forgiveness elixir (1)


year 2019 - 14,99 $

The elixir contain energies of forgiveness , work to purify and release you from any negative energies.

Fill your spirit with divine white light .

The power these energies have on our subconscious minds is truly amazing, you may experience a sudden release of deeply hidden emotions while you working with these energies or simply you feel incredibly at peace.

There is need to forgive yourself or others,these energies are useful to allow one be open to forgiving oneself & others.

Let go of guilt / shame and open the throat chakra and you speak your truth.

If you feel resistance at the mere thought of forgiving yourself or others, these energies are useful for that too, they flow easily to bring you emotional freedom and allow forgiveness to happen.

Note: Not to be confused with any other energy system that may exist now or in the future.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement





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