
Marishiten - Deva of Wealth, Prosperity, Success & Protection Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 6.99


Bujin Marishiten is a goddess that was originally a deity of Indian/Chinese Buddhism, until she was brought over to Japan.

There, she was adopted by the warrior class of Samurai as their patroness and protectress.

She is known by many different names and for many different aspects, including but not limited to: Marici (Sanskrit), Marisha-Ten (another Japanese name) , and Molichitian (Chinese).

Marici was regarded as a deification of mirages and being thus invisible or difficult to see was invoked in order to escape the notice of one's enemies.

Goddess Marishiten Will Help With:


To be Invisible in Front of Enemies

Remove evil and Negativity



Achieve Success

To Be free from Danger from All Misfortune and Evil, Robbers, Natural Disaster, Poisonous Drugs, and Other Harm.

Possession by spirits,


Relieves Difficult Deliveries

Helps in Resolving Differences.

If you Recite Marishi’s Mantra, All Your Wishes will Be Fulfilled and Granted.

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