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27 $ year 2012   

Essential Goldfish Empowerment brings good luck in relationships in the form of tranquility, personal inner wisdom and long life. It encourage and reinforce some important emotions inside and the ability to understanding the worldly life and a right spiritual direction to have a higher-intense emotional and spiritual qualities.

promotes inner compassion fertility, abundant wealth, many successful and beautiful harmony with the universe.

help to cheer up domestic situations and if you're a woman, it promote a wealthy union with a pleasing man.

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EUR 27 



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$ 20

Dream Light High Resonance helps you to communicate with your Higher Self through dreams. It is effective in cleansing negativity.

It promotes lucid dreaming, assists in restful sleep and alleviates nightmares.

it enhances the dream state and promotes dream recall. It stimulates inner imagery and promotes higher imagination and visualization.

Activate it before sleep to give great balance to mental and emotional for when you wake up and start your daily activities.

It also helps insomnia and headache relief.

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EUR 20 



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28 $     

Blue Spiral Connection has a powerful energy frequency to helps you to enhance your spiritual awareness.

It has an energy vibration that help your mind to stay relaxed under any circumstances.

Thus, the ability of your mind will constantly evolving and at every time, your mind will be more orderly and organized.

Blue Spiral Connection works to generate and amplify your intuition.

You will be more alert and protected.

It helps you to be easily to concentrate and connected with the Higher Self and also improves your verbal communication skills.

You will be easier to communicate your needs and your ideas.

Blue Spiral Connection helps to drive your life path to so many great opportunities.

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EUR 28  



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26 $ - year 2012   

Personal Green Light Empowerment lead you to the right direction of love and inspiration growth.

It gives an ability to transfer energy and knowledge in a new fresh way.

It provide a great mental stimulation to estimate and be ready with all possibilities.

Personal Green Light Empowerment promotes emotional intelligence and enhance communication skill with an open heart.

Personal Green Light Empowerment able to cultivate optimism and enthusiasm in yourself and in others who communicate with and gives a beautiful harmony.

It gives a full-scale serenity, relaxation and freshness to your body and spiritualities.

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EUR 26 



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24 $ - year 2012     

Blue Star Energetic Device have a unique pattern to support your inspiration, sincerity and spiritual growth.

It has a calming and soothing energy and it will drive to self-truth.

Blue Star Energetic Device protects friendship and professional relationship and heighten psychic power.

Blue Star Energetic Device contains a cool vibration that is helpful to communication.

The vibration used to open energy flow where it is blocked.

It relaxing to counteract chaos or agitation and encourage feelings of peace.

Physically it's very good for one who have difficulty sleeping or who have nightmares.

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EUR 24  



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22 $ - year 2013   

Purple Light Rain enhances your skills in psychic field and strengthens grounding effects.

It helps to focus your mind and attention.

It is an energy to be more active and get wonderful inner dynamics.

Gives you good judgement even in a tense situation.

When you feel lost, it can bring you back to your real purpose.

It leads you to spiritual fulfillment and encourages spiritual purification at once and raises self elegance.

It radiates a sense of magic, mystery, from you to others and also drives you to good opportunities to lift up your life's quality.

It energizes to free you from depression and brings inspiration for business progress.

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EUR 22 


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23 $ - year 2012  

Pure Heart Resonance is a wonderful energy modality to help bring serenity to the mind by releasing negative thoughts. It alleviates anxiety and fear based emotions.

The vibration of these modality is working in harmony with the Heart Chakra. It's open up the Heart Chakra to love energy acceptance.

Pure Heart Resonance encourage self-realization and help us to recognize ourselves as spiritual beings.

It working as a good luck and prosperity charm. Assist in self assurance, self reliance, and self sufficiency.

It gives protection from negativity's attack.

Pure Heart Resonance helps to control our greed or need for control by instilling wisdom in the use of personal power and balancing of male-female energies inside.

Physically it gives a healthy hair and improve the immune, cleansing blood and repair nervous system.

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EUR 23 



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US $ 24 - year 2012  

brings mental clarity & emotional healing.

It will alleviates stress and despondency and helps one during periods of transition.

It gives awareness old patterns and needed changes, while assisting the user through the transitions with optimism and allows for smooth change.

Essential Divine Light promotes self-preservation and will aids business disorders and spiritual transcendence, cosmic awareness and emotional balance.

It's a great energy for meditation or pray.

Physically it will relieve disorders of the throat, vertigo and improve the immune system

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EUR 24 



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US $ 28 - year 2013    

provide protection for your luck to keep up assist in your life.

It's very good for protecting business continuity, aid progress in business and protect against undesirable business associations and also preserve good relations with colleagues.

Essential Big Luck Protection protects you from accidents on your way and change big luck transformation in your life. If you have difficulty in romance,

Essential Big Luck Protection helps to find your soul love relationships, to keep it steady and passionate

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EUR 28 



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US $ 28 year 2012    

can accelerate mental and spiritual regeneration to encourage a healthy and free but effective mental and spiritual growth.

It supports the expansion of authority, mental strength and spiritual influence in your life and also draw opportunities to come.

Bring eternity of love and diversity abilities, especially your psychic ability.

Inner Light Sphere brings fertility and significant growth opportunities for business.

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EUR 28 



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US $ 28 year 2013  

helps to open the door to your subconscious to gain clarity of purpose and personal dreams.

It bridging one's thoughts about infinity and limitations that inhibit the lives quality advancement.

It stimulates the wisdom and self-mastery and the highest spiritual realization.

Indigo Sparkle Energetic improve your insight absorptive capacity and instant comprehension.

Indigo Sparkle Energetic helps to sharpen and empower your intuition perception and also helpful in opening the Third Eye.

It promotes deep concentration during times of introspection and meditation and helping you achieve a deeper levels of consciousness.

It's a powerful energy to raise your dignity and amplify integrity and also provide a deep sincerity inside.

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EUR 28  



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US $ 24 year 2012   

bring spiritual and emotional harmony. It give you a high quality of calm and contentment and encourages strong urges and motivations forming. It's a stress and bad / unnecessary addiction intelligence and performance of the brain.

Use this as a sedative for the heart and soul, when your emotional at the alarming point. it's an excellent for mental, emotional, and physical releasing and cleansing.

High Silver Heal brings back guilty feeling with gently until it's really gone.

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EUR  24 



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US $ 22 year 2013   

has a smooth and powerful frequency energy pattern. This frequency emit vibrations that carry a high spiritual energy to reconnect with the higher self.

It also strengthening your auric field.

So, you can be thoughtful, confident, optimistic and always uphold your self esteem.

Higher Beam Frequency also help to realize the wisdom in learning the truth about yourself.

It helps you in understanding the level of your mental growth and also to show your personality to your environment without any fear.

Use it when you are in a situation that demands to high wisdom and hard decision to neutralize your heart, mental and mind before making a big decision

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EUR 22   



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US $ 23    

Cleanses all the chakras and brings mind, body and spirit back into balance.

It helps to promote self-esteem, courage and creativity dispels negative energies in life.

It serves as a psychic ability amplifier.

Helps you to keep money once you get it.

It brings success and prosperity.

Natural Light Vortex brings understanding of destiny and life purpose.

It transforms whatever negative energy it absorbs into positive energy.

Is a self-cleansing energy.

Natural Light Vortex frees you to focus on your dreams and manifest your desires.

It also increases intuition and awareness ones to use to your advantage.

It gives a great compassionate energy radiance to attract others love and as an abundance magnetism, wellness and wealth.

it represents life energy and life force.

Natural Light Vortex improving and strengthen the power of imagination.

It's good for healing sessions espousal, especially good to relieving chronic exhaustion and expressing creativity, happiness, and joy.

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EUR 23 


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US $ 28 - year 2013      

Divine Violet Flame stimulates the mind while calming the emotions. Provides great inner peace and strength.

It attracts prosperity and good luck.

Divine Violet Flame dispels negativity and keeps the mind clear and open.

It raise your subconscious wisdom and encourage your intuition, patience, acceptance and sensitivity.

Keep one's heart in the light and love.

Activate it when you encouragement to your honesty and femininity side

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EUR 28 


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US $ 30

Diamond Heart Radiance helps to be true, allowing neither fear of responsibility, jealousy and insecurities sense.

It sharpen your intuition and strengthen personal integrity.

Diamond Heart Radiance help us to view our lives in a way that is both grounded and expansive and that in our desire to evolve spiritually.

It helps to dissolve any pattern which hamper nor prevent us from realizing wholeness of life, wealth, abundance, intense spiritual growth and also health.

Diamond Heart Radiance assist to detach from unwanted surroundings and able to observe anything with all of our senses to be able to anticipate and create the better future.

Diamond Heart Radiance and supports self-renewal and development, in mind, body and spirit.

It give a great and directional energy to support your adaptability ability in every new condition of mental and spiritual alteration

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EUR 30 



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US $ 27   

is a great energy pattern majesty to become a powerful person in every environment and situation.

It give a strong heart radiance from you to others.

Energetic Lightning Heart can facilitate your path to manifest the highest dream.

Energetic Lightning Heart is a protection and support to improve mental and spiritual qualities.

Leading to a better vision in a difficult decision also strengthen inner power radiance and self attractiveness to be able to be to substitute in the reins of leadership

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EUR 27 



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US $ 26 

Blue Fire Vortex gives a sense of mental and emotional freedom strengthens the will energy in visualization.

It promotes the raise of a brand new inspiration, and higher inner sensitivity and also as a great abundance magnet.

Blue Fire Vortex is the face of challenging and frightening situation.

Blue Fire Vortex promotes spiritual development and psychic enhancements ability and also gives peace feeling.

It has a unique energy pattern to increase confidence and boost self-respect in front of others.

Physically Blue Fire Vortex could heals the sense organs and assist in the healing of minor wounds or severe.

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EUR 26  


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year 2013 - US $ 28     

Golden Magnetic Spectrum helps to release any emotional issues; jealousy, anger, fear, sadness and also excessive remorse.

It brings the true joy to your heart and lead your to be aligned with the divine highest wealth and abundance in your life

It feature your true beauty of individual natures and enhance confidence self-esteem at once.

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EUR 28 



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US $ 28 - year 2012   

give a higher energy pattern and a freedom but effective spiritualities.

It encourages the ability to restrict depressions and feelings of uselessness and also make you feel free in search of beauty and love.

It give you a wonderful pleasure in the spreading of joy, and the gift of taking that inner joy into new and different surroundings.

It's an ultimate stimulants, for you find joy in your own heart.

Hummingbird Love-Line Essence you may find yourself in, and make the most of your new circumstances. It provide spiritual to the mind also.

Hummingbird Love-Line Essence give you a higher sensitivity to find goodness and beauty inside the others

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EUR 28  



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