
year 2013 $ 40  

"Warok" is a powerful figure and the core in the creation of the Reog Art.

The Art of Reog is derived from Ponorogo town in East Java.

Narrated, Warok Suromenggolo daughter, Cempluk fell in love with Subroto, son of the ruler of Trenggalek (East Java). However, Suminten, daughter of Warok Surogentho, Also enamored with the same guy.

Both Warok was fighting to defend His daughter and Warok Suromenggolo win. Warok Suromenggolo powerful story spawned the legend of the invincibility of That Warok become a community pride. Warok imaged as a strong group respected.

Warok Suromenggolo Essence bring dignity and Promote a powerful your mystical protection from enemy attack.

Modify your bravery and your natural defensive shield become a very strong defensive energy vortex. it raise self-esteem and awaken the giant inside you to manipulate others obedience at any Circumstances

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