guidance can you travel in your own life.

Each animal is different, and while there may be similarities in some species, they are all offering messages from spirits and energy source lessons to better our own lives.

The Animal Master Empowerment opens the door to connect to animals and the wisdom, lessons, and healing they offer us. Learning to connect to animals, to see Their special qualities and guidance, will definitely Enhance each of the individual animal meditations.

When you are seeing the same animal over and over Whenever You look out your window or go somewhere, usually it it is a sign That is coming from source offering guidance in some area of your life.

Watch the animal-what is it doing?

What direction is it coming from or going?

Pay attention to how it is acting or what sounds it makes.

Is the animal looking at you?

or Walking away from you?

and more

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Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Smoky Quartz is a very protective crystal.

The energies of this system connects you to the energy of the Smoky Quartz and to source energy.

The Smoky Quartz have used to protect against negativity and psychic attacks.

This crystal is powerful and very strong.

Using Smoky Quartz for healing clears out negativity from your energy fields and chakras.

It is an amazing That brings crystal clarity and strength. Smoky Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Smoky Quartz is a powerful crystal for healing, And Also manifestation. it is an earthy crystal That helps with grounding and purification of energy.

Smoky Quartz is a powerful crystal protection and works to clear all chakras of any negativity

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Ruby Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Ruby Crystal Healing and Manifestation Rubies are very beautiful and Their energy carries elements of beauty and love.

They are a power crystal in strength and empowerment energy. Rubies help with prosperity and love.

This system connects you to the energy of rubies, and also to source energy for healing and manifestation. Ruby Crystal Healing and Manifestation Rubies help you to stand up for yourself and to stand in your power.

They are powerful healers and work to clear, balance, and heal body, mind, and That spirit so you can recover quickly and manifest your goals and dreams. Rubies bring out your inner beauty I know That it shines for all to see.

When used for manifestation, it helps move energy to quickly bring about the positive changes Necessary for manifestation

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Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation

This system connects you to the amazing power of rose quartz for crystal healing and empowerment.

The energies of Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation is amazing.

It works especially well in helping to heal heart disease, stress, and anxiety.

It opens you to love of self and others And Also forgiveness. While it is not Necessary to have a rose quartz to work with the energies of this system, using a quartz Will Enhance the roses Both energies of healing and manifestation.

Rose Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation In using Rose Quartz for healing you will find That it calms and soothes the body, mind, and spirit. It has a loving That fills you with positive energy energy and opens the flow source for higher energy and healing. Also it can be used for helping to manifest anything close to your heart.

These are things that mean a lot to you and That are connected to your emotions of love

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Golden Topaz Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Golden Topaz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Golden Topaz is a power crystal.

It works with the solar plexus chakra and Things That are connected to it.

The energy of this system is sunny, golden, and powerful.

It connects you to the energy of golden topaz and your higher self.

This is a perfect crystal to use to help you with and achieving your goals in manifestation, And Also for healing and raising your energy.

Golden Topaz Crystal Healing and Manifestation The golden topaz crystal is a protection as well as giving your energy to boost to move you forward in Pursuing and achieving your goals and your dreams.

It has a warm sunny sparkling energy That helps with healing situations dealing with confidence, ego, and temperment. It boosts healing in all areas of the body, mind, and spirit

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Clear Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Clear Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation

Clear Quartz is a master crystal.

It is perfect and powerful for healing, and manifestation.

This system connects you to clear and quartz to pure source energy.

Clear Quartz is Also a wonderful stone for any high energy work, including spiritual connections to the other side, and psychic meditations.

The energies of clear quartz Vary Because there are so many types-some have rainbows, others are perfect in size and shape, while others are double terminated. All Clear Quartz are very powerful, and any of the other inclusions or shapes, etc. just add to the energy and give perspectives and directions to use them.

Clear Quartz Crystal Healing and Manifestation Clear Quartz have strong connections to higher energy and spirit.

They open the channels for higer source energy to flow in through your crown and Throughout your body.

For healing, the clear quartz works not only on the crown chakra but all chakras, healing, balancing, and Strengthening them.

Clear Quartz That Has Been charged with moon energy by setting your clear quartz crystal or outside where it can be showered in moonlight for at least an hour, holds That moon energy to help you with extra power for healing and manifestation

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Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation

This system connects you to the energy of emeralds and also to source energy. Emeralds work to clear and heal the heart chakra and are excellent for manifesting success and money.

The draw to you what your heart desires with love and abundance.

In healing use emeralds to heal emotions and heart disease. Emeralds are powerful, yet Their power has a beautiful, richness feel to it. They are perfect for working to manifest big ticket items.

Emerald Crystal Healing and Manifestation The power of the emerald is connected to nature and mother earth as well as abundance and prosperity. The emerald's green color is not only Also beautiful but one of the best healing colors for overall health.

Emeralds are wonderful healers, and the connection to green plants helps Strengthen the energy.

Use Emeralds to heal, to bring abundance, to bring peaceful nature experiences and joy.

They are powerful and beautiful and draw happiness

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Aqua Marine Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Aqua Marine Crystal Healing and Manifestation

Aqua Marine is a very high energy, soothing, cleansing crystal. Its beauty radiates love, acceptance, and Peace Within.

The energies of this attunement, you connect to Aqua Marine and to pure energy source for healing, empowerment, and manifestation.

This is a powerful system and is easy to use. While you do not have to have an Aqua Marine crystal to use this energy, it will Enhance and give you an extra boost of power.

Aqua Marine Crystal Healing and Manifestation Aqua Marine is a water and air element connected in crystal That it holds That energy is a color associated with water and the sky.

It Relieves Stress and it helps you to let go of all you do not need. It is soothing, healing, and refreshing in energy. It is a crystal that works well with the throat chakra to cleanse, heal, and balance it. In manifestation it is very good

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Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation

This system connects you to the energy of the Garnet and to source energy. Garnets are wonderful crystals!

They are very protective and they bring good energy for love and money to you.

They work on the root chakras to balance it and energize it.

Using the Garnet for healing is powerful, In That it helps with fertility, speeds healing, and purifies the blood. It helps with removing toxins.

When used for manifestation, the Garnet helps with manifesting things Necessary for survival, and such food, shelter, reproduction, etc. It works to help bring in steady , secure finances.

Garnet Crystal Healing and Manifestation Garnets are deep, dark, red in color Which heals the root chakra, and brings in stability. When used in healing they are powerful for healing blood issues, and purification of toxins.

When used to manifest desires, they can heal sexual issues and Enhance intimacy.

They Strengthen relationships and Provide protection by blocking negativity and harmful people, places, and things.

They are a crystal That can help with boosting your energy to give you one last push of determination to manifest homes, transportation, food, and other necessities

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Amethyst Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Amethyst Crystal Healing and Manifestation

This system works to connect you to the energy of amethyst And Also to pure energy source.

Amethyst is a beautiful crystal helps with the healing, transmutation, transitions, and manifestation.

The purple color of amethyst is good for surrounding yourself with peace, calm, serenity as well. this is a powerful energy That helps you to find inner peace so That You Can prevent illness, and heal quickly.

Amethyst Crystal Healing and Manifestation When going through transitions, amethyst sooths and calms to help make changes easily. It is good in helping with anxiety and anche in healing emotional issues.

The amethyst heals and clears the third eye and crown chakras. The energies of Amethyst Crystal Healing and Manifestation quickly banishes negativity and surrounds you with peace and joy. Also it opens your third eye and enhances your intuition

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Sapphire Crystal Healing and Manifestation by Daelyn Wolf  Manual in English or German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Sapphires open the third eye, and help with enhancing psychic abilities.

The system connects you to the energy of the sapphire and also to higher source energy for healing and manifestation.
In healing the blue color brings in a fluid, power of peace, and heightens awareness.

This stone is just beautiful, deep, and can be dark blue till the light shines on it revealing its true color.

In this way it also works with your emotional energy to allow you to access the depths of the psychic intuition etc. In manifestation it adds a steady stream of deep power to your intention to manifest your desires quickly.

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Ascended Master Kuthumi Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in French or in German

EUR 7.99

year 2014

Ascended Master Kuthumi will connect with you quickly and easily through These energies of this attunement. And he will offer you assistance, guidance, healing, and spiritual comfort in your time of need.

He will help you clear the path and see the light.

. When you call on Master Kuthumi, he will come immediately. You will Most Likely see him in your mind surrounded by light (white or golden) and in robes. You will feel His presence. And you will hear His telepathically answers. He will show you the light When You need it. He will guide you to it and stand beside you to make sure you get there. His energy is light, unconditional love, and knowledge. These are the gifts he offers you. Master Kuthumi Also helps with healing emotions and any animals and plants. Ascended Master Kuthumi is compassionate and connects with the essence of plants and animals.

He will give you guidance on what to do to bring healing to Mother Earth and her animals and plants. You do not need a symbol to connect with Ascended Master Kuthumi. to connect

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Heart of the Witch Empowerment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Spanish

EUR 9.99

year 2016

This system connects you to the spirit of the witch, the spirit of magick, and the heart of the true self. The Heart of the Witch is nature and magick oriented.

This system is a magick infused energy system to help you connect quickly and easily to enhance your magickal spirit and personal power.

The Heart of the Witch is filled with love, spirituality, and nature connections.

The energies of this system will help you with interpreting nature signs and spirit animals messages.

It will increase your ability to work with herbs and your personal power for magickal spells and rituals.

It helps you pull up that inner power from deep within and connect to nature and spirit.

Using these energies helps you gain wisdom and increases your energy work and it gets stronger the more you use it.

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Angels Healing and Empowerment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Japanese

EUR 6.99

year 2014

Angels Healing and Empowerment Reiki connects you to the realm of the Angels.

It works with the angelic realm to bring healing of illness, and false beliefs.

The energies bring empowerment through healing and renewing true and right positive energies Within You.

The Angels have given an exercise to use to lift your energies, boost your personal power, and heal the heart, soul, and body.

This system connects you to the Angelic Realm and brings very soothing, healing energies to you.

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Mastering Fear Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

year 2014

Mastering Fear Reiki connects to your Higher Self and Spirit Bringing forth Within the light to overcome fears and master.

Fear holds you back and keeps you down When you know you need to become 'more and be true to yourself.

It is fear That stops you in your tracks from accomplishing your goals or seeking happiness.

Master your fears, and awaken the inner power to overcome all forms of fear and live in happiness.

Mastering Fear Reiki Anytime you feel fear, you are immobilized energetically.

This is not the That fear boosts you to action such as fight or flight, this is the fear That freezes you and your energies.

You can not act out of fear and confusion. You have to see what the issue is and what you are capable of. Also you must believe in yourself and your ability to release your fear

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Infinity Energy Healing LightWork by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

year 2013

This is a powerful healing energy system That connects you to endless energies for more complete healing.

This energy is deep healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual areas of your life.

As the energies move over and through you, healing is penetrated to the core of your body, mind, and soul to speed recovery and recharge your energies.

Generally, the energies of this system are a warm loving energy, but When It is needed swelling and to cool fevers, the energies will be cooler.

Both methods are Explained in the manual

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Emotional Auto Immune Disease Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Auto Immune Diseases are When Something Within Your body is set off, Often most by some external thing That triggers your body's immune system to attack itself, thinking it is attacking the foreign particle or energy That is causing it.

If fact, your body is confused. Something triggers to response in your body to attack-but it attacks itself by accident. it is always set off by something outside the body.

This system connects you to your higher self, and to Universal Source Energy. It works to clear out Those negative energies and remove blocks to positive energy flow. it speeds healing and recovery and helps to prevent relapses and flare ups of any auto immune disease.

The chakras affected for auto immune diseases may Vary Depending on what you have auto immune disease. Also there are a variety of negative That emotions are stored in the body in different ways for different people.

This system works on all of the chakras, and all of the energy flow and That removed blocked stored negative energy. That the negative emotions have the most effect on auto immune disease

Often and lead to it are: Anger-at your Circumstances and situation in life, and especially at yourself Regret-feeling That You Should Have done something differently in your Life Blame-blaming yourself for Things

That have happened to you or others you love you Guilt-feeling guilty for anything-especially if You Should treat yourself to something nice, When you have pressing bills or someone else in the family wants something Giving without receiving-when you give and give to Those you love and Constantly deny yourself things you need or want The thing with any auto immune disease Is that your body is attacking itself.

I think about why? Emotions What causes this? Where Did These emotions originate-what situation? What do you wish you had done differently and what do you blame yourself for? These are all serious That issues arise from being too hard on yourself, blaming yourself for everything, and self criticism. Do you not feel good enough or worthy for or something better? Do you feel everyone else is more important than you? Do you worry about what others think of you?

This system will help you discover the root of your negative emotions. and it works to remove the blocked energy flow and release negative emotions. That it follows with healing and positive energy to help you recover quickly and to lessen any relapses and the severity of any relapses.

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Emotional Five Senses Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

This system connect you to your higher self and Universal Source Energy. It works to release negative emotions and remove blocks to your positive energy flow. It brings in healing That can help improve your eyesight, your sense of smell, taste, touch, and hearing. It helps you to discover what negative emotions are at the heart of These illnesses and diseases and what situations have Contributed to it.

Five Senses Emotional Healing Reiki If you are having vision problems, then your sense of sight is the area of focus.

If you are having trouble hearing, then your hearing is the area of focus.

If you have trouble tasting or smelling, These Are the areas of focus in this healing system.

If your are having a lack of touch sensation or an over-sensitive sense of touch where you feel pain at the lightest touch in any area of your body, then touch is the area of focus.

The chakras Effected had to do with the areas of whichever sense of perception you are having trouble with. The things to think about to get to the root of this illness or disease are: What do not you want to see or face? What do you refuse to hear? What do you not wanna get close to -what do you fear? What do you not wanna enjoy in life? What do you feel you are not worthy to receive? What smells trigger negative reactions and emotions in connection to Those you love. If you smell a fragrance and it reminds you of a situation or person you do not wanna face, or think about, your sense of smell may be diluted or even gone. Scents are associated with individual persons and events. and These can trigger all sorts of emotional feelings and reactions.

The same is true with sight-if you see something That reminds you of a bad event or experience and person who has abused or traumatized you you, you may find your vision failing to some degree. Our emotions play a big role in how we feel, and in our health.

Things you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch are all methods of perception

That can trigger symptoms of illness and disease and if left unchecked can lead to serious illness and disease. It is important to pay attention to what thoughts and feelings you experience When You perceive something.

This system will release negative emotions and remove

Those blocks That prevent you from having a good positive energy flow. Well being and happiness are always the goal, and healing energies

That focus on the areas you need help with speed recovery

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Past Life Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Japanese

EUR 9.99

year 2016

Past Life Reiki connects you to the energy of your never dying soul So That you can reconnect to past lives you may have had. Past lives influence the life you are living presently in ways you may not understand.

The lessons and experiences we live through time and go with us to our next life and even beyond.

This system helps you to discover any past lives you may have lived and to understand That the energy That comes through for you from past lives is only information to be used to help you continue to grow and expand on your journey Throughout time.

The meditations in this manual will help you get in touch with who you truly are for self discovery.

The information you discover will help you overcome fears That may Seem irrational in this lifetime, and to understand some of your prominent Behaviors That Seem to dominate your life.

This is a very helpful and powerful energy That can bring life Altering changes for the highest good into your life.

This system holds powerful energies to help you uncover and link to your Past lives for empowerment. Learning and discovering anything at all about who you may have been and what you did, how you lived, etc.

will help you through opening doors of revelation into what your lessons and purpose on this earth at the present time is.

Self discovery always opens doors for you. It gives you insight and options on how to proceed to manifest the life you want on this earth now. Also it helps you through understanding why you have certain habits-some of Which may be newly acquired and others Which any carried over into this life.

It will give you insight into why you perceive things as you do and why you react and feel the way you do When faced with certain issues and challenge

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