attunement (206)

Therapeutic Lavender Ray by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Therapeutic Lavender Ray Winarso

Price $40 year 2011

Therapeutic Lavender Ray awakens you to your true spiritual essence. It helps you embrace your spiritual birthright and make it a reality. To do this, it aligns and integrates all your bodies – physical, emotional, casual, mental, and intuitive. As your physical and subtle bodies move toward alignment and greater cooperation, they become more aware of each other. This increased awareness further improves alignment and enhances the flow of life energy throughout your entire being.

The physical body has seven major chakras through which life energy flows. These chakras are reflected in each of the subtle bodies. These subtle-body reflections are some of the primary channels through which life force flows its infinite source through the subtle bodies to the physical body. When all the chakras in all the bodies are perfectly aligned, life force flows freely to enliven and nourish one’s entire being. Yet this is rarely the case; in response to the various stresses of life, any or all our subtle-and physical-body chakras may have shifted out of their ideal positions. As a result, the natural flow of life energy throughout our being becomes impeded, and a host of ailments can arise.

When you work with Therapeutic Lavender Ray, the energy radiates into your entire aura. There, the Lavender energy begins to abolish the negative energies that weigh you down and prevent your physical and subtle bodies from aligning themselves. The Lavender also strongly encourages all your chakras in all your bodies to become aware of its relationship with the next highest body. This inspires all your bodies and all your chakras to align and cooperate with each other.

With each step toward better alignment, old issues come to the surface for resolution, and old blockages are released. Energies that have been stuck begin to flow freely, relieving you of long-time burdens. As all the chakras in all your bodies become more aligned with each other, more life force can flow through them to nourish and balance you on every level. As a result, you become stronger, more creative, and mire loving.

Therapeutic Lavender Ray helps, you master yourself on levels by increasing your awareness of your inner aspects, of your spiritual essence, and of your connection with spirit. When all aspects of your being become aligned, an unobstructed channel is opened through which the life force can flow to the physical plane. When this occurs, your attention is automatically turned toward the source of this life force. The natural result is an expansion of consciousness and a spiritual awakening

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Therapeutic Lavender Ray by Winarso

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Balancer Energy Device by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Balancer Energy Device Winarso

Price $60

Balance Energy Device is very helpful in time of stress and trauma, physical or emotional. It acts synergistically on all 12 meridians and the 7 major chakras, or energy centres of the human body. It balances excess or deficiency in any of the channels or chakras.

Even this is very useful in times of stress and trauma, it can be used in any situation of physical “overload”. Balancer Energy Device calming to the mind and relaxing to the body.

Balancer Energy Device helps those souls who are highly absorbent or spiritual influences. It tend to be very awake and quite mentally active, with a strong attraction to spiritual practices and various forms of meditation. However, it often absorb far more energy than can actually be processed through the body.

At a deeper level, it teaches one how to moderate and regulate one’s spiritual-psychic energy. In this way the soul learns to use its highly sensitive capacities in balance with the physical needs of the body.

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Balancer Energy Device by Winarso


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Energy Cords Remover Device - by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Energy Cords Remover Device Winarso

Price founder 75 $ year 2012

Every time we have a physical contact, especially emotional contact with anyone, in the same time, we create an attachment point to them. A cord of energy goes from our energy field and we are maintaining energy exchange with them not always a desirable effect.

The strongest energetic attachments are usually created between mother and child.

Although at first necessary – they may become a source of problems if not released naturally.

These energy cord usually attach to particular chakra of the body and generally to our energy field. The energy exchange continues regardless of distance to our desire to maintain it. The other person has some of our energy and we have some of his/hers. We are influencing each other, often in negative ways. But, not only by contact with others, the cord is created. Our limitations is also created the cords in ours. We are all products of our limitations, limitations created over many lifetimes. Throughout all of our past lives, we were constantly faced with challenges that have created the framework of our being.

Energy Cords Remover Device becoming a very useful energetic tool that will assist in removing all cords that over time developed and remained with us through all of these lifetimes and into the present.

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Energy Cords Remover Device - by Winarso

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Holy Blue Light Matrix by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Holy Blue Light Matrix Winarso

Price $70

Holy Blue Light Matrix helps to reach a deeper meditative stete its frequency connects to the heart, third eye and crown chakras, and carries the highest vibrational frequencies of all the high energy. It stimulates the third eye and crown chakras helping to increase one’s intuition and psychic abilities.

It helps to ground higher vibrational energy into the physical third dimension so that integration of these energies can occur throughout one’s being.

Holy Blue Light Matrix helps one to acknowledge and release deeply help emotions so that one can learn the lessons of past experiences and to see the “bigger picture”. Thus Holy Blue Light Matrix helps to expand one’s consciousness so that one can empathize with others encouraging one to be more compassionate. It allows one to remain calm and not worry over minor issues and brings clarity of thought thus with issues of dementia.

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Holy Blue Light Matrix by Winarso

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Personal Cosmology by Winarso


By Hari Andry Winarso 2010


Personal Cosmology

Personal Cosmology help us to understand, from the deepest level, we create our own reality however our desire it. Assists us to return to the core level of existence: I AM THAT I AM.

The Personal Cosmology help to stimulate our memories, our knowings, our involvement as a Creator God-Goddess. Assists us to access the bigger truth of who we are. Increases confidence to step forward & express our own self in the world. Assist us to return to the core level of existence. This attunement also adjusts our Chakras so our experience their optimum function & support for us in each moment.

After you have receive the attunement of Personal Cosmology, you can works with some features like as below:

1. Be Yourself Attunement: this attunement help us open our consciousness and sub-consciousness to remember who we are.

2. Beauty Attunement: perceiving higher definition of it.

3. Body – KHAT Attunement: physical body, ability to be fully connected, grounded.

4. Chakras Attunement: balancing, opening, clearing.

5. DNA Activation (Autonomous) : for rapid evolution, new blueprint.

6. I AM Presence Connection: connecting with our I am presence.

7. Enhancing Memory Attunement: strengthen and enhancing the memory.

8. Peace of Mind Meditation: experiencing harmony in your body and mind.

9. Source Creator Attunement (Autonomous) . restore conscious connection.

10 Inner Truth Attunement: finding our own resonant inner truth.

11. Will Attunement: recovering personal power, re – enabled will, manifestation.

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Personal Cosmology by Winarso

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Fire Wheel Master by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

System fixed price by the founder $15.5 per levels

Fire Wheel

This system is the Fire Wheel “Clearing and Shielding Attunement”. This system can become a very important part of your daily shielding process. I have found this Fire Wheel energy to be extremely helpful in creating a divine light shield that protects your energy field bodies.

The Fire Wheel is to prepare your body to receive and hold an increasing flow of higher energies. It will help to harmonize your personal and environmental energies and amplify the results of spiritually focused activities.

The Fire Wheel will assist in re-patterning and clearing karmic or other imprints that would otherwise block certain DNA template activations and it assists you in the attainment of consciousness expansion as you are prepared to receive and hold the increasing flow higher frequencies.

The Fire Wheel has 3 levels, that is:

1. Level 1 (Fire Wheel Clearing Attunement): Level 1, also called Fire Wheel Clearing Attunement. After you receive this attunement, you can use the Fire Wheel energy to clearing another, and of course especially clearing yourself ! The clearing energy at this level achieve until the Etheric Body to clear and remove all negative energies. Symbol:1

2. Level 2 ( Fire Wheel Shielding Attunement): Level 2, also called Fire Wheel Shielding Attunement. At this level, The Fire Wheel energy will increase to 3x from the first attunement/level, the Fire Wheel Clearing will be more strong, effective, and the clearing have achieve all parts of Physical Plane ( Physical Body, Etheric Body, Emotional Body). And you can use the Fire Wheel as the shielding to protect the Physical Plane. Symbol:1

3. Level 3 (Fire Wheel Multidimensional Shielding Attunement): Level 3 or Fire Wheel Multidimensional Shielding Attunement. At this level, The Fire Wheel energy will increase to 7x from the second attunement/level. The Fire Wheel Multidimensional Shielding will protect the Physical Plane, Astral Plane (Astral Body), and Spiritual Plane ( Etheric Template, Celestial Body, Ketheric Template). The clearing energy will achieve all of energy field bodies ( Physical Plane, Astral Plane, Spiritual Plane). Symbol:1

4. Level 4 ( Fire Wheel Master Attunement): This is the Master Level. When you receive the attunement of this level, the Master Symbol will put in your sub-consciousness and in your subtle body. So, you don’t need to draw or visualize the Master Symbol when pass the Fire Wheel Attunement for your students. Only think and the attunement will run ! Symbol:1

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Fire Wheel Master by Winarso

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Higher Self Channeling by Winarso


Price 35,99 $ year 2009

We do not need an attunement to connect or the Higher Self, This Higher Self Channeling Program has the purposes to raise and increase our vibration, strengthen and enhance our connection and ability to connection with the Higher Self.

Below is a symbol us to connect with the Higher Self, but its not really necessary, because for some peoples can connect easily to the Higher Self without any symbols. So use this symbol if you feel need and guided to use it and if you feel this symbol can help you to connect with your Higher Self.

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Higher Self Channeling by Winarso

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Infinity Living - by Winarso


Infinity Living from Winarso $79.99 year 2010
The Infinity Living come from spiritual energy, Spiritual energy is
within, yet it transcends the body and mind. It exists at the core of
everything on this planet and in the universe. With increased understanding of
this energy, our spiritual life takes on a whole new meaning.
With physical energy we use our body to make things happen; with
spiritual energy we direct the flow of energy from a place of spirit. Try to play
with these system to enhance your spiritual life.
The Infinity Living is an effective system of healing identifies your
patterns of imbalance and releases them at the core level causing vibrational
changes that work through each of the bodies and result in physical cellular change
enhancing the body/mind’s ability to self-heal.
After you has receive the attunement of Infinity Living, you can accept
13 different attunements, activations, and exercises who included in this
Infinity Living. Please take about a hour to accept each attunement/activation
(Except : 5 Elements Activation & Balancing Exercise and Feminine –
Masculine Harmonization).
The13 differentsattunements, activation, exercises is:

1 5 Elements Activation & Balancing Exercise.
2 Energizing Shakti Meditation.
3 One Heart Chakra.
4 Feminine –Masculine Harmonization.
5 The Unifield Chakra Attunement.
6 Multi Dimensional Grounding.
7 Omni Light Vortex.
8 Liquid Light Attunement.
9 Diamond Light Attunement.
10 Earth Sun Activation.
11 Ra Force Attunement.
12 Infinity Living Of Love Attunement.
13 Infinity Living

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Infinity Living - by Winarso

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Jade Dragon Empowerment by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

Jade Dragon Empowerment
This system will attune you with Jade Dragon energy. Besides has benefit health, Jade Dragon energy has specifically energy to attract abundance and prosperity, good fortune, enhance the lucky. Jade Dragon also is a powerful protection for health, wealth, and the prosperity.

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$  7.00

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Jade Dragon Empowerment by Winarso


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Lotus Crystal Reiki by Winarso


Lotus Crystal Reiki by Winarso year 2009

Lotus Crystal Reiki is a Reiki Energy pattern that besides useful to heal the diseases, also has benefits to cleansed our self and anothers from the fear, anger, sadness, and all of the negative emotional energies. So will be increase our compassionate energy, peacefulness, and happiness. The other purposes of this energy pattern is if our self to be clean from the negative emotional energies, this is will attract the wealth, increase our knowledge, and help our spiritual unfoldment.

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Lotus Crystal Reiki by Winarso

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Life Force For Super Immune by Winarso


20,99 $

This life force attunement works well to healing diseases, strengthens immune system, energetically purifies and protects. At the first sign of a symptom, this energy can activate and strengthen the immune system via the electrical system, allowing the body to concentrate full time on the physical, thus speeding up recovery time dramatically. For prevention, use before entering contagious spaces or when exposed to germs. Also helpful for radiation exposure and protection on any level: diagnostic, therapeutic, accidental or employment-related. Excellent to take before and during a cleanse. It is a valuable adjunct to any therapeutic modality; it will enhance and accelerate your healing. The body says thank you every time you take it !
This is a single level with 3 symbols at there !

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Life Force For Super Immune by Winarso

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Inner Scrying Mirror by Winarso


from Hari Winarso year 2010

Inner Scrying Mirror Attunement

Inner Scrying Mirror Attunement based from Scrying Mirrors, but without a mirror. Scrying mirrors are a divination tool for looking into past lives, and past, present, and future events. The scying mirror or other tool is used as focus while you reach the mental openness which allows you to perceive information. Many people do see visions in the mirror. Some see or sense symbols, colors or shapes that they interpret. Other people actually see images or events unfolding as though viewing a movie. The process of gazing is quite similar to other psychic reading and meditation techniques. While tools may help with scrying, the knowledge and ability to do this work lies within the seeker rather than in the toods.

The black scrying mirror, also known as the “magic mirror” is a powerful metaphysical tool. It can reveal to the user secret hidden knowledge and clairvoyant ability and can act as a portal to other planes of existence in our universe.

One of its most famous known users was Nostradamus, who could tell by staring into the mirror events far into the future.

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$ 9.00

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Inner Scrying Mirror by Winarso

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Lingga Yoni Fertility by Winarso


by Winarso year 2009 -20 $

Lingga Yoni Fertility are extremely useful for those with fertility problems. If used on a regular basis these system are renowned to diminish infertility. Lingga Yoni Fertility is not only useful for fertility, but also for increasing the sex appeal, harmonizing relationships, strengthening the bond between lovers and couples, and many other benefits that you’ll find in your practice.

Lingga Yoni Fertility is consist of:

Lingga Yoni Fertility Attunement: After you have receive Lingga Yoni Fertility Attunement, you can access the energy from of Lingga Yoni Fertility.

Lingga Yoni Fertility Activation: this is to activated the Lingga Yoni Fertility. Activate Lingga Yoni Fertility every morning when you have get up from sleep, and make this as your daily activation/affirmation, then this activation works well to strengthen your sex appeal and charisma.

Lingga Yoni Fertility Healing: this is to heal your physical and subtle body, removing all causes of fertility problems, sexual disfuctions, etc. you can using this to heal yourself or others.

Lingga Yoni Fertility Symbol Meditation: this is a meditation that using Lingga Yoni Fertility Symbol. This meditation has benefits to strengthening the bond between lovers and couples, and etc.

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Lingga Yoni Fertility by Winarso


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Erotic Empowerment by Winarso


year 2009

Erotic Empowerment is system energy that form of field energy magnet so that give a fascination for another person towards our self. One of the important function and basic function from this magnetic field to increasing the self confidence, because self confidence is key from all hope and human success. Has less self confidence, this matter one of them caused because the weak magnetic field in self, so that felt that person at vinicity frowns upon, doesn’t care, and the mortallyer hate it. Such ideas will give negative effect towards, littered energy body layers … So that magnetic field in self more weaker, what is there in the more and more happen, and automatically he is more unconvinceder self.

In 1 st Level of Erotic Empowerment, your energy body layer and aura be cleaned from negative energy that littered so that aura can spout with interest strong, with inner beauty can appear from within yourself. This useful to increase sympathy from other person. As well as increase your self confidence, and other benefit.

In 2 nd Level of Erotic Empowerment, your sex appeal is that you have sexual fascination stronger towards another person, especially opposite gender. This matter may be very will help for that experience difficulty gets pair. And you can pass Erotic Empowerment 1 and 2 to others.

In general, The Erotic Empowerment functions is :

1. Increase your self confidence;

2. Help to increase your relationship abilities;

3. Help to increase self placidity;

4. Send out your aura to be more strong;

5. Increase your sex appeal;

6. Increase your healthly;

7. Help to create more better relationships with another person;

8. Help to simplify and speed up to get alive pair (Husband / Wife);

9. And, still many other function.

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Erotic Empowerment by Winarso

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Celestial Light Essence by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price 25 $ year 2012

Celestial Light Essence aids meditation which brings insights for personal &spiritual development. It strengthens the Heart chakra, clearing away blockages and enabling the shift from the lower chakras to the higher. It increases will power and determination alongside realistic expectations.

It increases creativity, and promotes the acceptance of the feminine aspect, for both men & women. It attracts abundance. Celestial Light Essence lifts the mood, releases and balances the emotions, making the world seem a better place for those who are at a low point.

Celestial Light Essence eases pain following grief loss. It enhances a loving relationship. It balances the electrochemical system and strengthens both the immune & reproductive systems.

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Celestial Light Essence by Winarso

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Emerald Heart attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso year 2009

Emerald Heart is a powerful high vibrational energy from for individual growth and remove negative emotional energies, like fear, anger, hate, anxiety, etc.
General & primary benefits:
- Balances the Heart

- Speed up detoxification

- Bring calms by removing hidden fears

- Removing negative emotional energies

- Helpful aid to meditation.

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Emerald Heart attunement by Winarso

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Magenta High Force by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price 25 $ year 2012

Magenta High Force is used to help us dissolve mental blocks, narrow mindedness, and thought constricting patterns. I feel it helps us to get through the “I can do it “ stage of getting our ideas out into the open very quickly. Sometimes we are stuck in self defeating patterns and need that extra boost to make us realize that we really can do what we set our mind on. Magenta High Force work to get us through us difficult times by reminding us that we are important and having negative thoughts about ourselves is not the way to a full and happy life.

Magenta High Force has very high vibration. It is about healing on all levels. I feel that this energy allows us to mentally grasp our heart based issues and then being to heal them. Use this energy as a bridge to allow personal growth to happen in your life. It is very calming, but at the same time it gives us the courage needed to expand our ideas and awareness.

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Magenta High Force by Winarso

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Celestial Violet Energy by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Price 25 $ year 2012

Celestial Violet Energy

Celestial Violet Energy aids in making changes and transformation. It ground and deflects negativity and is uses as protection energy.

It transforms internal negativity, changes and then releases it. You may also feel that it protects you from negativity outside influences.

Celestial Violet Energy helps to draw out negativity and disease from all chakras.

In healing this energy connects the spiritual bodies with the other levels of existence: the physical, emotional, and intellectual. It is the energy of balance, protection and love that overlaps the heart and throat, Celestial Violet is an energy that connects the three upper lower chakras the seen and unseen bodies of the aura.

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Celestial Violet Energy by Winarso

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EUR 14,99   

Price founder 60 $ by Winarso year 2012

Post – traumatic stress disorder. ( PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or makes you feel helpless.

Most people associate PTSD with battle-scarred soldiers-and military combat is the most common cause in men-but any overwhelming life experience can trigger PTSD, especially if the feels unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Post-traumatic stress disorder ( PRSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe, those witness it, and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law enforcement officers. It can even occur in the friends or family members of those who went through the actual trauma.

PTSD develops differently from person to person. White the symptoms of PTSD most commonly develop in the hours or days following the traumatic event, it can sometimes take weeks, months, or even years before they appear.

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Post Traumatic Stress Release Energetic Device by Winarso

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Sirius Star Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Hari Andri Winarso

Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is called The Star of ‘Knowing’ which will unfold the inner and outer acquisition of knowledge.

This essence attracts the knowledge of others and guides you to the knowledge for your inner transformation.

A perfect choice for those involved with spiritual development and/or communication with spirit guides.

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Sirius Star Essence by Winarso

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