Goddess Syn Protection & Dream Fulfillment Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman
EUR 6.99
year 2012
In Fensalir the heavenly palace of Frigga, Syn was the guardian ofentrances and passage denied to those who were not allowed to enter orworthiness.
Syn, therefore, is considered the protector and defender of the borderlimits.
Her name meant "denial" and it was called in the assembliesand councils to defend those who would deny requests or to place limits.
It was just a goddess, who saw and knew everything, so the Nordicpeoples demanded their presence in the litigation to ensure the triumph ofjustice and the fulfillment of oaths and promises.
She introduces herself as a serious woman, dressed in a purple robe anda tiara in her hair, hands, a stick inscribed with runes, a key, a shield or abroom of birch branches and bells.
Syn is the NorseGoddess of vigilance.
She is one of Frigg‘s handmaidens,and she stands guard at the door of Frigg’s Palace, refusing entrance to anywho are not invited.
Syn also defends the weak, and she is called upon bythose who have been wrongly accused of crimes to aid them in their battles.
Syn is theNorse Goddess of the Germanic tradition that guards the Gates of Magical Worlds.
Goddess Syn Will Help You:
To Protect Borders andBoundaries
For Space Defense and Prohibition of Interference andApproaches,
To Protect and Defend the Border Limits.
Fulfilling Your Dreams and Wishes
To Create and Protect Magic Circle;
For Self-Defense of Yourself, House, Business.
To Create Future Oportunities
Fulfillment of Oaths and Promises
When in Presence of litigation to ensure the Triumphof Justice
Enhance Divination Readings, Like Tarot, Runes, etc.
To help you enter the Magical World
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