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Magick Reiki Creativity - Kreativität by Daelyn Wof Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Creativity is a magick infused system that works to help you with creative projects, and finding creative solutions for problems.

It works to help you remove blocks to creativity also but its major energy is in bring inspiration.
The energies of this system are easy to use.

Use it when you need to find solutions to problems, and when you need to find inspiration in any creative project.

Creativity is not only in painting and writing, but comes into play with any area of your life from cooking to love.

Magick Reiki Creativity draws in that extra creative boost of inspiration that helps you be successful with whatever you are working on.

Receive manual in english or in german,chi ball attunement,lineage


 9,99 EUR



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Magick Reiki Confidence - Zuversicht by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Confidence is an energy infused system that combines magick and reiki.

The energies continuously renew and cannot be used up.

Magick Reiki Confidence connects you to your higher self and spirit. It works to raise your confidence so that you can be successful.

It brings in the power of belief and faith in yourself.

There is courage and strength of personal power added to this energy system.

Use it to help you stand in your personal power and to be successful.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Cleansing - Klärung by Daelyn Wolf Manual in english or in german

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Cleansing is an energetically charged system that combines magick and reiki to give you powerful energies.

It works to clear out and cleanse your personal energy fields –aura, chakras, etc. and also to clear and cleanse your sacred space, your home, car, office and more!

This system is very powerful and is so easy to use.

Visualize the symbol and with the snap of your fingers, you can cleanse and clear out any negative energies.

This removes all those heavy oppressive energies that weigh you down so that positive energies can flow in.

It is a powerful system that you can use anywhere anytime.

Receive manual in eglish or in german ,chi ball attunement,lineage


 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Better Business Bessere Geschäfte by Daelyn Wolf manual in english or in german

EUR 9.99

This is a magick energy infused system.

It combines magick and reiki.

It constantly recharges and so you cannot use it up.

Magick Reiki Better Business connects you to the energy of successful, prosperous business and to creative source energy.

It also aligns your personal energy so that you are esonating with increasing your business and being prosperous.

It is very easy to use. Just connect to the energies and allow them to work toward Better Business by increasing your clients and abundance through your business.

The energies are powerful and you should see results quickly.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Perfect Job Perfekter Job by Daelyn Wolf manual in english or in german

EUR 9.99

The Magick Reiki Perfect Job system is magick infused with energy to help you draw your perfect job to you.

It opens opportunities and helps you to see them so that you can do what is necessary to get the job you want.

This system is easy to use.

Once the energies are set in motion, you just allow them to work for you drawing in people, places, things you need to get the job you want.

It also helps you to get a job that pays well.

There may be things you need like training, education and more, all of which comes to you and falls into place to assist you in getting the job that is perfect for you at this time

Receive manual in english or in german ,chi ball attunement lineage


9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Perfect Home Perfektes Heim by Daelyn Wolf Manual in english or german

EUR 9.99

This system connects you to the spirit of the perfect home that is right for you.

It connects you to your higherself and works to help you find the home that you need.

It can draw you together with a home to rent, or purchase depending on what you want at the time.

It will help with finding the place to live that is affordable and suits your needs and personality.

House hunting is hard enough, but with these energies it will speed up the process and draw you to the place that you have in mind and would like to live in.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Money - Geld by Daelyn Wolf manual in english or in german

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Money is a magick energy infused reiki system that connects you to the realm of money and to your higher self and creative source energy.

It constantly renews so you cannot use it all up. It works to draw money and opportunities to you.

It is a powerful system, that aligns you with the energy of money.

In order to draw money and prosperity you have to be in alignment with the energies of it.

If you are not aligned, you cannot manifest it.

Any time you combine the power of magick with reiki, you boost your personal power and strengthen your connection to money in positive ways.

Receive manual english or german ,chi ball attunement ,lineage


 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Fast Cash - schnelles Geld by Daelyn Wolf manual in english or in german or in Japanese

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Fast Cash is a magick infused reiki system that draws fast cash to you.

It works to help your money flow quickly and easily to you.

When you need to have some cash in your pocket right away for whatever reason, this energy system helps you get it in unexpected positive ways.

The energies of this system are easy to use.

It works to help set in motion your desire for some money to come to you fast.

It allows you to be ready to receive the money when you need it. Money flows to you for whatever you want it for.

Receive manual in english or in german ,chi ball attunement ,lineage


 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Good Luck - Glück by Daelyn Wolf Manual in english or german

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Good Luck connects you to the spirit of positive good luck and to creative source energy.

This is a magick energy infused system that works to help draw good luck your way.

The energies of this system continuously renew.

Using the energies boosts your luck and draws good things to you.

Receive manual english or in german ,chi ball attunement lineage


 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Evil Be Gone Böses sei verschwunden by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

This is a magick energy infused system that will help banish evil.

If you are having negative energy around you or troublesome spirits, this system will help you get rid of it.

Often spirits or ghosts are attracted to our energy or to our light and they my attache and try to stay around you.

There are good spirits who will never harm you and want to help.

But the ones we are talking about in this system and dark spirits and you will need to banish them.

This system is easy to use and once the energies are set in motion they will continue to work to keep you safe and remove all negative energies and entitites.

Receive manual english or in german ,chi ball attunement ,lineage


 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Protection - Schutz by Daelyn Wolf manual in english or in german

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Protection is an energetically charged system that holds protection within its very essenced.

As you work with the energies of this system you will find that there is Magick in the pictures and the very manual itself.

This energy can be u sed for protection for yourself, others, animals, plants, your home and car, and more.

Wherever you go there are negative energies lurking. Magick Reiki Protection allows you to visualize the symbol and send up instant protection with the snap of your fingers.

It is a powerful protection magick that combines with reiki energies.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Beauty - Schönheit by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Beauty is an energy infused system.

The energies of magick and reiki are combined within the manual and the symbols to enhance the energies when you work with them.

The energies connect you to your spirit soul higher self and to creative source energy. As you work with the energies your true beauty radiates from within.

The energies work to give you a brighter, more youthful appearance as it radiates outward.

There is in fact a bit of “glamour magick” in this system.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Love - Liebe by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Japanese

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Love is and energy infused system that releases the magick as you use the energies.

It is a never ending energy always renewing so you cannot use it all up.

The energies connect you to your soul and higher self as well as creative source.

It is a system that combines magick and reiki.

It helps with finding a new love, a soul mate, and also with strengthening and healing relationships.

It opens your heart to receive and give love on a soul level.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Money House Blessing - Haus Geldsegnung by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Magick Reiki Money House Blessing connects you to creative source energy and your higher self.

It works to bring blessings to your home for money, happiness, and love. It is a magick energy infused system that is always renewing. The energy can never be used up.

The energy of Magick Reiki Money House Blessing, attracts money blessings and more to your home and family.

It works to bring harmony and postive flow to your house and home.

Once this energy is set in motion, the blessings will begin to flow to you and fill your home with joy.

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9,99 EUR



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Divine Magick Reiki by Daelyn Wolf- manual in english or in german or in Japanese or in French

EUR 9.99

year december 2015

Magick and Reiki are both Divinely inspired and energized.

When you combine Magick and Reiki you get a very powerful high energy that moves through you to and from Divinity.

This energy is the very essence of Magick and it is highly creative.

This personal empowerment allows you to work Magick with Reiki energies

The energies are within the pictures, and the manual itself.

You will be attuned to use this energy, and then using the symbol with the snap of your fingers you can instill these energies into anything and use the magick easily.

This is a highly effective way to tap in to higher energies and the power of Magick to assist you in creating your dreams!

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Reflect Back - Reflektiere Zurück by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Year 2016

Magick Reiki Reflect Back sends back any negative energy that others have sent to you.

Sometimes it is intentionally sent to you and other times the person may not even be aware they have sent this energy to you.

This system is so easy to use and it instantly gets rid of the negative energy and sends it back to the person it came from.

This is a magick energy infused system.

Whenever you are under psychic attack, use the energy of Magick Reiki Reflect Back to return the negative energy sent to you back to the sender.

Any time someone wishes bad things for you, for whatever reason, their negative energy can cause you serious problems that interfere with your life.

Psychic attacks can cause confusion, bad luck, and more.

Magick Reiki Reflect Back works to turn that energy back to the person who sent it to you.

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 9,99 EUR




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Magick Reiki Jinx Removal - Verhexungsentfernung by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

year 2016

This is an energy infused system.

Magick and reiki are joined to create a powerful energy to help you remove any Jinx that might be on you or your loved ones. It does not cause harm to anyone, but it does remove the jinx for good!

This system connects you to spirit and your higher soul self so that you can remove any bad mojo that might have been put on you or attached to you by someone jealous, resentful, or just mean.

The removing of the jinx with these energies is quick and it is easy to use the energies of Magick Reiki Jinx Removal.

It is a very powerful system!

Receive manual english or in German,chi ball attunement ,lineage


 9,99 EUR



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Magick Reiki Hex Breakr Fluchbrecher by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99

Year 2016

This is a magick energy infused system.

The energies combine reiki and magick and works to help you break hexes that enemies or mean people have put on you.

Hexes cause all kinds of problems in finances, relationships, and more.

When someone has put a hex on you, it needs to be broken as soon as possible.

When you have been hexed it is worse than being jinxed. Hexes are a deeper darker magick.
They can cause illness, and destitution if you do not break it.
A jinx may only last a short time, but a hex can continue forever until it is broken.

Using the energies of this system, will help you break this dark magick hold on you once and for all.

Receive manual english or German ,chi ball attunement,lineage

 9,99 EUR




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Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

Yer 2014

Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence connects you to the energies of the color Aqua and to your higher self and spirit .This attunement brings in the flowing ,cleansing ,relaxing energy of the color aqua with a flowing ,soothing feeling.It can be cooling or comfortably warm depending on your intention asyou use the energies .As it helps to remove stress and tension,it relaxes and releases the worries of the day ,which allows you to recharge your energies and feel reneved

Cleansing Aqua Energy Essence is a very fluid energy ..It washes over and through you.

It can be used with intention to cool you down if you have a fever starting to feel heat exhaustion ,or just need to cool off.

And yet ,if you need to feel warmer and more comfortable with intention you can use it to warm up which is helpful in colder climates especially .

The essence of the color aqua is ssothing ,comforting ,relaxing and peaceful.Its association with water and with beauty is healing.The color aqua brings in a fluid motion that helps with moving over ,under around and even through things which is beneficial when it comes to solving problems necessary for joyful living.

Helps to remove energies that are no longer helpful to you through an ethereal washing away of the negativuty caused by worry ,stress and tension .It helps to relieve the tightness feeling that comes with negative emotions

Receive manual english language ,chi ball attunement ,lineage


 6,99 EUR



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Safe Journey Travel Protection Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 8.99


Safe Journey Travel Protection Reiki connects you to spirit and the universal source energy

It works to surround you with protection during any travel journeys you may make

It works to help protect you when you fly ,drive or take a train -bus or subway

It helps protect you while boating also

With so much danger in the world for traveles these days ,any means of drawing extra protection is worth the price

Positive energies that surround you and your loved ones ,may just be the extra push needed to stay safe

Using the energies of this system will also help you on spirit journeys and shamanic meditations

It works to help keep you safe from any negative energy or entity you might encounter while doing your spirit journey and astral travels

this system have one symbol

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 8,99 EUR





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