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Advanced Healing Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99

year 2015

Advanced Healing Lightwork connects you to infinite Intelligence Source Energy for powerful healing

This system works to target specific illness ,wounds and disease using methods of healing that speed healing and relieves pain

There are methods for shrinking burning and light healing ,it works on specific areas that need haeling and there is also a method for general overall healing

You can use this energy on yourself ,others,and animals

It is a powerful healing system that will help you with a more complete healing and speeds up the healing process

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Witch Magick LightWork Program by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Spanish

EUR 9.99

This attunement system works with the energies of magick and universal creative source energy

The symbol helps you connect to the energies quickly and easily

There are 3 attunements to Witch Magic LightWork Program :

Protect Level 1

Empower Level 2

Heal Level 3

Each attunement builds energy to expand into the next level so that your personal power and energies become stronger and more effective as you grow and use them

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Goldfish Joy of Abundance Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

year 2014

The energies of this attunement are all about bringing in joy and abundance ,and happiness

It has a fun energy and is easy to connect with and use

It is a perfect for those times when you need to have a boost of energy or when you are having company and need to boost the energies of your home and office to a lightter ,happier abundant energy

It is a delightful emnergy system that will lift your mood and brighten your day anytime

In many cultures goldfish represent and draw abundance and prosperity

They also lift your spirit and relieve stress

They bring beauty ,serenity calm into your energy fields

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Pink & Gold Success Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in German

EUR 6.99

year 2013

The Energy of Pink & Gold Success Reiki Empowerment connects you to the creative universal source energy and the vibration of the colors of pink and gold .

These colors are actually not only healing but also power colors that bring success and abundance as well

The energies are gentle and beautiful and may bring colorful visionsas you receive your healing,though this may vary by individual people's ability to receive and be open to the higer perceptions

Using these colors alone ,or in combination brings in a unique vibration of success in any area you are working in healing ,abundance ,fame ,love and more !

Receive manual english or in german,chi ball attunement ,lineage


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Magick of Pan Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

year 2013

This attunement connects you to the spirit of the Greek God Pan .

The energies of Pan enhance lustiness ,sensuality and a wilder sense of being .It brings joy and laughter and well as music and celebration as you work with the energies .Pan is a very passionate and charismatic Being.

Pan is a joyous and happy God .He is earthy and lusty and this energy works to help with issues of impotence and fridgity.His love of music often makes him a patron God of musicians and his chrismatic personality often helps to bring in energies of self confidence .If you are having a celebration ,call on the energies of Pan to liven things up

Fragrances that work well with Pan energy are earthy like Patchouli ,woodsy scents and little spice .Though some of those are connected with the fire element ,it is also connected to Pan since he does have a fiery passion and helps to bring those energies to your goals romances and enhancements

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Arkan Sonney Faery Pig Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Finnish or in French

EUR 6.99

Year 2013

This attunement connects you to Arkan Sonney the Faery Pig who brings good luck and good fortune.

This sweet litle pig loves helping with money and good luck .

The Arkan Sonney Faery Pig Empowerment is very happy ,joyful,abundant and lifts your spirits.

Connecting with this Faery brings abundance good fortune and joy

The Arkan Sonney is a very small faery pig with wings.It is pure white with long hair on its back and top of its head .It has pink eyes and red or pink ears that are long and tend to stand up rather than flop down.

This tiny little pig is the essence of good luck and fortune.They are shy and they come from the Isle of Man and Avalon.Arkan Sonney is know as plentiful pig and is attracted to offerings of candy .

These cute piggies have a very sweet personality and are very loyal friends bringing blessings of prosperity ,abundance good luck to all who are kind to them and befriend them .You may find that after working with the Arkan Sonney Faeries for a while ,you begin to find " gifts" of coins that turn uo in your car or furniture ,or you may find gems ,or other valuable gifts that just turn up seemingly out of nowhere .

These faeries love giving you gifts and it is a joyful pleasure to work with them

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Greenwoman Sacred Mother of the Woods by Daelyn Wolf Manual in english or in german

EUR 6.99

Year 2014

Your attunement to Greenwoman -Sacred Mother of the Woods brings in positive energies for healing ,fertility ,abundance and free spirit joy.

The Greeenwoman is the Lady of the Forest and Guardian of the plants and animals .The energies of this attunement connect you to the Greenwoman quickly and also to your higher self for empowerment and joy.

The Greenwoman is rarely seen by anyone in the woods because she has the ability to merge into the trees and plant life.She is one with all that grows in the forest .She protects all in her woods and brings forth fertility of flowers ,trees and animals

All life in her woods is sacred.

The Greenwoman many appear to those who ask and of pure and gentle heart.If you see her ,she may appear as a beautiful woman wearing leaves and flowers .She is able to trasnform herself into plants and on rare occasions may appear as an animal -a female white deer being one in particular.

The Greenwoman will help you with healing as plants are healing and often life sustaining as food ,medicine and energy.And She will help you with fertility and abundance of reproduction.and growth of living positive beings ( animals,people,plantas )

The Greenwoman also assists with bringing playfulness and joy into your life.If you are taking things too seriously she will lighten your oppression and bring laughter to you for healing and joy

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Karma Release and Empowerment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Japanese

EUR 7.99

Year 2014

Karm aRelease and Empowerment Reiki works to connect you to past ,present and future Karma to help you understand and release negative karma from the past and present lifetimes so that you can create the future you want to experience .Kara is not a punishment ,but is the destiny set in motion by your decisions and actions on this earth .It can be released and let go ,and it can be changed to lighten the effects .What you do with the information of your karma will determine what you will achieve in the future.

The energies of this system connect you to your higherself and creative source energy so that you can lighten the burden of any bad karma and learn to send out positive karma to build happiness in the future.You will learn the steps necessary to bring changes to help with reversing the effects of past karma that does not serve you in a positive way .The knowledge and information in this system will empower you to move beyond the barriers of karma that holda you back

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Waning Moon Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf


Waning Moon Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

year 2013

The WaningMoon Empowerment connects you to the energies of the moon in its phase of waning

It also works with the energies of the Dark Goddess and wisdom of the Crone.The energies help you with release ,letting go ,endings and gestation of your ideas and goals etc..

The energies of the Waning Moon is a time of rest ,recuperation and allowing change.

When the moon is Waning ,the light of the moon isgetting smaller.This is a reaffirmation of the cycle of life.Birth -new-moon-maiden,it grows in waxing moon to the full moon mother ,death waning moon crone .Thephases of themoon embrace all of the phases of Maiden ,Mother and Crone of the Tripe Goddess.

The Waning Moon is the time for letting go of things that no longer serve you.

It is time as the moonlight lessens ,to ebrace changes and transitions.

It is time to allow rest and to recharge you energies -time to plan,organize that reflect rather than to take strong actions.

There is wisdom in this phase of the moon.Wisdom of the ages ,that speaks of the cycle of things and the promise of rebirth

In Magick ,you will find that working with the DarkGoddess is most Hecate ,Kali and Morgana are among the Dark Goddessesthat will empower you with wisdom ,transition ,change self confidence ,strengthand very very strong protection during the Waning oon .While you can call on and invoke these or any Dark Goddess during any phase of the moon ,the Waning Moon the most powerful time for working with these energies.

Use the Waning Moon to bring prosperity ,abundance ,love joy,healing or any other desire of apositive nature.

You do this by stating your request to the Dark Goddess to release and remove poverty ,lack lonliness ,sorrow,sickness etc..

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Aura Clearing and Healing Reiki by Daelyn Wolf manual in English or in Japanese

EUR 7.99

year 2014

Aura Clearing and Healing Reiki connects you to Higher Source Energy and to your Higher Self.

The energies work to help clear and remove any unwanted energies in your aura and to fill that space with positive healing energies of love and light.Often ,things can attach to our energy fields and become blocks to our growth and expansion.The energies of this system assist you in removing those negative or outdated energies that have become attached and stuck in your aura .

As we go through our days living and taking care of ourselves and others ,doing normal things we need to do ,we may begin to notice that we feel heavy ,weghed down ,or sluggish.It may feel like something is blocking us from moving forward or causing us to have a lack of energy to get motivated or do anything .We might start to put things off,or feel listess.

These are all symptoms

of having something negative or no longer needed stuck in our auric energy feld.

These negetive energies that get stuck in our Aura ,as they are picked up from other people ,placed things and situations and issues that come up.They stick to your energy fields like glue and often won't let go unless you consciously remove them

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Flight of the Pegasus Empowement by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Finnish or in Japanese

EUR 6.99

year 2013

The energy of the Pegasus is very pure white light.

Is is one of healing ,love ,peace,and joy.The attunement to Flight of the Pegasus Empowerment connects to the energies of the Pegasus and Creative Source for power ,healing,inspiration and joy.This attunement feels very happy,light,and bright when you receive it.The Pegasus connects to your heart chakra and spreands throughout to help you shine from within to be whole ,happy and complete.

Flight of the Pegasus

THe Pegasus are winged horses which are well know for their purity and healing.They most often appear white in color ,though they can be any color.They are connected to angels and the Goddess.Their energies are very high and pure.

Working with the Pegasus raises your energy and clears your aura and chakras .Negative energy cannot stay within the same energy as such a high energy Being.This contributes a lot to their powerful ability to heal themselves and others.As light Beings ,the Pegasus regenerate and shine even brighter any time dark energies try to harm them.

The Pegasus are also messengers of the MUse and bring a very positive inspiration.If you have a problem you are seeking solutions to ,the Pegasus will guide you to the right desisions and opportunities.And anything that involves creativity ,including art ,writing,music will especially receive inspired guidance and be enhanced.

The Pegasus are filled with pure unconditional love and compassion ,and it radiates from within them.As you work with their energies,your heart chakra clears and brightens and this spiritual light begins to radiant from within you ,lighting up all of your chakras and reaching out into your aura to clear your path

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Gwragedd Annwn -Welsh Water Faery Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in Finnish

EUR 6.99

Gwragedd Annwn are the Ladies of the Lake

In the legends of King Arthur,the Lady of the Lake gave up the magickal sword Excalibur to help heal the land and bring justice and equality .

The energies of this attunemnet connects you to the Gwradedd Annwn Faeries.

They are pure white energy spirits that are natural healers .

They help with glamour magicks,healing and good health ,beauty and sex magicks ,and living life to the fullest .

Glamour magicks are used to help projet a vibrant aura that brings strength,empowerment, and confidence .It is helpful when applyng for a job or position of authority or even a loan.

This helps you to project that sure,knowlegable,chrisma that helps things go your way .

In healing the Gwragedd Annwn is able to bring speed to recovery and a more complete healing.When using herbals for healing with this the energies of this attunement ,you will disocver that it strengthens the healing of both the erbs and the actual healing

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Magick & Healing of Sweet Basil Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

Sweet Basil is an herb that is often not given the credit it deserves for its magickal properties and is healing energies .

This attunement connects you to the energies of the essence of Sweet Basil for empowerment and Healing.

You will also learn how to use this specific herb for Magick and Healing to assist you with protection ,healing prosperity,good luck,and love.

This sweet little herb is very powerful!

Considered to be masculine ,and a fire element ,Mars herb,Sweet Basil is very magickal

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Magick & Healing Inspiration of the Willow Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

The Attunement to MAgick and Healing Inspiration of the Willow Empowerment connects you to the Spirit of the Willow Tree.It holds a strong connection to the moon and the Goddess as well as working to help heal and restore your energies .

Working with the energies of this attunement also draws inspiration to enhance any form of creativity

The Willow is connected to the moon and the Goddess and is sacred to Brighid.The Willow sways in the breeze ,her energy is flowing ,gentle ,soothing.She gives healing and a release from tension and stress.The Willow also was used as a pain and fever reducer and originally aspirin was born of the medicinal proprieties of this tree

The Willow seeks water and this brings in the magick of the moon and water along with cleansing and release .The feminine connection to the Willow is the result of the graceful appearance and flowing of her branches .the Willow 's energies also enhance psychic abilities and intuition

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Magick & Beauty of the Maple Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

The Magick and Beauty of the Maple Empowerment connect you to the spirit of the Maple tree and draws in powerful magickal energies that enhance your inner beauty and yoy through empowerment .

Working with these energies helps you to realize your inner truth and helps bring out a sense of sweetness in attitude from within.

The energies can also be used to help bring harmony to relationships and to " sweeten" the attitude of others.

To restore or enhance self -esteem or confidence

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by Daelyn Wolf Magick Balance & Harmony -White ,Gray ,Black Empowerment Reiki

EUR 7.99

by Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

There is otten confusion about where to draw the line on white magick verses black magick.Most people understand that wishing harm on others is definitely in the dark energy realm.However energy is energy ,and has to true good or bad aspects .It is us that decides and judges what is good and what is bad

There really are no distinctions between white and black witches -there are only witches.

This is a lightwork reiki system

Though it deals with some of the shadowed areas of magick and energy work ,it does not give rise to dark energies that harm you or anyone else .It is all for healing ,love and light

To use enhance your magickal abilities ,wisdom and empowerment

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Magick & Abundance of the Pine and Cedar Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

The Magick and Abundance of the Pine and Cedar Empowerment connects you to the spirit of these fragrant evergrrens to help you become more empowered in ways that bring in more abundance and positive energies .The pine and Cedar trees are often tall and massive trees that well established as representing abundance and happiness.Working the spirit of these trees will draw in the magick of abundance as well as enhance harmony in relationships

Cedar wood banishes nightmares ,attracts money ,and purifies your home or sacred space .Burning cedar wood is also good for meditation as its fragrance lifts your mood and heightens intuition.The leaves of cedar can be carried in your wallet to draw money .

The energies can be used physically ,or etherically .

When you use the energies of this attunement and focus on the cedar energies you will find that your connection to the spirit of the cedar is quick and the energies being working for you immediately .

Using the symbol does enhance the powers and speeds up the results

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 by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

This Attunement connects you to the Spirit of the Oak Tree

It brings energies of strength to empower you with courage ,determination and the magickal properties of the Oak .

The mighty Oak Tree is well known for drawing abundance ,for its strength and for its protection.

Working with the energies of this attunement helps to overcome obstacles and draws abundance ,as well as healing to those who seek empowerment

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Power of Autumn Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

Power of Autumn Reiki Empowerment

The Power of Autumn connects you to the energies and power of the season of autumn and higher energies source for empowerment, drawing abundance, beauty, and healing.

This energy is rewarding, and positive.

Receiving energy. It brings in a feeling of joy in completion of goals.

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Power of Spring Reiki Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 6.99

Power of Spring Reiki Empowerment

The Power of Spring Reiki Empowerment connects you to the energies of the season of spring, and to higher energies source for empowerment and healing.

Working with the energies of the Power of Spring brings in fresh starts, new beginnings, cleansing purification, healing, and empowerment.

The energies of this system are gentle, refreshing, and healing.

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