ferryputhut handoko (1)


year 2011 - 33,33 $     

Following this attunement, give us a great vibration to control and relieve our serious or mild trauma.

Make us calm and relax. Gives us a good energy to fight back to them. Also it can be used to controlling our anger and stabilize the heartbeat.

It's very useful for us, who works in occupations with high stress levels.

Also this energy can relieve headaches Because fatigue to think.

Restore the brain intelligence That much diminished Because thinking too hard.

Reduce dizziness Caused by vertigo, Because this energy up to stabilize the dysfunction of peripheral structures to the brainstem and ease balance disturbance in an area centered in labyrinth or the cochlea in the ear

That causes the sensation of spinning and loss of balance and facilitate blood flow to the brain.

This energy sends a vibration to the soft calming nerves and providing a pleasant sensation of relaxed.

This is a attunement great for everyone

Receive manual in Englis and chi ball attunement

EUR 33.33 


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