Goddess Alpan Beauty & Sensual Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman
EUR 6.99
year 2012
Alpan, is an Etruscan Goddess. Also known as Alpanu, she was the Etruscan goddess of the art of sexual love.
Like many other Etruscan Goddesses, She was shown bearing Often great wings. Her name means "Gift" or "Offering", with "Willingness".
She is sometimes called Love-goddess. Additionally, others call Alpan to Goddess of Springtime, who Creates That the myriad plants as forth from the ground, and in some depictions She is shown holding bouquets of flowers or leaves.
Like Venus, Alpan may sono stati Both Love-Goddess and Spring- Goddess.
Goddess Alpan Help You With:
Sexual Love, Love in Relations, Enhance your Beauty,
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