Trade Reiki Trilogy by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German
EUR 9.99 year 2017
—Part 1—Mind and Logic
The Trade Reiki Trilogy—Mind and Logic connects you to the higher mind and source energy.
The energies of this system work to enhance the logical mind so that you can make sound decisions, with the emphasis on business and trade.
Whenever you make trades you must always understand the consequences of your decisions.
This means you are basically working with the “if this, then that” or “A + B = C” mindset.
The energies of Trade Reiki Trilogy – Part 1 – Mind and Logic deals with a lot of common sense and also probabilities. Working with this energy helps promote a balanced energy of the mind for dealing with business and making trades, and also business deals that prove to be profitable and “win win” for everyone involved.
This is a wonderful energy that improves and balances your mind in connection with logic and business dealings of all kinds.
It is very beneficial to improve and enhance making choices and decisions the lead to prosperity and wealth.
Trade Reiki Trilogy—Part 2—Emotional Energy
Trade Reiki Trilogy—Part 2—Emotional Energy connects you to your higher self and source energy for empowerment, motivation, and prosperity. The reason for trading is to be prosperous and abundant.
There are emotions involved with any decisions you make.
Some may take it to a more personal level which can lead to great euphoria or the lows of worry and fear of loss. Emotions are created by the thoughts you have about what you perceive. When you perceive something like a business chart or stock exchange of some kind you will have thoughts about these bits of information. Your thoughts about what information you perceive, creates emotions, which create actions and reactions.
It is important that you only allow positive thoughts in order to manifest the results you want for prosperity. Negative thoughts create negative emotions and negative reactions to the emotions, and you get negative results.
The energies of Trade Reiki – Emotional Energy helps to keep your thoughts and emotions positive and moving forward toward the goals of success, abundance, and prosperity.
The energies of this system help you to stay focused on achieving the results you want and the positive energies of empowerment and success in business trades, and business deals and in stock trades. You will find that your inner guidance will come through with ideas, thoughts, and motivations toward success when you need it most to help you be successful. You will be guided with a strong gut instinct and reactions as well as intuition in order to help you achieve success and prosperity.
Trade Reiki Trilogy—Part 3—Action and Change
Trade Reiki Trilogy—Action and Change connects you to pure source energy and to your higher self for success, empowerment, and abundance.
This energy works to connect the mind, the emotions, and the physical realm of manifestation. The changes come about to manifest prosperity, abundance, and success as a result of your thoughts, emotional energy to move these thoughts forward, and the actions you take to bring change (manifestation) in your physical world. What you think and feel motivates you to take action and brings change that manifests the results you want.
It is very important that you feel your personal power and that you feel good about making successful business decisions and trades.
The energies of part 3 of Trade Reiki Trilogy, helps to motivate you and keep the energies flowing toward success to accomplish prosperity and abundance in business deals, and stock trades.
It strengthens your positive thoughts and emotions and motivates you to take actions that bring success.
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