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Road Opener Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Road Opener Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Road Opener Reiki

If you have ever felt blocked, Unable to continue your path to success, or just feeling a lack of ability to create anything in your life, this system may be helpful to you.

We all experience times When We work very hard, but just can not get anything done, or make any progress at all.

This is most Often Caused by a blocked path.

This blocked road to success can hold you back and prevent you from and achieving your goals.

We need to open the road to our success and happiness When this happens.

Road Opener Reiki connects you quickly to the higher energies to remove blocks and souce open your path to success and happiness.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

9,99 EUR



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Portal Reiki Healing & Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf - Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Portal Reiki Healing & Empowerment works to heal body, mind, and spirit.

The energies grant empowerment as you learn how to use this energy for healing physical and emotional wounds, as well as working toward healing illness and disease. Also it empowers you as the energies can assist you in manifesting abundance, success, and healthy relationships.

The energy connects you with the highest source energy for healing and empowerment. This is a powerful energy that works on stubborn issues and hard to heal illnesses.

We know there is a realm of energy That is above and around us. An energy realm where the etheric and the well potential lives and thrives. and we Know That if we can connect, we can manifest our desires.

But how do we reach this energy realm?

Where is it?

And what do we do to Achieve our goals?

The etheric energy realm is all around us, but we tend to think of it as above.

The higher realm of energy is everywhere around us and yet it is within US.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Protection Black Energy Essence by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2014

Protection Black Energy Essence connects you to the deep positive energies of the color black and to your higher self empowerment and protection.

The Protection Black Energy is highly protective and works by blocking out negative energies and dissolving negativity.

It is a deep, rich, Also color That is filled with energies of potential and mystery.

The Protection Essence Black Energy is channeled with the intention of connecting to the essence of protection and empowerment.

This energy is powerful and while some may see the color black as being dark and negative-it is actually very protective and comforting.

Black is mysterious, enchanting, sensual, as well.

Black is deep, rich, luxurious, and Represent infinite potential.

It is a power color and an authoritative color.

The color black does not absorb or shut out the light. It enhances the light by making it visible.

happens with the white light shines on it-you can see the light!

There is nothing to fear in the color black.

It is peaceful, soothing, and powerful in its connection to quiet introspection. Looking Within, the beautiful strong color black is a quieting of the mind That Allows well communication with higher spirituality and messages from guides.

The protection energy of the color black surrounds and blocks out negative energy, psychic attacks, and confusion as a wall of protection.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Personal Empowerment Lightwork Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2015

The Personal Power Lightwork Reiki has three attunements.

this system connects you to the Creative Source Energy, and your Higher Self for enlightenment, ascension, and empowerment.

The energies are powerful and assist you with regaining your personal power through working with issues of Communication (level 1), Confidence (level 2), and Loving Worthiness (level 3).

Each attunement Focuses on One of These issues for healing and regeneration, as well as boosting the energies In These areas.

This system works with positive energies of growth, love, trust, and acceptance of your self know That you can move forward toward creating the life you want.

It may be used to help heal These issues for others, but the main focus is on healing and empowerment for yourself.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Zapping the Blues-Emotional Healing & Motivation by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99    year 2015

Zapping the Blues-Emotional Healing & Motivation

Zapping the Blues-Emotional Healing and Motivation system connects you to your higher self and the energy realms to help you overcome feelings of sadness, depression, and helplessness.

We all experience some days or times like this When We just can not Seem to function and feel lost, alone, and Unable to change things.

The energies of this system will help you zap away Those negative feelings and lift your spirits and soften your emotions.

When you just feel there is no hope, this system can help you Zap Those emotional lows and bring positive uplifting energies to you.

Many people experience times When a feeling of sadness Seems To overwhelm you. Often this happens When some situation is going on in That your life is hard to deal with. You may feel overwhelmed, helpless, and depressed. It can be quite devastating to feel this way as it usually you Prevents you from having any motivation to get up and do something about the situation. This is a deep emotional battle Within That makes you feel listless, drains your energy, and steals away your joy. You may know Within That You are powerful, yet you have this feeling of doubt and fear, coupled with helplessness and lack of energy. The situation you are dealing with may be financial, relationship, or health issues. Whatever it is, When this type of depression sets in, it will grab you with an overwhelming sense of helplessness

It is a kind of fear and doubt That paralyzes you so you can not move forward. Know That All of this comes from within you. It is a thought pattern That arises When things get tough, and some people are prone to falling programmed into this pattern of thinking more than others. Some people may have them to more serious form of depression, but even with That, there will be issues or situations That trigger deep depression.

Zapping the Blues works to help heal any form of depression and feelings of overwhelming helplessness.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Manifesting Success Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Manifesting Success Lightwork

Manifesting Success Lightwork connects you to pure source energy and to your higher self for empowerment and healing.

Often success is illusive Because We do not always see the opportunities available, and there are Times When We block our own progress to manifesting success, without We are realizing we are doing it.

In order to be successful, you must align with the energies of success.

The energies of this system help you to align and connect to your personal success easier and much quicker than it would normally take.

Manifesting Success Lightwork Working to manifest success in any area of your life, requires you to stay focused and to keep your focus on the results you want.

It Seems hard to be successful When there is so much going on around you That your attention is drawn to other things. But the most important thing you can do is keep the result you want to manifest in your mind and hold it there, even if it is just for a few minutes each day. You can do this for a couple of minutes several times a day. When distractions happen, you can emotionally devastated you and throw you off track. At that time you will need to sooth your energies know That you do not panic. Try to keep them calm and positive. Sometimes you can not stay positive if your emotions overwhelm you with sadness, anger, or despair. These are all negative emotions and how they can upon you in an instant. Remember, These emotions are reactions to events and Things That happen. To calm yourself down, begin saying to yourself Things That will calm you, such as "there is nothing I can do about it at this moment, I will take care of this as soon as possible, I will do my best, I am working on resolving this, I am doing pretty good considering, I am feeling a little better, I Know That this will work out perfectly, everything will be okay, etc. "

The point is you Those must calm runaway negative emotions in order to move forward. If you do not Those negative emotions will snowball and create negativity.

This is the Easiest way to deal with them and get them in check.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

9,99 EUR



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Cone of Light Energy Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Cone of Light Energy

Cone of Light Energy Lightwork connects you to spirit source energy and light energy quickly for empowerment and healing.

This energy works very fast and is easy to use.

The healing can be used to heal yourself, animals, and others.

Cone of Light Energy Lightwork also works to charge and energize tools to help you with your healing and empowerment

. It is a very powerful system that will speed healing and recovery, and draws in positive energies for empowerment in manifestation.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Animal Spirit Guides Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2015

Animal Spirit Guides Reiki is a very special system

This system connects you to the spirit realm in cui Animal Spirit Guides reside.

The energies to work That quickly connect you so you can discover what Animal Spirit Guides are ready to come forth to assist you on this physical plane.

The Animal Spirit Guides step forward to reveal your personal Animal Guides, some of Which you have Always Been That with you and others come and go. But it Also connects you so That You can ask Which Animal Spirit Guides will step forward to help you with specific issues.

This is a very healing, comforting, loving energy as your Spirit Animal Guides come forward to help you with any challenge you might be facing in your life.

Animal Reiki Spirit Guides Spirit guides are all around you.

Many are with you from birth and stay at of your life. But there are some who are with you for a while and others That come and go. The energy of this system works with animal spirit guides. Animal spirit guides bring in various energies to assist you on your life path, with whatever you are needing help with in this life. Animal guides are very special.

Their energies and assistance. as you These energies work with the animal spirit guides That Are With You will begin to present Themselves know you can meet them and always ask for Their assistance.

Animal Spirit Guides are pure energy, and they exist on the etheric plane.

You can easily access them by using the symbol.

Each animal spirit guides species will have Their Own unique energies.

You can and may have one or many animal spirit guides around you That assists you at the same time.

you will receive pdf manual in english and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Angelic Song Empowerment by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Angelic Song Empowerment connects you to the realm of angels and the harmonic song of angels.

This is a vibrational energy system.

The energy works to bring harmony, abundance, and happiness into your life.

Your connection with angels and the harmony of energies will allow ease of positive flow into your life.

Angels are always with you, and when to you connect in harmony with the flow of angelic song you discover your potential and open your heart and mind to pure, light and love of angels.

To work with the energy of angelic song and harmony, will help you with self discovery, flow of happiness, love, and positive energy, including abundance. It is all about connecting to and Allowing the flow as freely with no expectations or conditions. It is a BE-ing positive harmony.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Rosmerta-Goddess of Abundance, Prosperity, and Healing by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2015

This system connects you to the Goddess for personal Rosmerta empowerment and success. Rosmerta brings blessings for material well being, increased At business, investment, and more.

She is a fertility Goddess and she grants harmony and blessings of abundance.

Working with Rosmerta and the of her being compassionate and generous, draws blackberries abundance into your life.

Also Rosmerta is a healer Goddess and she enhances your abilities as a healer.

She will help you with healing yourself and others.

Rosmerta-Goddess of Abundance, Prosperity, and Healing Rosmerta is a Celtic Goddess of fertility and abundance.

Often she is seen magick holding a purse that never empties of money. She is a powerful Goddess with Mercury as a consort.

She is swift to answer your call for assistance.

As a healer, you Rosmerta offers empowerment and energies to Enhance Your healing abilities.

She speeds recovery from surgery and wounds and protects the injured, sick, and vulnerable. Rosmerta is healing a strong energy that never wavers in its strength and intensity, and yet there are no side effects of her healing energies.

You or whoever you are working for the healing, will heal quickly, and at a steady peace of improvement.

In areas of prosperity, Rosmerta will help you grow your business, Increase sales, and draw opportunities for Increasing wealth.

Positive energy is When You always surrounding you work with the energies of this attunement.

Rosmerta clears out negativity That may slow your progress or hinder your flow of abundance and prosperity.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Unicorn Blessings Reiki by Daelyn Wolf


Unicorn Blessings Reiki by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99    year 2015

Unicorn Blessings Reiki 

Ahh-the magick of Unicorns!

They are so well as in energy, so high energy, and so stunning to look upon.

This attunement connects you to the brilliance and high energy of unicorns.

It draws Their blessings upon you as they will open to accept you among Their ethereal existence. To see to unicorn in the physical realm is a divine experience. Once you are connected to the energies of Unicorns you will be in harmony with them and working with Their energy for healing, blessings, and manifestations is much easier.

You will learn to access Unicorn energy quickly and each time you use and work with the energies you will receive the blessings of the Unicorns.

For any energy Work That is connected to Unicorns can only be of a positive nature.

The Blessings of the Unicorns are wonderous!

Working with Unicorns is an enlightening experience.

Their energy is so loving That just being near one That makes you feel oneness with all, universal love. Unicorns are rarely seen. They are not only beautiful, but powerful BE-ings of light. They will help you with any positive intention. And they will grant wishes if they feel it is for a good and just cause.

They are natural healers, with the power to heal wounds, sickness, and disease.

The power of the Unicorn horn is legendary. They are secretive and usually you stay hidden among the trees and underbrush. Using the symbol in this system is a quick and easy way to connect with Unicorns.

When normally, to gain Their trust would take a long time, using the symbol lets them know you are working with light energies. The Unicorn will grant you abundance, prosperity, love, harmony, healing, and protection. She is a generous BE-ing of the light. But you must always Her appreciate assistance. Often she will grant your wishes. She will open the doors of opportunity and give you a push to walk in. She will stay with you as a spirit guide Should you ask her and never take her forgranted. She will shower you with blessings of light and love.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

9,99 EUR


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Magickal Springs Water Reiki-Fresh, Cleansing, Renewal by Daelyn Wolf

EUR 9.99  year 2015

This reiki system connects you to the energies of water and magickal springs.

There is magick in spring water That is more potent than you might think.

It brings in a connection to the fairies, Which live along and tend to the springs as well.

The Magickal Springs Water Reiki helps with healing through refreshing your energies, cleansing away negativity, and renewal of latent hopes, dreams, and possibilities That You may have pushed aside and forgotten.

This happens to many people through the course of just carrying on with our lives, and it just may be time for you to wake up and renew!

Magickal Springs Water Reiki-Fresh, Cleansing, Renewal As you go through your life, Often our hopes and dreams are pushed aside.

There may Seem to always be other things demanding your attention and I know you do not focus on what you really want.

As you work with the energies of this system, as you will discover That negativity is washed away, things you always wanted to do, be, or have begin to surface again.

Your desires are Renewed for a fresh beginning to assist you on your path to completion of what you were born to do.

The negative energy That Binds you and Prevents you from moving forward and taking action is washed away, cleansed

. Water has a power That most my people simply take for granted.

It has the power to nurture and revive.

As you heal your energies and refresh your dreams, a renewal of your personal power and energy comes forth, just like the renewal of life in spring, your again begin to grow and expand.

This is a very good energy That brings a sense of freshness, and release as That old thought patterns have held you bound are washed away. The Fae are Also very helpful with recharging your energy.

The Water Fae sparkle and fly over and around you as you work with the energies.

They help you with removing stubborn thought patterns and your healing energies-renewing your strength and personal power.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

9,99 EUR



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Magickal Lightwork Advanced Degree Program 1-4 plus Booster Level 5 by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in French

EUR 9.99     year 2015

Multilevel Magickal Lightwork Advanced Degree Program 1-4 plus Booster Level 5

This is a learning system with reiki.

It is a great teaching aid and the energies are powerful as well as giving you a lot of information that is useful and enlightening.

This special offer included booster level 5.

the areas covered in this system are:

Energy Work, tools, sacred space, correspondences, and energy
herbs, crystals and stones, plants ,angels, deities, and animals.

Mastering body, mind, and spirit, bringing it all together, expanded universal laws

This system is very advanced and goes beyond original Magickal Lightwork system

This system helps you to understand how to overcome challenges, how to
raise energies, and how to manifest your desires.

It works to help you advance your knowledge and raise your energies so you can stand in your power.

The energies are very powerful and will help you to be successful prosperous, and happy.

When you combine all of the energies in this system, you learn that Miracles do happen, and no matter who you are you can change your life, and you can gain back your confidence and your personal power to be, have, and do what you love and what you choose.

you will receive 5 pdf manual and chi ball attunement

9,99 EUR



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Myst of the Unicorn Reiki Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99    year 2016

Myst of the Unicorn Reiki connects you to the spirit of the Unicorn, your higher self, universal source, and the realm of the Fae.

This system helps with discovering the mysteries of the Unicorns for empowerment. unicorns help you with creativity, abundance, protection and healing.

And like the Fae, they love to play and spread joy!

Myst of the Unicorn Reiki Lightwork The mysteries of the unicorn are hidden Within the realm of the fae.

You have to connect to them through the unicorn energy and That of the fae.

Once you use the symbol and connect, use your intention to ask and discover the wonders of working with the Unicorns and Their energies.

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 9,99 EUR



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Fae Spirit of the White Phoenix Reiki Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

The Fae Spirit of the White Phoenix Lightwork Reiki connects you to the Realm of the Fae where all of the mystical creatures of magick live. it connects you to the spirit of the White Phoenix for empowerment, healing, and psychic enhancement.

Fae Spirit of the White Phoenix Reiki Lightwork

The white phoenix is a mythical and spiritual well being That is in energy. The White Phoenix will help you with healing, using a white and orange flame to purify and burn away the bacteria and viruses of infections and illness.

She is a creature of the Realm of Faery, and she will surround you Also with healing energy and Enhance Your Psychic Intuition.

Calling on the White Phoenix opens your crown chakra to receive the energies and well blessings.

You may receive messages from the Fae and the White Phoenix through visions or in other ways once you have been attuned to this system.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Fae Spirit of the Bear Reiki Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99   year 2016

Fae Spirit of the Bear Lightwork connects you to the realm of faeries and the spirit of the bear for strength, courage, empowerment, protection, and healing.

Abundance comes to the bear and Those Who work with the energies of the Spirit Bear. Fae Spirit of the Bear Lightwork This system connects you the energies of courage and strength.

The faeries will always be around When You Work With These energies to Encourage you and cheer you on. They love to see you overcome your challenges and to see you endure the trials you face.

Whenever you are working with the energies of the Fae Spirit of the Bear, you can Also communicate with the Fae also. Just ask them for a happy or easy solution Path to Achieve and overcome any challenge. Often they will hold Their palms out toward you to send you encouragement boosts of energy

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

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Faery Reiki Fox Lightwork by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 9.99  year 2016

Faery Fox Lightwork Empowerment Reiki connects you to the realm of fae and the fox faery.

The faery fox is white but usually you is sometimes red. They are smaller than most foxes, and though the fae love all foxes, this little fox is a magickal creatures That is rarely seen by humans.

Somewhat of a playful being, the fox faery brings happiness, playfulness, and teaches the ares of enjoying life.

Often it is an area of our lives we forget as we grow up and take on the Responsibilities of adulthood. But The Faery Fox will teach you how to have fun again!

The Faery Fox is shy around humans.

It only Reveals itself to Those Who are of good spirit.

Using the energies of this system, you can connect with the Faery Fox and experience the joy of its energy. Pay attention to your inner child callings, as this will direct you and guide you in things you can do to bring joy into your life.

And Whenever You use These energies, it will relieve your stress and tension as you are filled with the spirit of the Faery Fox and the happy playfulness of its energy.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 9,99 EUR



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Love and Acceptance Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99   year 2016

Love and Acceptance Reiki connects you to universal energy source and to your soul energy.

It works to help you learn to love yourself and to treat yourself with love and kindness.

Also it helps you to not only accept yourself, but others also as they are. If you want to truly experience love, Also you must love yourself and others and allow all to be who they are. Loving someone, including yourself means giving yourself the freedom to and others to live and be happy.

Love and Acceptance Reiki To be happy, you must love yourself and treat yourself with kindness.

You Also must allow yourself to be who you are Within.

Do not ever talk down to yourself or put youself down.

Accept who you are as you are.

If you do not like something about yourself, it is okay to work on changes That Are positive. It is a good thing to work to always improve yourself.

But even if you want to change some things about yourself, you still need to accept yourself as you are.

You are worthy.

You would not talk to a friend in the same way you do yourself When You Are talking down to yourself. Also it is important That You allow yourself and others you love and care about a chance to grow and live life in ways That Make you and them happy.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 7,99 EUR



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Money Flood Empowerment Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German

EUR 7.99  year 2015

Money Flood Empowerment Reiki connects you to spirit, higher self, and creative source energy, to open the flood gates Which Allows money to flood in.

The energies of this system is powerful.

It draws money to you and helps you be ready to receive and use it wisely.

You may feel as sense of uplifting and joy as you work with the energies in this system

. this will draw to you more money from unexpected sources as well. using the energies of this system helps you to be in the right place at the right time for opportunities to increase to your cash flow.

The energies of this system, connect you to abundance flow in the form of money, your higher self, and Infinite Intelligence for empowerment. it works to help you access the stored abundance you have created in the etheric world.

Everything you have ever wanted in a positive way is Already created and it is waiting for a plan That is yours alone for you to claim it in the physical realm.

Money Flood aligns your energies to be in harmony with money and empowers you to connect to abundance on all levels.

When you connect, and are in alignment, the flood gates open and flood of money flows to you.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

7,99 EUR


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Healing Anxiety Reiki by Daelyn Wolf Manual in English or in German or in Italian or in Spanish

EUR 7.99  year 2015

Anxiety is a devastating illness That Often Prevents you from accomplishing your goals in life.

The energies of Healing Anxiety washes over you with a cooling, soothing, healing energy That calms you.

Courage, strength to endure and overcome challenges come through as you calm down and bring in empowerment and confidence to move forward.

Fears are eased and released and that feeling of having to rush and hurry That keeps you on edge diminishes.

After activating the energies and treating yourself or others with a quick session, you will feel calm and able to function with enhanced peace of mind.

If you have ever Suffered with anxiety or known someone you love who suffers with it, you will find very These energies healing and comforting.

Before you can move forward with anything you will have to calm yourself and quiet your mind. Using the symbol will help you to connect to soothing, loving energies That will release stress, fear, and worry and bring healing to your body, mind, and spirit.

you will receive pdf manual and chi ball attunement

 7,99 EUR


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