Energy Levels Transmutation Device by Winarso


25 $ year 2012

Energy Levels Transmutation Device is a wonderful and unique energetic device that Provides stimulation to the Throat chakra ,then a calming effect .Stroking it brings energy emissions.

It facilitates transmuations of lower energies into higher grequences of both spiritual and ethereal levels

The Device is representative of the principles of complete metamorphosis.It balances the energy of the mind ,emotions and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and the other worlds.

It clears the aura and stabilizes and trasmutesany dysfunctional energy located within one body

Energy Levels Trasmutation Device also bestows stability ,strength,invigoration and peace

The peace being the perfect peace ,which was present prior to birth .The device brings cosmic energy that helpful on meditation ,being an excellent energetic device in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to help one to both enter and maintain the state

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Energy Levels Transmutation Device by Winarso