Black Elk Shamanic Healing System by Dean Kingett


Dean Kingett channeled this system with his spirit guide, Ben Black Elk in 2012.

The system works in conjuction with any other healing modality Ben Black Elk is the son of the great Black Elk of the Sioux tribe of North American Indians.

Knowledge of Shamanism is not required as the energy and healing system was brought for the benefit of all to use.

Your attunement will bring you a sacred (ethereal) Shamanic wand and rattle to use if you wish and also give you the ability to open a vortex to enable you to recycle negative energy into positive energy by using simple symbols.

Uses: Unblock energy within the bodies

Heal Ailments, Protection

Break up Negative or Stagnant Energy that Blocks the natural flow within the body and aura

Cleanse and purify rooms or objects

Repair and Cleanse the Aura

Balance and Align the Chakras and More.

You receive pdf manual, with immediate Digital Download and Chi Ball Attunement an emailed will be sent to you when your attunement are ready.