AGNI KAMULYAN JAGAD by Hari Andri Winarso

AGNI KAMULYAN JAGAD by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2013 - 80 $


Agni Kamulyan Jagad has the meaning of "The Fire Of Universal Wealth".

This magickal empowerment brings blessings and increase luck- potential.

This empowerment helps to remove bad energies / forces in and around of us.

It opens the opportunities at all directions even you are in a bad situation, jobless or without income.

If you are a salesman, this empowerment helps you in the sales dealing. easily. Potential customers would be affected by the power and become passionate over what you are selling

you will receive pdf manual,file mp3 and Chi Ball Attunement

EUR 14.99