Celestial Golden Chi by Winarso


Celestial Golden Chi from Hari Winarso
51 $ year 2010
The Celestial Golden Chi has a purpose to help us to take charge of our own life and to increase our capacity for positive change. One can experience a new, expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices that take us to greater heights and levels in our life.
This Celestial Golden Chi will resonate with your own bio-energy field, thus your energy field will begin to resonate to the higher frequencies raising your personal bio-energy signature to new higher energy levels. When you work this Celestial Golden Chi, your intuition greatly increases as your third eye chakra balanc es, energizes and opens up, that means greater psychic abilities such as remote viewing, remote sensing, remote influencing, and astral projection. When you resonate at high vibratory rate you have a move positive attitude as negative energies or thought forms seem to drop away. Neutralize detrimental energies and only let in the positive higher energies as you are protected from negative psychic influence with a protective energy shield. You can manifest more powerfully when your vibratory rate is at an ultra high frequency because you have a more powerful connection to your higher self and the universal intelligence.

The growth and expansion brought about by Celestial Golden Chi help a person to build on their old frameworks without any trauma; they a new perspective and therefore make better choices. Celestial Golden Chi expands their consciousness helping then to be more objective and therefore are empowere

2 levels

receive manual, attunement chi ball

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Celestial Golden Chi by Winarso