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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

These magical powers they can open you the door for the absolute success in any deep and romantic love story

Work with these incredible magical powers ,
let yourself be enchanted of atmosphere of other times full of magical romance,surround you of pure elegances and mysterious fascination!

They can boost your charm and your charisma, give you a magic look ,magnetic beauty , a high level of sex appeal and more!


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19,99 euro 





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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

The powers of this elixir are " your great Defender " and they can brings justice in your life at any levels .

They instills you more strength, decision and great power will.

They work to bring justice, so that justice always prevails in any situations .

They can very useful to help you win any court legal case and more!


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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

This magical elixir contain the powers of Fire , the powers of all the elementary ones who are linked of the Fire and more!

Now you can to remove any snares of the Evil because you are the winner of all battles and all enemies!

You can invoke these great magical powers to removing and overcoming all obstacles in any areas and to have full success !

and much more !

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with the powers contain in this elixir opens the mind to everything related to conception of new ideas , to the understanding of genius and beauty, they can awakening introspection ,boost your natural powers of clairvoyance and much more!

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These powers they remember us that we might want to start living a more insular life with less socializing .

Connect you with the healing, empowering energies of the Earth Wisdom , they can be much healthy for people who need to recharge.

Focusing on smaller, simpler things is sometimes all we need to grow spiritually and if we live simpler lives we are able to look after ourselves far better and always able to get out of a situation that might become overwhelming.

Working with these wonderful powers bring you Wisdom , Quick Reflexes, Patience ,Longevity. Connection to the Goddess ,Self-Protection and much more.

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19,99 euro 




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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

These great energy powers are the perfect support for those want to rejuvenate their skin whilst also caring for their bones and joints in order to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

To the health and maintenance of the skin, bones and joints collagen is a naturally occurring structural protein.

When the body is young, skin appears smooth and firm, bones are strong and joints are flexible.

As we age and through factors such as physical stress, environment and more the naturally occurring levels can decrease and may result in oxidative stress in the skin's cells and your skin becoming less smooth and firm , at the bones and joints can bring a issues with stiff joints and brittle bones.

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These are wonderful powers for your overall well-being & vitality , for boosting the body’s natural defenses, to strengthen your body and support your active lifestyle.

If you uses black elderberry energy powers get all the naturally occurring benefits of black elderberry.

Are good powers for a vitality and wellness boost , to supplement your natural energy levels in go about your daily routine

Now you can stay energized and boost your body immunity and boosts your vitality and giving your best every day.

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these wonderful powers you can now enjoy the incredible effects of moringa plant.

With increasingly busy lifestyles we all risk exposure to harmful pollutants resulting in an increase in free radicals and more.

Too many free radicals inhibiting the reparative process they leading to a ageing appearance,lifeless hair and skin , and lower energy levels and more.

These energies contain a purifying qualities, they aim to bring your body back to its best ,they revitalize, protect and restore your health with action on free radicals and protection of various bodily tissues etc..

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year 2020 - 19,99 euro 

Bad Breath Support and much more !

Whether you are a smoker, have an appointment love rendez vous or at meeting with important clients, or simply you want to care of you these wonderful energies are an ideal solution for you!

Brushing your teeth isn’t always enough ,bad breath also can be caused by digestion issues which can be difficult to tackle , problems with your teeth or gums or eating strong smelling foods , or smoking and more.

The additional benefits of these energetical powers

Not only are used for bad breath but they can also used as a support for a variety of issues including nausea or other digestive issues or the cold and headaches and more.

These energies can also be sent be a flavoring in foods , drinks ,or in products such as mouthwashes ,they can adds a fresh scent to soaps or other cosmetic products.

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year 2020  . 19,99 euro 

Working with these great magical powers can teach "how to live with poisons around us "or if you want they can to teach us how" to become more toxic " of to those who wish sent us harm at all levels .

These great magical energizing powers bring intensive energy cleansing at all levels, awaken your inner magical power, they bring higher self-confidence and great luck in all areas of your life

They bring magical total protection and destruction of any negative energy and much more.

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year 2020 - 19,99 euro

Achieve your Goals and Desires now !

If in your life any thing does not work,do not give up keep trying till you find that does work!

Working with these energies can boost your abilities to get through challenges , to find any good opportunities are all around you and to push you to success.

These energies " are magical " and very powerful , helps to improving the all sides of your life, helps you to achieve your ambitions and aspirations.

They contain powers to manifestation helps you to attain success and manifest your desires, brings courage, strength,new opportunities and great success in any your goals.

Whatever your goals and desires as long as that are rational these powers will helps you to achieve and realize them.

Use wisely and intuitively !

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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

These wonderful energetic powers are useful to supports heart, joint, brain , skin health and much more.

These energies contain fantastic antioxidants powers.

Working with these powers strengthens immune system,stimulates concentration and memory ,promoting the well being of heart and can normalize of blood pressure .

Helps to reduce the accumulation of excess fats,
positively affects the processes of metabolism and contributes to the melting of fats.

Are also a support the well being of the skin and hair ,help low down the aging processes and the appearance of wrinkles

Can supports the activity of the liver and kidneys . also helps in case of arthritis, arthrosis and can counteracts the pains associated with them and much more .

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

There is no liability

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


19,99 euro 




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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Sometime especially in the spring that arriving from winter you are exhausted by the lack of light, it is easy for tiredness to "explode " which often manifests itself with asthmatic forms, nervous cough, anxiety and immune losses etc..

The spleen acts as a fulcrum for the energy of the whole organism.

Working with these energetic healing powers you tone and purify the spleen and regain energy and health !

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

There is no liability

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


19,99 euro




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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working withe these energies to support healthy of the thyroid assists to overcoming the dysfunction / disorders and normalize the functions of thyroid gland .

Useful for to balance all hormonal imbalances, to controls metabolism, to maintains body weight and much more.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

There is no liability

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


19,99 euro 




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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

The liver functions are to filter the blood, to cleansing toxins ,also plays a key role in cholesterol balance, digestive enzyme production and much more.

Working with these vibrational spiritual energies to help support a healthy liver,activate energy sessions to enhance liver function ,promote regeneration and to cleanses this remarkable organ.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

There is no liability

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


19,99 euro 




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year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these energies to support the temporary release of excess water from the body.

Our body need water to well function but sometimes we can hold too much water and this is water retention and can cause swelling or otheruneasiness.

The water retention can be caused  of a hormonal women changes , some medications, long distance travel ,bad diet and much more.

These energy systems is offered outside of medicine and conventional medicine,are in form of energy healing, as such, it always helps and never harms.

It does not replace a doctor and / or existing treatments and do not make diagnosis

There is no liability

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


19,99 euro 




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Year 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Useful support in care animal sessions, for animals in conflict with themselves and with others who exhibit attitudes aggressive tendencies, anger, jealousy and excessive territoriality

These energies promotes docility and a balanced relationship with others pets allowing peaceful interaction and for express and receive affection and love.

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3955667859?profile=RESIZE_710xyear 2020  - 19,99 euro 

Working with these energies support any creative form, but in particular are powers linked to vocal and verbal
expression, as singing, clarity of voice , public speaking or other public perform .

Are very useful powers that aid in any creative blocks and in emotional blocks that reflect on expressive ability , in language,or in other artistic expressions , inability to face public performances or conferences and more.

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19,99 euro 

Useful support in care animal sessions, for shy animals in a constant state of defense which leads them to remain on the sidelines and not to accept physical contact , or have tendency to hide, distrust, have a fear of all humans and more .

Are a great support your pets, to helps for increase confidence, tranquility ,to have mastery of one's territory , for support socialization and aid them interact with all those around them.


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year 2020   - 19,99 euro 

These energies are useful for all those who have sleep disorders, interruptions and more.

Are to be used before sleep.

Are very powerful energies for to help you to get a deep sleep and to protect you now from any bad-dreams, nightmares ,black magick attacks ,spells and other more.

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19,99 euro 




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