From Hari Winarso
25,99 $
Divine Harmony Level 3
Pre-Requisite : Divine Harmony Attunement 2.
Now you have achieve the Divine Harmony Attunement 3. Like as the Divine Harmony Attunement 1 and 2, after you have receive the attunement of Divine Harmony Attunement 3, you can doing some other attunement belong this Divine Harmony Attunement 2 by yourself (Self Attunement).
The attunement that including at here ,is:
1. Inner Freedom Attunement
2. Inner Harmony Attunement
3. Inner Joy Attunement
4. Inner Peace Attunement
5. Male – Female Integration Attunement
6. Inner Wisdom Attunement
7. Attachment Removal Attunement
8. New Horizons Attunement
receive manual, attunement chi ball, lineage
$ 6.99
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