Healing Ability Booster Device by Hari Winarso


year 2012 -35 $

Healing Ablity Booster Device has a special energy pattern to encourage and strengthen the sixth chakra ,opening the third eye fairly profoundly bringing a deeper sense of clarity ,but at the same time an awareness of an inner silence ,a capacity to receive energy from many levels

Healing Ability Booster Device enhanced ,accelerated and assisted any form of hands on healing and distance healing or any energy work that brings healing capacity more consciously to people

This device helps to integrates the androgynous nature and increases the healers ability to generate energy

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you can send payment $ 8.99 with the link  paypal.me/TeresaRubiolo

and Please in add a note paypal - name of the system or after the payment send email to trubiolo@ymail.com

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Healing Ability Booster Device by Hari Winarso