attunement (206)

Divine Light Downloads by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

70,99 $

Divine Lights Downloads

Divine Lights Downloads are new light beings from the Divine that can be downloaded directly to any soul. They bring divine light and love to raise the frequency , the vibration of the soul, mind and body to which they are given. Divine Lights Downloads offer the possibility of healing and transformation, each assisting in specific and unique ways.

Through its extraordinary light, frequency and vibration, it provides soul healing and transformation, which can then spill out into the outer life of the mind and body, releasing energy and spiritual blockages. In the health area, Divine Lights Downloads are available for specific cells, organs and organ systems.

Whether for soul healing, the Divine Lights Download can be received by you, your loved one, or a pet for an organ, system, body part or a condition, such as, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, etc. It can be received for relationships and finances. For soul healing, this Divine Lights Download are available as karmic removal, heal the relationships, trauma removal, anti depression, etc.

Divine Lights Downloads has 3 levels, that is :

- Divine Lights For Physical Level

- Divine Lights For Soul Level

- Divine Lights Transmission.

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

$ 9.99

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Divine Light Downloads by Winarso


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DNA Light Integrative - by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

75,99 $

DNA Light Integrative is an activation process in which the dormant DDNA mankind was created with is activated once again. DNA Light Integrative Attunement restores our original psychic abilities and our abilities to manifest our desires very quickly. DNA Light Integrative Attunements results in rapid spiritual evolution as all our spiritual gifts and psychic abilities awaken one by one.

With DNA Light Integrative we become genetically hardwired to be psychic. With DNA Light Integrative we develop the ability to manifest what we need. Once your DNA IS Activated with the DNA Light Integrative, the activation will replicate through your body for 3 to 6 months. From there your spiritual vibration constantly increases resulting in the rapid emergence of your spiritual gifts and psychic abilities.

One final note on DNA Light Integrative. For those who are on the spiritual path, DNA Light Integrative essentially puts you on fast track for spiritual evolution. One can spiritually achieve in three to ten years what takes most individuals a life time. For example, most of us have one spiritual ability like Clairvoyance (clear vision), Clairaudience (clear hearing), Clairsentience (clear sensing), & Prophetic Knowing (Claircognizance). After the first few years it is possible for an individual to have access to all of these abilities. You will feel totally connected to Mother/Father/God/Goddess/Source of All That Is and feel a constant inner peace and sense of well being.

Finally, you will experience universal truths as more than just a concept; they will be truly heart felt and part of every fiber of your being and much more. In other words, you will be inspired and inspiring instead of being full of information and informed. When people are connected to God/Source and DNA activated, they live more in spirit than in form. They have a strong sense of their own destiny. They know why they are here and know that they are more than a physical body. They are all about living this purpose and choosing to avoid being distracted by the demands of the ego. They have a great reverence for the world of Spirit and by communicating with this Source, they stay inspired.

receive manual, attunement chi ball , & lineage .

$ 9.99

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DNA Light Integrative - by Winarso

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Unlimited Potential Chakras by Winarso


From Hari Andri Winarso 2010

Price founder 45,99 $

The system channeled to create a wonderful attunement experiences that promotes inner balance, peace, and tranquility in the assisting in the attunement of the 7 chakra centers. This attunement also has purpose to explore unlimited potentials of the 7 chakras in our subtle body. The Unlimited Potential Chakras Attunements are for very deep chakra therapy and transformation. The Unlimited potential chakras Attunement has 7 attunements (Please take minimum 24 hours for each attunements), that is:

1. Manifestation Chakra Attunement

2. Creativity Chakra Attunement

3. Blueprint Chakra Attunement

4. Love Chakra Attunement

5. Communicator Chakra Attunement

6. Lattice Chakra Attunement

7. Purity Chakra Attunement.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage.

$ 9.99

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Unlimited Potential Chakras by Winarso

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Winged Disk by Winarso


Hardly any emblem from ancient Near-Eastern art and architecture is more widely known than the winged disc. The winged disc is essentially a circle to which two outstretched wings are attached. It is a religious symbol representing a deity the ancients regarded as the supreme god of the sky.

The symbol is found in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and northern Syria and comes in a number of local variations; the Egyptians often attached two coiling uraeus --- serpents to its sides or placed two little horns on top of the disc, whereas the Assyrians typically portrayed the disc as a ring containing the upper part of the god in human form.

The Winged Disk Attunement integrated and works automatically in your daily meditation

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language.

$ 6.99

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Winged Disk by Winarso

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Moqui Ball Light Elixir by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price founder 30 $ by Winarso

Moqui Ball Light Elixir helps to balance and unblock any blockages on the energy centres and channels. This elixir should reduce stress and help you to feel grounded and centred. This energy useful to relieve emotional pain and to lighten your life. It also help correct emotional imbalance and to enable you to feel more in control of your life.

It also useful in meditation, This elixir can bring into deep state of meditation. This Moqui Ball Light Elixir is also helpful to enhance psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

Eur 8.00

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Moqui Ball Light Elixir by Winarso


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Olive Green Essence by Winarso

EUR 8.99

By Winarso year 2012

Price founder $ 35

Olive Green Essence helps to cleanse and fortify the astral body. In addition, it realigns the emotional body and strengthens the connection between the emotional and astral bodies. It raises consciousness to a higher level and gives greater control over spiritual unfoldment.

This essence helps to reverse a feeling of bitterness and resentment. A sense of optimism and personal power are restored. Grief and sadness are brought to the surface to be released. Olive Green Essence cleanses past- life negativity from the aura. It stimulates data from the higher self and aura cleansing through dreams. It has a strong healing field, bringing harmony to the organs of the body and stimulating the immune system.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball,

Eur 8.99

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Olive Green Essence by Winarso


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Shrine of Rumi, Konya by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price founder $ 30 By Winarso year 2012

Situated at an altitude of 1016 meters in the south central region of the vast Anatolian steppe, the city of Konya is famous far beyond the borders of Turkey. The city’s renown derives from the nearby ruins of Catal Huyuk and, more so, from the shrine of Rumi, the great Sufi poet (1207 –1273). Fifty kilometers southeast of Konya, the Neolithic settlement of Catal Huyuk has been dated to 7500 BC, making it one of the oldest known human communities. Though only partially excavated and restored, the hilltop settlement covers 15 acres and reveals sophisticated town planning, religious art and ceremonial buildings. Remains of numerous other ancient settlements have been discovered on the Konya plain, giving evidence that humans have long favored this region.

Shrine of Rumi Essence

Shrine of Rumi Essence helps us to open the Heart Chakra and align this chakra with Crown Chakra, it will assist us to learn more about unconditional love. This essence illuminating our heart, so we will become joy, happy because of it.

Shrine of Rumi Essence absorb any negative energies and negative emotions into the light to flove, and transmuted become positive. It helps us to transmute the darkness into enlightenment.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball,

Eur 7.99

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Shrine of Rumi, Konya by Winarso

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Money Toad Essence - by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 35 year 2012

The Jin Chan (Chinese: pinyin: jin chàn; literally “GoldenToad”, also called Chan Chu (Chinese: pinyin: chanchù; literally “the Toor “Zhaocai Chan Chu” (Chinese: pinyin: zhaocài chanchù; literally “wealth – beckoning toad”, isually translated with “Money Toad” or “ Monery Frog”. It represents a popular Feng Shui for prosperity.

This mythical creature is said to appear during full moon, near houses that will receive good news ( most of the time, the nature of these good news is understood to be wealth-related).

According tone legend, the Jin Chan was the greedy wife of one of the eight immortals, who was transformed into a toad as punishment for stealing Peaches of immortality.

It is usually depicted as a bullfrog with red eyes,, flared nostrils and only one hind leg, sitting on a pile of traditional Chinese cash, with a coin in its mouth. On its back, it often shows 7 diamond spots symbolizing the Big Dipper, which plays an important role in Chinese astrology.

According to Feng Shui belief, it helps to attract and protect wealth, and to guard against bad luck. As it symbolized the flow of money. Feng Shui insists that a Jin Chan statue should not be positioned the main door(“outward”. It also “should never be kept in the bathroom, bedroom, dining room or kitchen”.

Money Toad Essence

Except to increasing prosperity, wealth and income, also attract abundance. Money Toad Essence is having a strong connection with the Earth. It has a good grounding and harmonizing energy. Because it is a great grounding energy, it will give you a strong sense of self instrospection.

It can promote feeling of responsibility, also encourage creative visualization and business pursuits. Money Toad Essence is also help to alleviate fear.

Money Toad Essence helps us to stimulate the immune system, help to clear negativities and toxins from the physical and subtle body.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball

Eur 6.99

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Money Toad Essence - by Winarso


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Fire Matrix Energetic by Winarso

EUR 9.99

By Winarso

Price 65$ year 2011

Fire Matrix Energetic is a powerful energy, it enhances integrity, willpower, the willingness to cope with matters of a practical nature, and the correct use of power.

An energy of what might best be called practical wisdom, Fire Matrix Energetic will be of tremendous assistance in making financial decisions, as it works to improve your timing in all financial matters. It imparts the necessary energy to see you through complex negotiations, helping you to get things in their proper perspective without excess drama, worry, or denial about the bottom line. It helps to strip away any illusions you may harbor about your financial dealings and has the ability to create order out of chaos. It’s great for tax time, straightening out matters of estate, and general integration of worldly energy.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

Eur  9.99

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Fire Matrix Energetic by Winarso

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Great White Light by Winarso

EUR 9.99

By Winarso

Price 60 $

Great White Light is an excellent energy and wonderful modality. Great White Light works in the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.

In Heart Chakra:

Great White Light opens and stimulates the Heart Chakra, allowing one’s consciousness to enter one’s Heart centre so that one can fully integrate the energy of love all levels and know one’s “inner truth”.

The high vibrational energy of Great White Light activates the Heart Chakra, so that one radiates a strong loving out from one’s Heart centre to fill all of one’s being.

Great White Light helps one to become emotionally stable and strong, dispelling low vibrational emotional energies. It allows one to radiate love to others and to become what we really are, enlightened, loving beings.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

Eur 9.99

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Great White Light by Winarso

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Heart Light Qi by Winarso


EUR 9.99

By Winarso year 2012

Price 50 $

Qi is describe as “ the nature Energy of the Universe.” This energy, though called “natural”, is spiritual or supernatural, and is part of a metaphysical, not an empirical, belief system. Many healers often refer to this energy as subtle energy. Qi is thought to permeate all things, including the human body. Such metaphysical system are generally referred to as types of vitalism. One of the key concepts related to Qi is the concept of harmony. Trouble, whether in the universe or in the body, is a function of disharmony, of things being out of balance and in need of restoration to equilibrium.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

Eur 9.99

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Heart Light Qi by Winarso

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Shiva Lingam Essence by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Shiva Lingam Essence by Winarso

This Shiva Lingam Essence have such a strong energy is the fact that stones of this shape have been worshipped by devotees for many centuries. This creates a particular type of resonance within the field pure potentiality that creates all that is.

As we tune into this field of energy that encompasses the Divine Mind. We make contact with the sacredness that these stone have carried for centuries.

Shiva Lingam Essence intensity the vibration within your energy system and will enhance your overall health and well-being. This energy vibration within the three lower chakras, is based upon its need to work on the physical body as these chakras are about your physical existence.

Shiva Lingam are known to be powerful to aid any on the lower three chakras particularly if used at the sacred chakra and base chakra. For healing of any reproductive problems, they will assist the healing of infertility, menstrual cramps, impotence and other problems of a sexual nature.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language, and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive your attunement when you wish.

EUR 8.00

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Shiva Lingam Essence by Winarso

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Purple Fire Healing by Winarso

EUR 9.00

Price 50 $

By Hari Winarso

Purple Fire Healing helps resolve the causes of your most limiting condition by strongly breaking up the pochets of physical and inner disharmony that are perpetuating it. This energy speeds the resolution of any karma associated with this condition so that your healing can be more swift, profound, and complete.

In general, physical health problems are not limited to the physical body but have roots on inner levels as well.

Manual english language, attunement chi ball and lineage

Eur  9.00

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Purple Fire Healing by Winarso


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Purple Laser Energy Life by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price 40 $

By Hari Winarso

Purple Laser Energy Life is an energetic tool that works well in multi-dimensi of your life, especially in spiritual level.

Purple Laser Energy Life brings a progression of spiritual harmonies between the elemental qualities of earth and mankind, enhancing unspoken communication via the emotions into many levels of consciousness.

Manual english language, attunement chi ball and lineage

Eur  8.00

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Purple Laser Energy Life by Winarso


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Rainbow Light Laser by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price 60 $ By Hari Winarso

Rainbow Light Laser is a powerful energy to helps neutralize the destructive behavioral patterns that restrict personal growth and undermine physical health.
Rainbow Light Laser comes lke a laser: it and destroys negative patterns, sweeps away emotional clutter, and works with you to build patterns.

Manual english language, attunement chi ball and lineage.

Eur  9.99

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Rainbow Light Laser by Winarso


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Rainbow - Gate by Winarso


EUR 8.99

Price 35 $ By Hari Winarso year 2012

Rainbow Gate Attunement is a great attunement that balances and stimulates the development and movement of the Kundalini. It stimulates from both the Base and Crown chakras to provide for free flow of movement, via the spinal columnand inner pathway of light, healpig to distribute the appropriate amont of energy to eachportion of the body.

It is a very spiritual attunement that brings spiritual energy for us, it helps to blends the higher self with the individual physical and mental consciousness.

Attunement chi ball, Manual english language, and lineage.

€ 8.99

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Rainbow - Gate by Winarso

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Rainbow Water by Winarso


EUR 9.00

Price 40 $ Hari Winarso

Rainbow Water is an extremely beneficial tool in our daily life. This energetic tool channeled and designed primary to affects to your ability to express your thoughts and emotional feelings.

Rainbow Water useful in the reduction of depression as well as stress. it is used to halt obsessive thoughts, and relieves despondency, as well as overcomes isomnia. Rainbow Water is supportive in releasing one from addictions and complains of all kinds, including anorexia.

Attunement chi ball, Manual english language, and lineage

EUR 9.00

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Rainbow Water by Winarso

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Rainbow Shakti by Winarso

€ 14.99  -  Price 70 $ year 2012

By Hari Winarso Rainbow Shakti Reiki

Rainbow Shakti Reiki is a great and powerful energy .. Attuned to this energy bring wealth health and happiness into your life, because it radiate positive Earth energy.

Use Rainbow Shakti Reiki at the Third Eye Chakra to help you to let go of karma, and to release any past life obsessions or soul imperatives, associated with past lives.

Rainbow Shakti Reiki is a protective energy that helps to give you stability.

Receive distant Attunement chi ball, Manual english language

€ 14.99

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Rainbow Shakti by Winarso

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Sun Heart Energetic Device - by Winarso

EUR 6.99

year 2012 -25 $

By Hari Winarso Sun Heart Energetic Device 25 dollari

Sun Heart Energetic Device is a device that brings high energy pattern that awakens your true purpose in life and lends the support and courage necessary to follow your dreams. This energy brings unexpected opportunities (luck) once you have stepped on a chosen path.

Sun Heart Energetic Device contains an energy that forges through obstacles to joy, love and abundance in your life. It creates a sense of balance between physical and spiritual and encourages love and joy.

Manual english language,attunement chi ball

€ 6.99

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Sun Heart Energetic Device - by Winarso

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Super Cells Yuothful Care - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price 60 $ year 2011

By Hari Winarso Super Cells Youthful Care 60 Dollari

Help cell regain their awareness of their natural blueprints, and.

Restore the body’s flexibility and adaptability, will foster health and longevity.

Super Cells Youthful channeled and designed to do both these things. This extraordinary substance uses the healing energy of the Super Cells Youthful Care to reawaken our cells’ to their blueprints. Super Cells Youthful Care also keeps the cells’ attention focused on their blueprints and thus helps reestablish the cells’ adaptability. This effectively reverses the negative effects of aging and lets us tap into our inner reservoir of radiant vitality.

Manual english language, attunement chi ball and lineage

€ 9.99

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Super Cells Yuothful Care - by Winarso

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