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Celtic Signs Collection - Aquarius Goddess Rhiannon by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

EUR 6.99

Celtic Signs Collection - Aquarius Goddess Rhiannon by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Goddess of the Deep and the Other World) "And the birds of Rhiannon ... Sang To Those of the Other World Bringing them joy ... " The Goddess Rhiannon, is Represented by the white sea, Queen of the Otherworld, where birds could soothe the most troubled souls of mortals. She is the Mother That educates, devoted to her children, who kindly teaches us the lessons ahead of us. Rhiannon Appears in two parts of the Mabinogion: Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed and Manawyddan, son of Llyr.

As reported in In These stories, Rhiannon, Understands the misery and pain, separation and loss, even though she was cheated, her love was of relentless and unfailing dignity. She is llso Associated with Epona Macha by the Gauls and the Irish.

Rhiannon is the Great Queen of Welsh.

With Rhiannon, a powerful presence is evoked, unique personality of mysterious origin, the woman was ill That Talked but, finally, the Sovereign Queen, That Transmits all her power through her words and inspire us with wisdom and patience. Some of the original names of Rhiannon was Inferno, Ringatona (Italy), Epona (Galia), Bubbona (Scotland),

The Great White Goddess.

Her name means "Divine Queen of the Fairies", and she is Considered a Goddess of the Moon, she is Also known as the Goddess of birds, enchantments, fertility and the underworld. She Identifies with the night, the emotion, the blood, the drama. We can identify Rhiannon in the Aquarians, Because as Goddess of the Fairies, they also like the unusual, the alternatives and the strange. All Aquarians are explorers, always looking for new and interesting Land to discover. Rhiannon Should be Invoked in spells Involving stars and astrological practices. Rhiannon gallops into your life to tell you how to work with doubt. When someone or something to doubt your instincts are giving you warning signals is healthy. To spend time doubting yourself is self-negating and not very helpful. The best way of working with self-doubt is to turn it into self- questioning. Self-doubt leads you nowhere. Self-questioning gives you answers.

Do you get stuck in doubt and let it turn into your optimism despair, your confidence into low self-esteem, your vitality into sluggishness and procrastination? Does doubt align itself with your fears to keep you from succeeding? do the Doubts of others shipwreck your dreamboat? Perhaps When the outside world is Concerned you need to exercise a bit blackberries skepticism, rather than blindly trusting. Rhiannon tells you not to let doubt erodes your sacred self. Allow yourself to question rather than doubt know That you can gain the answers you need to continue on your path to wholeness

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Celtic Signs Collection - Pisces Goddess Blodeuwedd by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collection - Pisces Goddess Blodeuwedd by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Goddess of Love and Beauty "Nine powers of nine flowers, Nine powers in me combined, Nine buds of plants and trees ... Long and white are my fingers, As the ninth wave of the sea. " Blodeuwedd Welsh is the virgin Goddess, revered in Avalon as the Goddess of New Beginnings, independence and capacity for renewal.

Her story can be found in the passage of the Mabinogion called Math, son of Mathonwy. They Say That she was made of nine flowers created by Math and Gwydion, the Druid to be the Bride of Llew, the Sun God of the Welsh.

When, she chooses a lover who tries to murder her husband. Llew, However, turns into an eagle. Then Llew is found and is brought back to its original shape by Gwydion, who transforms into a Blodeuwedd owl as punishment. There are a lot more to this story than the eye can see. Notice what is beyond what is written and you will know the truth.

Blodeuwedd name means "Flower Face", Which Refers to her origins, as well as the association with the owl, Which in Wales, still bears this her name as reference.

Blodeuwedd is a goddess made of flowers representing the natural beauty and will help you realize your own natural beauty. Also she will help you to choose between two loves.

The areas of Goddess Blodeuwedd are all issues related to love, beauty and seduction.

Women who have this archetype active, like falling in love and making love.
Physically, radiated great sex appeal. When they arrive anywhere, the eyes do not leave men to perceive them.

The mysteries and rituals of love are Their domains and they can have a good time plotting and planning Their cases. However, When They get disappointments, they are leave the romance quickly. We all experience the influence of the Goddess Blodeuwedd When We ovulate, fourteen days before menstruation. Also this is the most auspicious time to perform a ritual in her honor

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Celtic Signs Collection - LEO Goddess Macha by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collection - LEO Goddess Macha by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Macha Goddess of Sovereignty Goddess Macha was adored in Ireland even before the arrival of the Celts.

She is a Triple Goddess Morrigan Associated with the goddess of war and peace

Also she is linked to Dana in the aspect of female fertility.

Her father was the "Aed the Red" and her mother was Ernmas (female druid).

Macha is the Horse Goddess who embodies essentially the solar spirit, so the noon hour in the sun is at its zenith, this is the best time to invoke her.

It is she That will help give emphasis to your mood, attracting wealth, success and more dynamism to the life of the Lioness Macha was Also a leader of wisdom, physical strength, sexuality, fertility, and mastery over men

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  by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collection - Cancer DANA by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Cancer DANA Triple Goddess of Home and Family "Sons of the Goddess Dana or Irish Don Welsh, She Represented the Clan of Family Unity. "

Goddess of fertility and life. Dana or Danu was the Goddess Mother of the Tribe of the Tuatha of Danann, People of the Goddess Danu or Tribes of Dana.

That Dana and Anna are the same deity. Tribal members who Remained in Ireland formed the "Daoine Sidhe" Which literally means "People of the Fairies."

Inhabitants of Sidhe Hills or Holy People from the Other World or Avalon, the Island of Eternal Youth, were Also known as "Those who always live "Because They kept the secret of immortality.

Also known as Danu, she is the largest Mother Goddess of Celtic mythology.

Her name "Dan" means knowledge and Has Been preserved in Welsh mythology as the Goddess Don, while other sources equated her to the Goddess Anu. In Iberia, the supreme deity of the Celtic pantheon is Considered to Take direct control of light and fire.

It was she who, Guarantees the physical safety, protection and justice. Dana is a Triple Goddess Star who ruled many tribes. Invoke her to a star and she will seek everywhere for love for you. Let the energy of heaven Within You act and render to the most simplest sensations and Their blackberries complex abstractions. She was the first mother Goddess or Great Ireland, who was later renamed or reclaimed as Brigid. She is The Mother aspect ofthe Tripple Goddess. She is the Soverign, singular great mother whobirthed all things into being. Dana's powerful presence can aid you in anything and achieving youdesire. She is especially strong in her aspect of motherhood, fire,

Reserved fertility, magic manifestation, healing children, inspiration of the self, soverignty, and other creative endevors

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Celtic Signs Collection - Aries Goddess Morrigan by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collection - Aries Goddess Morrigan by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

The Women usually came from all over the British Isles, the Celtic lands, Inhabitants of small villages and even other distant places, to Study at Avalon. Skilled in healing and magic of creation and death, are known as the keepers of the mysteries of the Goddess. We can relate the Goddesses, Which have a strong relationship with the Sacred Isle of Avalon, Which are: Dana, Brighid and Morrigan. In Additions to the Goddesses seen as the guardians of the mysteries: Blodeuwedd, Arianrhod, Rhiannon, Cerridwen and Branwen.

corrispondence the celtic Goddess Aries Morrigan Goddess of War "Morrigan, daughter of Ernmas fought fiercely in the battle against the Fomorians, who were defeated and driven into the sea. " Goddess of War and of Physical Love, Morrigan in Irish Gaelic is Mhór Ríoghain, the Great Queen, She is the Patron of the Battlefield. Triple Goddess of Fertility, War and Magic.

The myths tell us That she is a member of the Tuatha of Danann, and lover of the great Dagda and Lugh.

Morrigan has Numerous powers and when to Invoked will help everyone, especially women, to perform Their Own magic

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Celtic Signs Collection - Sagitarius Goddess Sadbh by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collection - Sagitarius Goddess Sadbh by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

Is the Goddess of the Hunt and the Lady of all things wild.

All women who have this archetype are very active, are independent, have Their Own thinking and are emancipated.

The Sagitariana, as its ruler Goddess is active, cheerful, likes sports, is always a thousand. They prefer to meet exciting, adventurous, athletic and outdoors, instead of chocolates and flowers. Gentle and romantic schemes tend not to impress her. With the temperament Governed by fire, they like to disagree with others, just to have a sense of freedom and, even in matters of the heart, always want to have the last word.

A Goddess of the Hunt warns That her life will be full of emotions and You Should Be ready to face These changes head-on. Let things roll and learn from your mistakes and successes, Because you only grow if you have the courage to accept challenges.

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Lord Babaji Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman


Lord Babaji Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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year 2010

Babaji is the immortal Master of the Himalayas, known as the deathless avatar.

He was initiated into Kriya Yoga and Became the greatest Siddha or Perfected Master ever known.

After ascension he promised to stay in His physical body to help all humanity and still Appears To groups of disciples. Yogananda writes about him in Autobiography of a Yogi. It is Said That you only have to say His name with reverence and you directly attract a blessing from him.

In the year 203 AD boy Nagaraj was born in what is now the seaport town of Porto Novo on the eastern coast of India. While still a youth he was kidnapped by a Pathan and taken north to Dhaka. He was later released and migrated to Benares where he shone as a Sanskrit scholar of great the manual you will find lots more informations

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THE 7 GODS OF LUCK REIKI by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 7.99

The 7 Gods of Luck, they are, Fukurokuju (God of happiness, wisdom, longevity, virility and fertility), Hotei (God of happiness, satisfaction and abundance), Juroujin (God of longevity), and in the second row Bishamonten (God of war and warriors), Ebisu (God of good fortune, commerce and honest work), Benzaiten (Goddess of arts and knowledge) and Daikokuten (God of wealth and prosperity).

The Seven Gods of Japan

The Japanese shichi (seven) fuku (luck) jin (beings) have been a popular group of deities since the Edo period.

Pictures and sculptures of these gods are seen all over Japan, either alone or as a group, and often on their treasure ship (takara-bune).

The New Year begins for the Japanese, with the first visit to the nearest Shinto or Buddhist Temple.

In this occasion people pray to send away 7 bad lucks and attract the Seven happiness and pray for the family and the world.

Previously, the only holiday weekend in Japan was the New Year.

Therefore, there were those who took advantage of this time to visit seven churches, beginning on the first day and ending on day seven.

Thus began the tradition of Shichi FUKU JIN MEGURO or visit to the Seven Gods of Happiness, which even today is still practiced in several regions.

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ZHU GONG BUSINESS & SUCESS REIKI by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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year 2012

Zhu Gong was a great strategist and thinker of the early Zhou Dynasty.

Ancient Chinese believed That When Something important will happen to someone, Zhou Gong will let the person know in His dream. Zhu Gong was an outstanding statesman, thinker and strategist of the Spring and Autumn Period. Also he was a businessman That had the knack of making money. After His resignation, he lived in seclusion with His Family in Taodi, where he amassed lots of wealth though farming, livestock raising and doing business, becoming an extremely rich man. Later, he distributed His wealth to local people. His business operating wisdom and generosity was highly Praised by the people, who worshiped him as the God of Wealth. As a God That can bring in wealth and riches, the God of Wealth is worshiped by most Chinese.

Zhu Gong Reiki Will Help:

Receive Messages in Dreams

Enhance Business Money Income

Brings Wealth, Riches, Prosperity and Good Luck

Ability to have Business Foresight

Be a Leader

Enhance Good Relations

To Know People's Character

Know How to Handle People

To Stay Focused on the Business and in Life

To Be More Organized

To Be More Adaptable

Credit Control

Ability to use and deploy people

Be Able to Articulate and Market

Ability to Excel in Purchasing

Know How to Analyze Market Opportunities and Threat

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Goddess Syn Protection & Dream Fulfillment Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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year 2012

In Fensalir the heavenly palace of Frigga, Syn was the guardian ofentrances and passage denied to those who were not allowed to enter orworthiness.

Syn, therefore, is considered the protector and defender of the borderlimits.

Her name meant "denial" and it was called in the assembliesand councils to defend those who would deny requests or to place limits.

It was just a goddess, who saw and knew everything, so the Nordicpeoples demanded their presence in the litigation to ensure the triumph ofjustice and the fulfillment of oaths and promises.

She introduces herself as a serious woman, dressed in a purple robe anda tiara in her hair, hands, a stick inscribed with runes, a key, a shield or abroom of birch branches and bells.

Syn is the NorseGoddess of vigilance.

She is one of Frigg‘s handmaidens,and she stands guard at the door of Frigg’s Palace, refusing entrance to anywho are not invited.

Syn also defends the weak, and she is called upon bythose who have been wrongly accused of crimes to aid them in their battles.

Syn is theNorse Goddess of the Germanic tradition that guards the Gates of Magical Worlds.

Goddess Syn Will Help You:

To Protect Borders andBoundaries

For Space Defense and Prohibition of Interference andApproaches,

To Protect and Defend the Border Limits.

Fulfilling Your Dreams and Wishes

To Create and Protect Magic Circle;

For Self-Defense of Yourself, House, Business.

To Create Future Oportunities

Fulfillment of Oaths and Promises

When in Presence of litigation to ensure the Triumphof Justice

Enhance Divination Readings, Like Tarot, Runes, etc.

To help you enter the Magical World

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Maha Chohan by Attunement by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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The Maha Chohan is the head, or hierarch, of the Seven Chohans of the Rays.

His name means "the Great Lord," Which is an office in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood. He embodies the White Light of the Seven Rays and teaches the balance and integration of These rays through the eighth ray. Also he teaches That true love carries every other virtue and every other point of Gods Mastery. The Maha Chohan is a representative of the Holy Spirit to Earth and her evolutions. He initiates souls in the secret chamber of the heart and helps them prepare to receive all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. Because of His pledge to all mankind to keep the flame until they are able, he is sometimes called the "Keeper of the Flame." The retreat of the Maha Chohan is located over Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, an island in the Indian Ocean.

The Maha Chohan Also fills the role of Teacher. The Father-Mother God and the Son have deferred to the Maha Chohan as the supreme teacher of our souls. He is the one sent to us to teach us the commandments of God the Father and the Word of the Divine Mother. He teaches us the Christ-like qualities of Jesus and the Buddha- like qualities of Gautama. He tutors our souls to enter into a direct relationship with the Father-Mother God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the supreme teacher. Remember, Jesus said the Comforter "shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have You said unto you. " Just remember, if he is the Supreme Teacher and we have not established a right relationship with him, then we are sitting in the very gall of ignorance. How many times I've thought to myself, if I had not Been ignorant, I would not have done such and such. It's ridiculous. We let ourselves remain in ignorance and so we make wrong choices, we take the wrong road, we make the wrong decision. I know if he is the Supreme Teacher, we want him. And if we really want to be enlightened, we'll be glad to strip ourselves of what stands in the way.

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Lord Ramatis Attunement by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman


Lord Ramatis Attunement by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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The Master Kuthumi and Ramatis, are actually the same source of Consciousness.

Ramatis , is today the Secretary General of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND OF THE TRIANGLE, which seeks to spread the teachings of Jesus, along with the spiritual tradition of the East, thus establishing a fruitful exchange between the chains of the Western Spiritual Fraternities Initiation of the Eastern World, with significant benefit for all Humanity.

Ramatis, like many of us, is derived from the Star System Sirius.

In Atlantis, he was a Priest Aumbandhã, which was an ancient wisdom which he brought from the System of Sirius, which means Greater Divine Law or the Secret Wisdom, Septenary and Esoteric.

Aumbandhã is an instrument of White Magic used by high priests of the Atlantean Light, in fact, the White Magicians, composed by the Cosmic Laws and Forces of Nature, to stop the advance of darkness.

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Karmic Counsil Reiki by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman


Karmic Counsil Reiki by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 6.99

year 2010

The Lords of Karma, is a Council of Bright Spirits that received from God, the mission to take care of the spirits that are evolving. Therefore, there is a Council of Lords of karma, that addresses the evolution of the spirits incarnated on Earth. As well, there are Councils that address the evolution of Minds on other planets and other worlds. A spirit, now in flesh, who thinks that he was unfairly treated, can submit his petition to the Lords of Karma, requesting a reduction in his "charge" that he feels is very heavy.

Although this situation has been planned by himself. If the Lords of Karma, accept his request, and will only do so if they believe that the spirit has learned what it had to learn and having new opportunities, at present, it will be a motive for more developments and changes will be processed in an almost immediately way.

The Karmic Board monitors the Karmic balance of Terrestrial Humanity, especially in these times of Cosmic Transition.

Eight Ascended Masters form the Council of Karma. These Masters are responsible for administering justice (order / divine organization) on our planet Earth. They decide which portion of karma (positive or negative) that each person should receive during their life on Earth. It is the Lords of Karma who decide who should embody, when and where.

Their decisions are always based on three important points which follow now:

The Divine Will for our lives, or our "Divine Plan".

They give us life so we can have the necessary opportunities necessary to meet our Divine Victory.

They give us opportunities for us to fix our mistakes. Our negative karma that needs to be consumed / transmuted, so we can evolve in the Light.

They position us in life (in families, jobs, cities, etc.), so that we can redeem our mistakes of previous lives. We need to rediscover the evil we did to others and to nature. This poor energy rating has to be redeemed by us, we need to serve others and pay our debts.

They accompany us during our lives and they can increase the opportunities or barriers, which will depend on our evolution.

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Hnoss & Gersemi The Goddesses Of Love Sensuality & Infatuation  Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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The two daughters of Freyja, Hnoss and Gersemi, were revered as goddesses of love.

They, however, also represented the continuation of life on all planes of existence, revealing to men that beauty of the Goddess is always present, everywhere, at all times, in all beings.

Goddesses Hnoss & Gersemi Will Help You :

Enhance your Beauty

Enhance your Sexuality Increase Sexual Desire

Attract a Loved One to You

Awaken The Love in You and more

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Celtic Signs Collections Virgo / Goddess Brighid by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman & Maria João Sereno (Brigitt)

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Celtic Signs Collections Virgo / Goddess Brighid

Goddess of Wisdom and the Arts

Bride has an orchard, sweet garden on the other side of the mountain

The apples grow on trees and there they are harvested twice a year

Bees make honey that lead to all the cardinal directions

and Sugar is sprinkled on all the roads of my love.

Triple Goddess, Lady of poetic inspiration (the sacred awen) and of fertility.

Brighid is the Goddess of the Forge, childbirth, poetry and healing, has a strong connection with the bards and shamans.

Brighid is also the Goddess of Fire, the spark of life, and even today retains the custom of the perpetual fire kept in his temple in Kildare in the Church of Oak, province of Leinster, eastern Ireland.

In the Arthurian myth, the Sword that symbolizes Arthur's is Excalibur, forged by women in Avalon, the Isle of Apples.

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Marishiten - Deva of Wealth, Prosperity, Success & Protection Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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Bujin Marishiten is a goddess that was originally a deity of Indian/Chinese Buddhism, until she was brought over to Japan.

There, she was adopted by the warrior class of Samurai as their patroness and protectress.

She is known by many different names and for many different aspects, including but not limited to: Marici (Sanskrit), Marisha-Ten (another Japanese name) , and Molichitian (Chinese).

Marici was regarded as a deification of mirages and being thus invisible or difficult to see was invoked in order to escape the notice of one's enemies.

Goddess Marishiten Will Help With:


To be Invisible in Front of Enemies

Remove evil and Negativity



Achieve Success

To Be free from Danger from All Misfortune and Evil, Robbers, Natural Disaster, Poisonous Drugs, and Other Harm.

Possession by spirits,


Relieves Difficult Deliveries

Helps in Resolving Differences.

If you Recite Marishi’s Mantra, All Your Wishes will Be Fulfilled and Granted.

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Lord Kartikeya Protection Shield Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 6.99

Son of Shiva and Parvati. Also worshiped through various other names such as Kurnaraswami, Shanmukha, Subrahmanya .. He resurrected the path of virtue and by killing Tarakasura Shurapadma who were harassing the world. In Bharat, Ganesha is a very popular deity. The young and the old alike worship him. Like Ganesha, the other beloved son of Parvati is Kartikeya. He is a hero who even as a very young boy, Became the commander of the army of the wicked angels and killed Rakshasas (demons) like Taraka.

Kartikeya has several names. As he was breast-fed by six Karittika deities, he is called 'Kartikeya'. Since he has six faces, he is 'Shanmukha'. Because of His omniscience, he is 'Subrahmanya'. As he Gathered a huge army to kill the demons, he is Also called 'Mahasena'. Since he captained the army of the angels in the fight with the Rakshasas, he was given the title of 'Senani' or 'Commander'. Since he was born out of the life-source That slipped ( 'Skanna) from Shiva, he is named' Skanda '. With the peacock as His mode of transport, he is 'Shikhivahana'. And he is always a young boy Because of Which he is 'Kumara'. Also this term That means he is one who kills evil persons. And he is more handsome than Manmatha, the Gods of Love. He is worshiped as 'Guha' too, since he protects His devotees from enemies. Thus he has a large number of names. For Those Who do great and good deeds for the welfare of the world and are Considered Gods, it is no wonder That there are a hundred or even a thousand such names.

The symbolism of Kartikeya Thus points to the ways and means of reaching perfection in life. SYMBOLISM: Kartikeya symbols are based on the weapons - Vel, the Divine Spear or Lance That He carries and His mount the peacock. He is sometimes depicted with many weapons including: a sword, a javelin, a mace, a discus and a bow Although blackberries usually you he is depicted wielding a sakti or spear. This symbolizes His purification of human ills. His javelin is used to symbolize His far reaching protection, His discus symbolizes His knowledge of the truth, His mace Represents His strength and His bow shows His ability to defeat all ills. His peacock mount symbolizes His destruction of the ego. His six heads Represent the six siddhis bestowed upon yogis over the course of Their spiritual development. This Corresponds to His role as the bestower of siddhis . His vehicle is a peacock and he carries a spear with him. He is worshiped on the sixth day after Diwali on an occasion called "Skanta Sashti" making the victory over the demons Tarakasura and Surapadman. It is believed That if one Worships Lord Muruga on Friday and fasts on That Day All his wishes will get fulfilled. Further it is more auspicious if it is a star Karthigai day.


Protection from Negative Energies, Witchcraft

Will clean and Purify your Aura and Chakras

Help you achive Spiritual Evolution

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Mean Goddess of Fate & Fame Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

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Mean is an Etruscan Goddess of Fate and Fame.

She is an associate of the Lasas, though not Necessarily one of them, though like Them,

She is depicted with wings.

Goddess Mean Will Help You With:

Beauty , Granting Love Favors to Brides & Lovers

Success , Achieve your Goals ,achieve Victory and more

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Goddess Eir Healing Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 6.99

year 2012

"The Silent Healer" Eir was one of the twelve companions of Fry and Lyfja lived in the Mountain of Healing. Called "The Silent Healer," she wandered from one place to another, carrying a bag full of herbs, roots, seeds and mushrooms, a knife, a pestle and sticks with runic inscriptions. She attended to all who needed her healing abilities and asked her for help. Her practices included the use of purification, herbs, charms, talismans and runes sounds.

She was worshiped as the Patron of Healers, midwives, her devotees and doctors were persecuted by the Inquisition, Which led That These ancient practices and natural methods of healing to be forgetten and Whose rescue lies with modern shamans.

Goddess Eir Will Help You With:

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit , Healing with Herbs, Runes & Charms , Healing all Kinds of Sickness , Making Charms & Talismans for Healing , Enhance Healing with Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy, Reiki, chakra balancing, Counseling, Shamanic Healing, Flower Essence , Oracle Reading , Purification , Prophecy ,Fertility

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Erotes The Winged Gods of Love & Sexual Desire Empowerment by Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

EUR 6.99

Erotes The Winged Gods of Love & Sexual Desire Empowerment

The erotes are a group of winged gods and demi-gods from Classical mythology, associated with love and sex, and part of Aphrodite's retinue.

The collective term erotes is simply the plural of eros or "desire".

Stories of the erodes' mischief or pranks were popular in Hellenistic cultures. The figures were common motifs in classical art, Often symbolizing various aspects of love. Other depictions include individual erotes as characters, Particularly the offspring of Ares and Aphrodite, Eros, Anteros, Himeros and Pothos. The individual erotes are sometimes linked to Particular aspects of love, such as unrequited love. In some traditions, erotes have an especial influence over homoerotic love. The erotes were the winged gods of love, a multiplication of the primal Eros.

The individual erotes are sometimes linked to Particular aspects of love, and are Often Associated with same-sex desire.

Spells to attract or repel erotes were used, in order to induce love or the opposite.

Different erotes Represented various facets of love or desire, such as unrequited love (Himeros), mutual love (Anteros) or longing (pothos).

The Erotes Will Help You With:

Passion ,Love , Sexual Desire , Reciprocal Love ,Beauty ,Lust , Romance , New Love

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