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year 2015 - US $ 35

Green Core Infusion refreshing and rejuvenate your inner strength and rechargeyour physical stamina in an important situation.

It shortly provide calmness and astrong simultaneously awareness.

Green Core Infusion will balance your mind,mental and emotional with your deep heart feeling to bring a lovely personalwholeness.

Use it to control your positive thinking to attract much beneficial positive energy around.

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year 2015 - US $ 45

High Solar Frequency give an extraordinary spiritual reinforcement and lift up themental power.

Helpful to control the flow of your mood.

High Solar Frequencybring a wonderful harmony within you; emotionally, spiritually and physically,simultaneously.

Activate it before facing the daily routine to support the "whole ofyou "in completing any of your daily responsibility or even the unexpectedresponsibility.

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year 2015 - US $ 40

Incredible Bloody Stream strengthen the most weak matters in you.

You will nolonger serve your weakness.

Incredible Bloody Stream awaken the original powerof you, clarify the vision and direct your WILL to a higher personal achievement.

It give a strong positive influence to your mind, to put valuation in every lifecircumstances.

Your heart will calm, your mind will focus, your action will preciseand robust; at any time, anywhere and any situation.

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year 2015 - US $ 45

Skin Regeneration Essence contains life force energy and become an energetictreatment to help with skin renewal and regeneration.

It will works to help with anytype of skin healing, and repair any type of skin damages (sun, acne, burns,wounds etc.)

It stimulates your body to produce increased amounts of epidermalgrowth in your skin throughout your entire body which cause skin to begin theprocess of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged areas.

It mayalso restore your natural skin, all effects working together to help restore ayouthful look in the whole of your body, especially your face.

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year 2021 - US$45

Was channeled to fixing and refine your inner mater; bring back the lost inner abilities and strengths, such as: spiritual wisdom and confidence, inner vision, self balance and awareness, and psychic power and psychic gifts.

The energy of Higher Light Beam Energetic also works to help you improve your healing methods and lift up your inner power when you need a powerful energetic booster to help yourself or others in going through their difficult times.

When you dealing with difficult karmic process, you can activate the Higher Light Beam Energetic to help you pays off your karmic debts for a faster karmic debts release and supports you in fulfilling your life with beautiful things in the future.

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year 2021 - US$45

Was channeled to flush your inner stain, strengthening your confident, and clean your path in your effort to improving your life quality.

The Golden Flush will sharpen the instinct while nurturing your perseverance to supports the continues effort in business and working.

The energy of Infinity Golden Flush Energetic are very good to be activated at a special moment that you have to perform an unusual effort to reach an unusual goals, and to bring the "whole You back together" and get aligned with the line of your dreams in order to gain a perfect manifestation of hopes.

Physically, you can use the Infinity Golden Flush Energetic to help you relief headache and normalizes heart rate.

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year 2021 - 150 $

* Available in BOGO (Only for the MAIN CHOICE).


Sukma Dewa Pamungkas was channeled to ward off all kinds of evil energy that intentionally send to you by your enemies.

It is a POWERFUL pattern to be your incredible energetic protection.

You will be linked to the energy's source of the Javanese occultism and automatically allowed to empower the power for your own protection.

The energy of Sukma Dewa Pamungkas role as your energetic shield; surroundings your body, vehicle and your important places from malicious energy, dark entities, dark spell, tenung, and even from random bad intention by others at anywhere you are.

It will raise your confident and strengthen the feelings of secure when you have to in touch with new person or foreign environment.

You will found yourself in a very confident and brave inner state without loosing your awareness and alertness.

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year 2021 - US$45

was channeled to transmute all kinds of negative energy into positive for your personal advantages and improve the energy metabolism of the body for a better automatic self healing.

It will clear all the energy pathways within you from blockage and protect your spirit and mental from disguised evil energy.
You will be freed from negative thoughts, fears, worries, and promotes the self-mastery for a wonderful self balance.

The energy of Wings of Michael Essence are very good to lift up your faith, developing the true joy and happiness to raise your motivation to live your life in perfectness.

Activate the Wings of Michael Essence when you going to start your day and all kinds of journeys to preparing the "wholy you" to be ready, fully aware and still stands against all kinds possibilities happens in your process to reach your purposes.

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year 2021 - US$45

Was channeled as a powerful safeguards during your metaphysical and light work.

It will restoring your life force and lift up your power in absorbing positive energy around you.

It is able to remove malevolent energy and destructive energy that hiding within you.

The energy of Divine Spirit Energy Activation absolutely strengthen your magical ability and amplifying your clairvoyance power for a sharper prophecy.

Enhancing and clearing your psychic sight at every moment you need and spiritually reinforce you to receive rare and unique enlightenment.

This modality also able to protect your empath from false reason and prevent your from performing the wrong and unuseful actions.

Activate the Divine Spirit Energy Activation when you going to sart your personal session or before you perform your professional session as a lightworker to assist you easily embrace the divine light as your energy support to help yourself and others.

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year 2021 - US$45

Was channeled to take down the negative inner prejudice in order to embrace your chances to move forward from despair and adversity.

It strongly push you to leave all kinds of bad habits and start to rearrange your next steps in the future.

This strong frequency will change your mind positively and guide your mind to think differently and awaken the hidden capability to build wonderful innovations.

The energy of Chrome Light Purifier Higher Frequency also useful to sharpen your instinct and strengthen the sensational vibration within you to guide you in enjoying your achievements, and promotes a better self appreciation.

This modality are very good for those who seek for life changing and support the inner believe to stay positive and powerful for yourself and the beloved ones.

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year 2019 - US$35

Was channeled as a powerful shield from black magic and all kinds of perilous primitive witchcraft.

The energy of Mystical Body Flame allows you ward off evil energy that intend to harm you or your family, especially when you or your family in a deep sleep at night.

Mystical Body Flame also helpful to remove anxiety disorder and stimulate the bravery and mental confidence.

Activate the Mystical Body Flame to your family to shield them from bad luck and keep them away from harmful negative energy.

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year 2019 - US$38

Was channeled to destroy a stagnant and heavy negative energy that blocks the stream of your life force.

It helpful to pull up the spirit that has been drowned out by evil forces.

Blocked energy within you will result to a continuously bad luck, easily tired and bored with your works but hard to take a rest or sleep at night and you will controlled by fear and worries.

The energy of Magic Fire Extreme Protection will clean you, your family, your house and your working place or even your vehicle from all kinds of negative energy that haunted your life (especially from evil energy that intended sent to you and your family).

It will brought back the harmony and enhance the good luck, recharge your spirit and protect you from future attack.

It is a powerful detoxifier for negativity and evil energy, able to calm down the bad or good spirits and ward off throw them out from your life and purify the body, emotions and your soul.

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year 2019 US $35

Was channeled to raise your fighting spirit and raise the feeling of secure.

It is automatically disarm the malicious energy that trying to harm you.

The harmful frequencies will pushed away from you and draw a good luck to you, simultaneously.

The energy of Mystical Angelic Rays will also raise your mental power and your faith to get you through many tough moments in life; financial issues, pressure at work, broken hearted because of being betrayed by your pair or by your working colleague and even to deal with social bullying.

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year 2021 - USD$45

Was channeled to bring you back to your true spiritual line, and rejuvenate the inner peace and wisdom as a strongest energy to move forward.

The beam will enhance your confident and enlight you mentally and spiritually.

It is able to arouse the spiritual guidance and personal courage, stimulate you for a better mastery of spiritual knowledge and capability, and helps to awaken the hidden potent within you as your new ability to make your life easier.

The energy of white Beam of Inner Restoration bless you with lovely patience and open wide your mind; that you are deserve and capable to build a new opportunities for your spiritual and worldly life.

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Year 2021 - US $ 45

Was channeled to brings emotional and mental balance, and promotes the calmness to your heart and feelings, in order to embody the true inner balance.

It is very good to stimulate the intuition and bring sharpness of mind.

This Light force will help you to release bad trauma and old disappointment feeling to prevent you from future carelessness actions.

The energy of Holy Light Essential Force will strengthening the "whole you" to close the vulnerability in order to protects you from energetic negative intentions from outside and from your own within.

It is a wonderful modality to be activated to loved ones to guard and lead them to do anything in safely ways in their daily activities.

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US $ 45 year 2021

Was channeled to enhance the strength of the magic spell and usual mantra, even in your usual ritual, in order to raise the results of the manifestation of your prays, hopes and purposes.

The frequency will stimulate your inner power and helps to clear the energetic body from negative stains for a continues results of your prays, and helpful to delegate your true hopes to the divine will for a beautiful manifestation and illuminated results for goodness.

The energy of Higher Spell Frequency Activation will lift up the strength of your faith and believeness in positive ends of your every effort to fulfill your life with beautiful things and goodness for yourself and others.

Activate the Higher Spell Frequency Activation before you start your prays, mantras or deep spell when going to begin all kinds of new things or your daily works to obtain the maximum outcome that you are wish for.

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US $ 35 year 2015

Punch of Luck provide a powerful circle of luck around you when you feel thatyou didn't get enough of luck.

It's a strong purifier for your income flow.

It's awonderful force to enhance the cash flow in your business.

Heal and reinforce theslow, sluggish or difficult cash flow of your business.

Get your business in a bestincome collection

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US $ 40 year 2015

Purple Flame Protection will guard the line of your incoming flow treasure.

Hit theblockage of your personal income.

It make the channel always clean and wide.

Purple Flame Protection will provide the entry way for any small or big and anykind of income opportunity to get into and infuse with you.

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US $ 45 year 2015

River Thunder Essential clean your path for a continuously mental and spiritualgrowth.

It build a strong awareness and a beautiful self control.

River ThunderEssential will break the inner boundaries and promote a mental clarity to start anew beginning in work and love.

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US $ 40 year 2015

Some of life circumstances lead to a negative thinking and despair possibilities

Powerful Heart Flush bring fresh and clear thought. It will help to handle manykind of bad influences from outside.

Specially, it keep your heart and mental healthin a wonderful condition.

It flushing every incorrect feeling, remove negative thinking and enhance the spiritual awareness simultaneously.

Use it when you'regoing to resolve a difficult situation in work, romance or deep family matters.

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