
year 2013 $ 28,     

Sacred Moon Light very helpful in restoring the tranquility and the ability to think and analyze When going through difficult times.

When you feel lack of autonomy and independence in some area of your life, it generated your bravery and strength to get it back And Also Provide an unyielding personality to your inner life.

Sacred Moon Light Provided for great stimulate to your willingness and drive to work hard and as a fuel for your perseverance and tenacity.

It help one to raise the docile nature in others, to obey without question. in an extreme situation, it leads you to take in charge and Eliminates the feelings of hanging on to a hopeless endeavor or relationship.

It supports to deal with separation and disharmony in love.

Give the ability to convincing people to see things your way and Increase your leadership abilities.

Sacred Moon Light remove any feeling overburdened or depressed and unrestrained immorality

Receive manual in english ,chi ball attunement and lineage

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