attunement (206)

Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment by Winarso

EUR 8.00

From Winarso

Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment works at the level of the 7 th or Crown Chakra and precipitates consciousness from the subtle and higher planes into the definite working awareness. This is achieved by opening the spiritual eye to the divine reality and receiving those energies into the head centre. The goal is clear-sightedness, understanding and enlightenment.

The Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment will assist the soul to open to the processes of sight and revelation. The intention and the invocation in opening to the process of spiritual perception through the intuition and by clear pure light of the divine understanding can stimulate a vision of the plan. Goals become clear and the desire towards the fulfilment of the plan is evoked.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language, and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive your attunement when you wish .

EUR 8.00

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Crown Chakra Blessing Empowerment by Winarso

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Ascended Masters Connection Link by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price $ 35.99

The Ascended Masters are Divine Beings who have usually had lives oEarth at some period in time and therefore understand your Life problems. They are able to travel easily through the different Upper Levels, as they are composed of pure energy.

The Masters may appear to you psychically, mentally or Angels, Human Beings or balls of golden light. They emanate unconditional love and warmth and are never judgmental, commanding or demanding. The Ascended Masters will descend from the Higher levels and appear to you, in order to guide, give Higher knowledge and comfort you. They do not impose their will on you. They are happy to come to you when asked, to help you in all aspects of your life.

At The Ascended Masters Connection Link, you will learn how to connect with the Ascended Masters, that is:

Pallas Athena, Lady Nada, Lady Master Lotus, Lord Ling, Lady Master Leto, Allah Gobi, El Morya Khan, Hilarion, Master Rakoczy.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

EUR 8.00

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Ascended Masters Connection Link by Winarso

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Universal Abundance Course by Winarso

EUR 12.99

Price $ 55

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level:

Levels must be taken in the following order;

1 Level Universal Abundance Empowerment:

Spiritual Abundance Empowering activating and increasing our vibration of spiritual energy to transmuting these negative emotion energies and removing the blockages.

Included Audio of Universal Abundance empowerment

2.Universal Abundance Clearing Ray:

Works well to clear any abundance blockages/limitation.

You can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment and Universal Abundance Clearing Ray for anothers

3.Universal Abundance Healing Ray:

Works to heal abundance issues in ourselves or others.

You can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment, Universal Abundance Clearing Ray and Universal Abundance Healing Ray

4.Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray:
For manifesting things that you wish or desire in to your life.

Yu can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment ,Universal Abundance Clearing Ray ,Universal Abundance Healing and Universal Abundance Manifestation

do not Included Audio Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray.

5.Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray:
This works to open our understanding about abundance, helps to brace our positive energy, also to increase our business intuition, so that we can see all chances that occur in our environment.

You can pass All Levels Universal Abundance

Included Audio of Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray.

6 Universal Abundance Angelic Link - Booster level:
Works well to make a link to connect with the Angel of Abundance.

We can combine this Angelic Link with Universal Abundance’s System especially with Universal Abundance Clearing Ray, Universal Abundance Healing Ray and Universal Manifestation Ray to increase the energy forms and speed up the results.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

EUR 12.99

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Universal Abundance Course by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

year 2009

Universal Abundance Empowerment Level 1 by Winarso

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level:

Level 1

Spiritual Abundance Empowering activating and increasing our vibration of spiritual energy to transmuting these negative emotion energies and removing the blockages.

Included Audio of Universal Abundance empowerment

Receive attunement chi ball manual

EUR 6.99

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Universal Abundance Empowerment Level 1 by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

year 2009

Universal Abundance Clearing Ray level 2 by Winarso

Prerequisite 1 level Universal Abundance

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level

Level 2 Universal Abundance Clearing Ray:

Works well to clear any abundance blockages/limitation.

You can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment and Universal Abundance Clearing Ray for anothers

Receive attunements chi ball manual & lineage

EUR 6.99

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Universal Abundance Clearing Ray level 2 by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

year 2009

Universal Abundance Healing Ray level 3 by Winarso

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance Cours consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level

Level 3 Universal Abundance Healing Ray:

Prerequisite Universal Abundance Empowerment and Universal Abundance Clearing Ray

Works to heal abundance issues in ourselves or others.

You can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment,Universal Abundance Clearing Ray and Universal Abundance Healing Ray

Receive attunements chi ball manual and spiritual lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Universal Abundance Healing Ray level 3 by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

year 2009

Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray Level 4 by Winarso

Prerequisite Universal Abundance Empowerment ,Universal Abundance Clearing and Universal Abundance Healing

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level

4 level .Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray:
For manifesting things that you wish or desire in to your life.

Yu can pass attunement of Universal Abundance Empowerment ,Universal Abundance Clearing Ray ,Universal Abundance Healing and Universal Abundance Manifestation

Inc luded Audio Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray

Receive attunements chi ball manual and spiritual lineage

EUR 6.99

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Universal Abundance Manifestation Ray Level 4 by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

year 2009

Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray (level 5 ) by Winars

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level

5.Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray:

Prerequisite Universal Abundance Levels 1- 2- 3- 4

This works to open our understanding about abundance, helps to brace our positive energy, also to increase our business intuition, so that we can see all chances that occur in our environment.

You can pass All Levels Universal Abundance

Included Audio of Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray.

Receive attunements chi ball manual and spiritual lineage.

Eur  6.99

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Universal Abundance Wisdom Ray 5 Level by Winarso

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EUR 6.99

Universal Abundance Angelic Link – Booster Level by Winarso

Price $ 15 year 2009

Universal abundance takes the form of love, happiness, peace of mind, compassion, generosity, enlightenment and confidence; whereas, properties, fame, money, cars clothes and such are forms of material wealth. A genuinely wealthy person is abundant in both spiritual and material riches.

Cours Universal Abundance consists of 5 levels and 1 booster level

6 Universal Abundance Angelic Link - Booster level:

Prerequisite all 5 levels cours Universal Abundance

Works well to make a link to connect with the Angel of Abundance.

We can combine this Angelic Link with Universal Abundance’s System especially with Universal Abundance Clearing Ray, Universal Abundance Healing Ray and Universal Manifestation Ray to increase the energy forms and speed up the results.

Receive attunements chi ball manual and spiritual lineage.

EUR 6.99

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Universal Abundance Angel Link - Booster Level by Winarso

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Beauty Reiki by Winarso

EUR 7.00

Beauty Reiki by Hari Winarso year 2009

It s function is to clean negative energy on all layers of the body, especially the emotional layer, that influence the personality as when this layer of the body is cleaner the personality will be more appealing. Beauty Reiki is a simple system to practice. There are three levels within the Beauty Reiki modality.
Level 1 - In level one the body will be cleaned so that you can access the Beauty Reiki energy.
Level 2 - The Beauty Reiki energy will be magnified's so that the energy is ever greater, yet soft, but an even higher vibration. There are extra attunements to Inner Peace Reiki, Self Confidence Reiki, Success Reiki and Relationships Reiki in this level.
Level 3 - The Beauty Reiki, will be magnified so that the energy is even stronger, still soft but at the highest vibration. There are extra attunements in this level to Emotional Trauma Reiki, Remove Blockages Reiki and Paradigm Reiki, and Human Balancing Reiki.

Receive attunement chi ball manual lineage.

EUR 7.00

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Beauty Reiki by Winarso

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Aura Beauty Ray by Winarso

EUR 6.99

by Winarso

Price $25 year 2009

The Aura Beauty Ray Empowerment will clean the Auric field from negative energy and etheric parasites which will strengthen the Aura.
Aura will make your inner beauty, charisma and charm increase, bring energy and wellness to the body, protect you from negative energy and shield you from manipulation and domination of others.
The benefits of this system is that it cleans the Aura, brings out the inner beauty, sex appeal, charisma as well as increasing self esteem. Not include Aura Beauty Ray Audio.

Receive attunement chi ball manual lineage

EUR 6.99

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Aura Beauty Ray by Winarso

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Vortex Energy Source by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Vortex Energy Source it is a powerful energetic tool for manifestation because it is perfectly aligned with the powers of nature.

Vortex Energy Source generates a powerful energy vortex that amplifies the intentions of those in its presence.
In effect it becomes an energy source which attracts, cleanses, balances and finally amplifies energy - focused intent.
It is simple to use, subconscious intent is automatically picked up by this powerful energetic tool, which can also be consciously
focused upon specific intent/desires.
It is an intuitive energy which will aid you in your daily life and will also enhance your natural healing abilities and self healing as it
naturally upgrades your vibrational frequency and empowers your self healing sessions.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive your attunement when you wish.

EUR 8.00

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Vortex Energy Source by Winarso

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Money Essence Reiki by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 24.50 year 2009

This is a very beautiful energy that helps shift your relationship to money. The multi-faceted way this essence works builds self esteem and feelings of worthiness. It helps us re-connect with money on an energetic level as well as physical. It also helps us shift any negative beliefs we have about money, thus helping us have a more relaxed, positive and enjoyable relationship with it. The Money Essence Reiki helps you with the integration of earthly bonds as well as the Cosmic ones, bringing balance to these deep primeval forces.

Receive attunement chi ball manual lineage 

eur 6.99

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Money Essence Reiki by Winarso.

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Holy Fire gTummo by Winarso


Holy Fire gTummo

Prerequisite II Level Reiki

Holy Fire gTummo is a gTummo tradition that developed by Hari AndriWinarso and Edwin Aldrian. In the practice, Holy Fire gTummois without symbols mantras. Only using energy aspect of gTummo with energy patterns. So, will be more simple in the practice.

Like the other gTummo traditions, Holy Fire g Tummo has 4 levels, that is:

1 - Grade (Practitioner Level):

You should attuned with gTummo energy that his or her energy channels will be disclosed ( atsushmna, ida, pinggala and other nadis as well).

2 – Level (High Practitioner Level):

At this level,gTummo energy will be increased 108 times fold. Disclosing new paths of energy and cleansing body components is procured simultaneously as in Chakras, nadis, aura and so forth. At this level, you can using 5 primary energy patterns and 9 secondary energy patterns.

3 - Level (PersonalMaster Level):

gTummoenergy will be increased 1000 times fold of energy during the current level.

4 – Level (Master Teacher Level):

At this level, gTummo practitioner has been well – advanced in practicing gTummo in daily lives while this Master Teacher empowered with 10.000 times fold of energy. A Master Teacher of Holy Fire gTummo can give the angkurs for other people.

Receive manual English, chi ball attunement,lineage.

$ 9.00

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Holy Fire gTummo by Winarso

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TSA RA Empowerment by Winarso


TSA RA EMPOWERMENT: by Hari Andri Winarso

26 $ year 2009

Tsa Ra is a phrase of Tibetan Mo Divinatory Syllables, from the 6 syllables of the mantra of Manjushri:


This mantra has no specific translation but represents the wisdom experienced by enlightened beings. Each of the syllables can be associated to be phrases. Like as each syllables has a different energy that


Tsa Ra have meaning “ The Sword of Flames ” or “ The Great Fiery Weapon ”. This name indicates the power and influence inherent in the force of fire. This is Fire Element.

Tsa Ra works in energy field bodies, burns through and transforms blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and other spiritual bodies. Tsa Ra grounds all other healing energy.

Perhaps you will feel tingling, warm, hot, or electric impulses during the attunement process and also when you work with this energy. But perhaps sometimes you do not get any sense, don’t be worry, the energy still flowing !

If you felt tired, dizzy, thirst after receive the attunement … drink a glass of water soon, and take a rest. Don’t take a bath after receive the attunement, give a distance about a hour after that.


- Tsa Ra burns all toxins, diseases, releases all negative elementals.

- Tsa Ra can be used for clearings, cleansings, purification and exorcism.

- Tsa Ra is a higher energy- Works on all levels of energy field bodies.

- Tsa Ra is an effective energy to remove any negative entities.

- And many other benefits.

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

$ 6.99

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TSA RA Empowerment by Winarso

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The Violet Light of Buddha by Winarso


Violet light of Buddha Hary Andry Winarso

The Violet Lights of Buddha

A Teacher teach me about The Violet Lights of Buddha some time ago. Energy which so after soft and creates orthogonal transformation spiritual energy which can bring them practicing on it admission at a happy condition and freedom. This condition can be described as condition “harmonious” in mind and soul a Yogis. Condition which would also brings the practitioner is permeated by admission and transmits energy love to give, peacefulness, kindness … And all important is we can grow in this life.

This is some benefits from overall of benefit is earning we to obtain by practicing on The Violet Lights of Buddha … Calmness, peacefulness, healing, etc. you will meet various other benefits according to needed along with increasingly frequently this method practiced in your life. It’s the core, this method applicable to purpose of anything which are positive.

Before initiation, follows your conscience in drawing up initiation process … takes example you wish to take a bath beforehand, cleans face, etc.

Applies light barium clothes to be worn and cleanness, does this initiation process is place that is enough is peace, so nothing that bothers your initiation process.

Open your mind and heart, peeps out gladness, joy and love to give in yourself so that here with love lights the Buddha will enlighten yourself and your life. And if this done continually in your life, hence you will enter on condition that is full peacefulness in your life.

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

$ 6.99

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The Violet Light of Buddha by Winarso


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Black Star Sapphire by Winarso


Blackstar Sapphire with the energy of this stone is very useful for a protection, is said to remove negative energy from the charka it’s placed on, improving the mental and physical health the individual.

It’s worn to ward off the “evil eye”, and to help one to rise to success in life despite obstacles. It is also often used by those wishing to awaken their kundalini power. The star that appears in the stone when kissed by light, represents the light of spirit into inner darkness.

This energy pattern helps to ground and balance the individual, relieves stress and doubt, and allows one to trust in their intuition.

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

$ 6.99

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Black Star Sapphire by Winarso


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13 Crystals Skulls by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

Prerequisite : Level 2 Reiki

It is a system whit haling and attune you with The 13 Crystal Skull energy. 13 Crystal Skull energy is a pure and powerful Divine energy. During the process of attunement perhaps you will feel frightened, smell or hear something. Don’t be afraid because that is a normally reaction when you accepted this attunement.

Even you don’t feel anything, don’t worry … because when you have done take this attunement, you have attune with the 13 Crystal Skulls energy.

Benefits of 13 Crystal Skulls

- Cleans the negative energies in our self and the environment.

- Increase and strengthen our healing abilities and energies.

- Helps to activating our Third Eye Chakra and strengthen the psychic abilities.

- To heal all diseases.

- And many other benefits.

receive manual, attunement chi ball

$ 6.99

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13 Crystals Skulls by Winarso

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Ruby Essence by Winarso


By: Hari Andri Winarso

Ruby Essence is a powerful Energy which has the ability to bring hidden things to the light. Ruby essence may bring these emotions quickly to the surface, and should only be used when a person has knowledge of how to learn and gain from the experience. In this way they are able to be purified by the experience, rather than overwhelmed by it.

Ruby essence increases energy levels and assists with disorders of the blood, poor circulation, cleansing of the blood and heart disease, assisting to regenerate the physical and the spiritual heart, enhancing courage, integrity, selfless service, leadership, joy, spiritual devotion and power. Beneficial with intuitive thinking, Ruby essence strengthens immunity, activating sluggish or dormant conditions on the physical and spiritual levels and banishing any sense of limitation.

Ruby essence assists its user in all matters of love, including love for themselves. It is also an energizing stone that assists with motivation, allowing its user to become more realistic about expectations and goals. Bringing unresolved emotions and passions up to the surface, providing the energy and insight to deal with them and then refining lower passions into a higher manifestation or situation.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball,

$ 6.99

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Ruby Essence by Winarso

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Amaru Meru Reiki by Hari Winarso



AMARU MERU By Hari Andri Winarso

20,99 $

Benefits of Amaru Meru Initiation and Meditation:

· Cleans and purify our energy bodies.

· Help to raising our Fire Serpent / Kundalini

· Increase our manifestation power

· Increase our consciousness into higher consciousness

· Helps to activate our Third Eye Chakra

· Build a bridge between us and the Higher Dimensions of theUniverse

· And many others spiritual benefits

receive manual, attunement chi ball

$ 6.99

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Amaru Meru Reiki by Hari Winarso


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