Energy Transmutation Symbol by Hari Winarso
EUR 9.99
Energy Transmutation Symbol helpful to increase to spiritual attunement and to remove ingrained resistance to spiritual awakening.
Its regenerative effect may create a powerful detoxification of negative energy from the aura, Which can be experienced as a once-and-for-all catharsis or abreaction That clears the emotional blueprint and cellular memory.
Energy Transmutation Symbol helps one to raise one's vibrations So That energy can flow freely Throughout one's being. It helps to dense, negative transmute Thus energy and is helpful with issues where dense energy is present Within one's physical body, such as Tumours and cysts.
It helps to support one's emotional body know That One can acknowledge and release deeply held negative emotional patterns That Are Preventing one from moving forward or are causing physical issues.
The vibrational energy of it magnetises to one whatever one is radiating energy, Thus helping one to see what one is manifesting in one's life, be it positive or negative.
It helps one to be positive in one's thoughts and action
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