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Golden Sun – Star by Winarso
Price $ 50
Golden Sun – Star opens a blocked or an unawakened Third Eye. It heals the Third Eye and Soma Chakra . This energy facilitates visualization, grounds spiritual vision and connects to higher spiritual forces. Golden Sun – Star is uplifting to the spirits and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges. It disperses dark moods and brings emotional balance. It unites Base, Sacal and Solar Plexus Chakra blocked by criticism and disapproval.
Golden Sun – Star imparts abundant energy and stabilizes the link between physical and subtle bodies, enhancing sexuality and enters every cell of the body, recharging and invigorating cell functions, imparting physical and psychological strength. This energy enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is an energy pattern of the new consciousness when the great transformation of humanity takes place.
It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul- level energy, infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. During healing this energy enhances and strengthens the energy of other modalities and provides protection from electromagnetic fields created with electronics and computers.
Golden Sun – Star bring metal and emotional balance and bestows new energies to dismiss traditional issues. It has been used to provide contact with the “fairy kingdom”, bringing openness and receptivity to tranquility and abundance, and can favorably influence the outcome of lawsuits, petitions and judgments. Golden Sun- Star directs energy to where it is needed most to stimulate, heal, recharge, and re-motivate. It imparts an energy of sovereignty and eliminates self-sabotage.
It is a manifestation energy and increases the flow of abundance into one’s life.
Golden Sun-Star aids the digestive system, fortifies the nerves, and stimulates the immune system. It supports and oxygenates the blood, liver, spleen and overcomes anemia. It brings the body into balance and excellent in soothing bums. Golden Sun- Star is an excellent energy to those prone to nervous exhaustion or physical depletion. This energy increases vitality, highly programmable and can amplify one’s intention in any area especially those inspired by love and compassion. It uplifts one’s mood and puts one into a state of serenity and peace allowing one to perceive and receive the love energies of the higher planes.
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