attunement (206)

Personal Bio Force Vibration by Winarso


by Andri Winarso year 2010

20,99 $

Personal Bio - Force Vibration is a higher vibration of bio – energy, which act to rejuvenate the cellular structure in your body, as well as activating, is anti aging effect due to the level releasing its built up toxics, this a deep cellular liver activation and cleanse, acting as a reversal to the rapid aging that takes place deep within our cellular matrix not only in your liver, however your entire bodies DNA.

This vibration will flow to your liver and activate it rapidly into detoxifying your body, not just on a physical level, however an emotional level. The liver is an Emotional Organ and stores emotions. Emotional blocks and repressed emotions are often stored in the liver. That is one reason why we age so fast in this day and age. Our liver starts to shut to down early due to repressed emotions.

The Personal Bio – Bio Vibration is not only useful to rejuvenate and anti aging, but also:

- Supports the Immune System.

- Assists Weight Loss.

- Boosts Energy and Vitality.

- And many other benefits.

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Personal Bio Force Vibration by Winarso


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Divine Melody Vibration by Hari Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price $ 40

Divine Melody Vibration has a strong vibration within the Thymus or Higher Heart Chakra to encourage you to open your heart to Divine love. It has a soothing vibration that assists in calming ADHD and hyperactivity.

It surrounds you in a bubble of high-vibration golden light that is a barrier against negativity. It has metaphysical properties that may align you with Divine will as it aids you to release fear. It is an excellent vibration for emotional healing and may heal romantic relationships through its loving energy. This strong psychic protection energy deepens intuition and will also assist you to heal any holes in the aura caused by drug or alcohol abuse.

This Divine Melody Vibration has a powerful energy that brings all aspects of your etheric body into alignment. It kindles love and harmony within the etheric body and has a strong healing action within the emotional body. It allows you to be able to contact the Divine mind directly and this may aid you to bring spiritual insights into your day to day life and aid you to deal with emotional problems.

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EUR 8.00

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Divine Melody Vibration by Hari Winarso

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Bio Magnetic Body Activation by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 25 year 2010

The human body produces very complex electrical activity. This energy can be obscured by the surrounding planetary and environmental fields, solar storms, the earth’s magnetism, power lines and even chemical reactions in the body. This activation uses these fields as a good source of healing power.

The Benefits of Bio Magnetic Body Activation:

Normalizing of metabolic functions that are disturbed and cause pain. They have proven helpful in healing pain for symptoms from arthritis to migraine headaches.

Improved sleep and decreased stress.

increased blood flow in the body, bringing more nutrients and oxygen through the system, and flushing toxins from the body, helping to heal illness and injury.

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Bio Magnetic Body Activation by Winarso

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Goddess Cosmic Energy by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Price $ 21.99 year 2009

The Goddess Cosmic Energy can be used for increasing your intuition and sensitivity, for helping you to become more nurturing, sweet natured and generous in spirit. It also brings light and love to the Earth, and to all beings living upon Her. The Goddess Cosmic Energy can be channeled to promote positive feelings about self. It relieves tension, anxiety, stress, anger, depression, insecurity, fatigue, and moodiness. The energy balances body, mind and spirit, the central nervous system, and yin and yang energy. It also is grounding and instills peace, confidence and joy, as well as bringing connection of the crown and base chakras.

The Goddess Cosmic Energy also works well to cleanse all negativity in a place or location and transforms negative energy into positive energy.

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Goddess Cosmic Energy by Winarso

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Forgiveness Energetic Matrix by Winarso

EUR 8.00

price 35 $

Forgiveness is an important thing in our life and our world, it is very important when we wish a significance progress in our path of life. Forgiveness is the most miraculous power that brings peace to our soul and harmony to our life. All of us, at some point in our lives, have been hurt and wounded by the actions or words of another. Forgiveness Energetic Matrix is an attunement that will attune us to a wonderful and amazing energy who has multi talents of functions / benefits in our life :

It works to draw forgiveness, whether it be you that needs self forgiveness or the ability to forgive someone that has done you wrong. It helps to draw anger out of a person and to release it. Forgiveness Energetic Matrix helps to bring to light that which is hidden from the conscious mind. It dissolves suppressed negative patterns and purifies them. It can create a somewhat radical behavior change as new positive attitudes replace old, negative, egocentric patterns. Balance the emotional nature and protect one from being taken advantage of. It helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change .Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things. Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues, spiritual and self-love, desire to live and purpose. Helps you alleviate irrational fears and paranoia. Will enhance the dream state.

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EUR 8.00

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Forgiveness Energetic Matrix by Winarso

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Inner Child Essence by Winarso

EUR 6.99

price 15,50 $ year 2009

Inner Child Essence helps us developed a more positive personality ,balanced, emotions and greater spiritual connection, as well as creating powerfull soul growth .Inner Child Essence also works well to promotes love and acceptance of ourself, helps us release and safely discharge internal stress ,helps with emotional traumas connected to being or having been a human child.

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Inner Child Essence by Winarso

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Spirits Elements by Winarso

EUR 8.00

Price 35,99$

The Spirit Elements have been brought through by Spirit to help us invoke and access the realm of Nature and Spirit within ourselves so as to more fully explore and understand our spirituality and fulfill our highest potential.

Includes 7 attunements :

Water Element Attunement

Earth Element Attunement

Fire Element Attunement

Air Element Attunement

Higher Self Attunement

Devic Attunement


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Spirits Elements by Winarso

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Raja Besi Inner Power Master by Hari Winarso

EUR 9.99

year 2010

Inner Power is a popular concept in Southeast Asia particularily Indonesia and Malaysia Inner Power- this is the strength within you that you can used it to help you to go through your daily life. Inner Power also call ki, chi, subconcious, inner energy, reiki, prana and many more.

Everyone have this power within but one need to seek and find it in his self then only can used it in daily life. The demonstration of this power is very amazing - people heal other with this inner energy, people do amazing feat such as walking through fire and many more. This inner energy to help us to reduce stress, to be more relax and be confident with ourself.

Raja Besi Inner Power helps you to strengthen and protect your physical power, immune system and stamina. Protect yourself from enemies and aggressors. Weaken aggressors as soon as they enter your force field. Protection yourself from psychic attacks, black magic.

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Raja Besi Inner Power Master by Hari Winarso

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Soul Shakti Level I - by Winarso

EUR 13.00


Price founder 50 $ year 2010

Soul Shakti is a unique, powerful and effective method of attuning and releasing blockages in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies. These blocks hold us back m achieving success, happiness, love, health and abundant flow in all areas of our life. As we are freed of the energy of abuse, powerlessness, fear, trauma, unworthiness, and so on, the mind and the emotional understanding can rise to a new level. As the body becomes more and more refined, it becomes purer and clearer and is in greater alignment with your spirit. When we are strongly connected to our "true selves" and flowing with our life's purpose, we are radiant, joyous and prosperous. This system will also assist you to awaken dormant spiritual gifts and abilities and to get in touch, at a deeper level, with your soul's mission. When we are doing what we came to earth to do this lifetime we are filled with joy, fulfillment, contentment and empowerment. . Work with the Soul Shakti can bring about profound inter dimensional cellular healing. To reach a state of Oneness, we must first find the courage and the heartfelt desire to move through our fears and pain, into the love of the divine. Only with the intention and vibration of Divine Love can we fully move into the fullness of who we truly are. . This powerful spiritual frequency will hold you in safety to dive into the deepest fears and pain we as humans can hold. The energy will assist as a powerful tool for higher shamanic spiritual journeying & multi dimensional meditation. . The Soul Shakti system is a sequence of two attunement workshops. Each attunement workshop of Soul Shakti contains many functions / empowerments / attunements. .


Soul Shakti Attunement, Physical Body Attunement, Emotional Body Attunement

Mental Body Attunement ,Compassionate Body Attunement ,Atmic Body Attunement

Monadic Body Attunement, Divine Body Attunement, First Brain Attunement.

Second Brain Attunement, Third Brain Attunement, Fourth Brain Attunement.

Shakti Chakras Empowerment ,Shakti Meridians Empowerment, Shakti Aura Healing.

Shakti Aura Shield , Shakti Body Purification ,Soul Awakening

Soul Fire , Soul Shakti Healing

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In the manual it states that registration is required for this course . Registration is no longer required.

EUR 13.00

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Soul Shakti Level I - by Winarso

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Soul Shakti Level II - by Winarso

EUR 13.99

Prerequisite Soul Shakti level 1

Price 50 $ year 2010

Soul Shakti is a unique, powerful and effective method of attuning and releasing blockages in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies. These blocks hold us back m achieving success, happiness, love, health and abundant flow in all areas of our life. . As we are freed of the energy of abuse, powerlessness, fear, trauma, unworthiness, and so on, the mind and the emotional understanding can rise to a new level. As the body becomes more and more refined, it becomes purer and clearer and is in greater alignment with your spirit. When we are strongly connected to our "true selves" and flowing with our life's purpose, we are radiant, joyous and prosperous. This system will also assist you to awaken dormant spiritual gifts and abilities and to get in touch, at a deeper level, with your soul's mission. When we are doing what we came to earth to do this lifetime we are filled with joy, fulfillment, contentment and empowerment. . Work with the Soul Shakti can bring about profound inter dimensional cellular healing. To reach a state of Oneness, we must first find the courage and the heartfelt desire to move through our fears and pain, into the love of the divine. Only with the intention and vibration of Divine Love can we fully move into the fullness of who we truly are. . This powerful spiritual frequency will hold you in safety to dive into the deepest fears and pain we as humans can hold. The energy will assist as a powerful tool for higher shamanic spiritual journeying & multi dimensional meditation. .


Spiritual Individuality Attunement ,Personality Shakti Attunement ,Mind Shakti

Empowerment ,Soul Venus Shakti Empowerment ,Soul Desires Expansion Shakti

Soul Awakener ,Shakti Dissolver ,Shakti Soul Regeneration ,Shakti Immune Healing

Energy ,Shakti Aura Healing ,Shakti Body Purification ,Soul Shakti Healing

Shakti Miracle Spiritual Alignment Shakti

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In the manual it states that registration is required. Registration is no longer required.

EUR 13.99

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Soul Shakti Level II - by Winarso

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Ka Shakti by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price 50 $ year 2010

KA Shakti Empowerments can help you to healing emotions and negative energies, clear negative beliefs, patterns and emotions so that they can live fully present in the here and now while becoming a new and rich satisfying life. The emotions are the most elusive part of the human body. Research has only begun to delve into the subconscious mind to discover how they affect every aspect of our lives.

Many people find that they are unable to progress in life and achieve sought-after goals and dreams due to the trauma of emotional and physical abuse. These deep-seated emotional issues can undermine a person's success, daily life and future, which is why new avenues for clearing negative emotions are available. Negative emotions create negative energy which stays in the energy field until transformed.

The emotions of anxiety and fear, for example, creates an acidic condition that activates the transcript enzyme that transcribes that emotion onto the RNA template (RNA is the sister molecule of DNA) and stores it in the DNA. The negative emotion then becomes a predominant factor in our lives from that moment on. A function of KA Shakti? activate the amygdala and pineal gland to relax the central nervous system, affecting both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, and also supports the body in releasing the acid that was created from negative emotions and negative energy which heals the DNA.

As we grow in spiritual awareness, we develop a more integrated understanding of ourselves. We come to know ourselves as spiritual beings, operating through a unified trinity of body mind soul. These three facets of self allow us to have a creative experience of life.

Ka Shakti Empowerment:

Subconscious Clearing Amygdala Attunement,Pineal Gland Activation ,Valor KA Balancing , Emotional Release Empowerment, Sara KA Empowerment, Deep Trauma Release Empowerment, Heightens Awareness Empowerment, Inner Child Attunement, Present Time Empowerment,Power of Hope,Power of JoyPower of Forgiveness ,Power of Harmony, White Angelica Empowerment

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Ka Shakti by Winarso


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Blue Fire Body Attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

By Winarso

This system has only 2 techniques and 2 benefits, that is useful as self protection from negative energy and clean negative energy in all part of our physical body and energy body.

You can combining Blue Fire Body with other system in your healing practice another persons, for example : you give canalization the healing energy for patient with using Reiki Usui system, then you can give Blue Fire Body attunement to patient as self protection and speed up their healing process with practice the Blue Fire Body Meditation.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language, and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive your attunement when you wish 

EUR  6.99

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Blue Fire Body Attunement by Winarso

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Silver Body Protector by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Prerequisite Blue Fire Body

Silver Body Protector is an etheric protection system

It is an upgrade or a boosters from Blue Fire Protector

is useful for self protection from any negative energy.

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Silver Body Protector by Winarso



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Fire Flash Energetic by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Price 50 $

Fire Flash Energetic is a great energy as a harmonizing force between the different energies but also appears to improve the communication between one another. Fire Flash Energetic creates a conduit for the light force and life force around our bodies. It assists in opening blocked channels in our bodies and cleaning or clearing out otherwise compromised ones.

Fire Flash Energetic is an energy of connections, patterns, and peace. It has energy for helping to see patterns of information, make connections, network, and collect patterns together. With this gentle but powerful energy, these things are brought to bear: growing and improving relationships; understanding, stabilizing and improving organizations and groups; networking with people.

It can also assist with understanding the root of a problem or issue or challenge so that it can be worked with and overcome successfully. This energy can help take control of life so that what you want can be manifested. The peace energies of Fire Flash Energetic are far-reaching and can help one learn gentleness, inner peace, living from the heart with peace and lack of fear.

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Fire Flash Energetic by Winarso


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Iron Body Protection by Winarso

EUR 12.00


Price founder 55 $

Is a powerful energy for protection and some other forms of benefits. This is a modality that will help one to develop in all areas relative to service, as well, it brings the value pf assistance to the forefront of the conscious mind. It is quite helpful in gaining certainty in our decisions and with taking control of our actions.

The Irom Body Protection is thought to be protective ; Is not only to be protective, but to send the ill-will or evil intent back to the sender thrice-fold!

It also brings with it an air of grounding to the students and to boost self-esteem. Iron Body Protection is thought especially helpful in discordant situations where the students feels they lack control and/or lose their center in the given situation. Iron Body Protection bring the body into perfect pH balance, which is helpful in many an ailment.

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EUR 12.00

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Iron Body Protection by Wnarso


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Quantum Energetic Body by Winarso


By Hari Andri Winarso 2010

Price founder 45,99 $

Quantum Energetic Body

Quantum Energetic Body is an immune system builder that is able to work within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically open the gateways to Gold’s direct healing light. It is effective in healing past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field and the body’s cells, causing pain in both areas. It can and will align all energy bodies, all chakra.

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Quantum Energetic Body by Winarso

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By Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

45,99 $

Fire Serpent Attunement & Activation

Fire Serpent Attunement & Activation is strong attunement to stimulate the arousal of the kundalini energies. It is also an attunement to encourage you to make contact with the elemental beings as thee members of the Devic realm resonate with its energy. It you wish to aid the healing of the earth … its vibration of earth energy will aid you in this aim.

The kundalini energy or Serpent Power or Fire Serpent is purported to reside at base of the spine wrapped three and a half times around the sacrum until roused. Fire Serpent Attunement is known to be an extremely potent and effective attunement to use part of the process to raise your kundalini energy.

If you awaken your kundalini, you may experience a wide range of different effects. The intensity of this experience often stimulates sexual feelings as it opens new areas to create “ enlightenment”.

The energy of the kundalini moves up the spine from the base chakra until it emerges at the crown chakra. Many people have reported extraordinary experiences when this happens and it may feels very much like a hot flame as it makes its way up.

This attunement and activation may aid you to access the energy of the planet and may aid those who wish to heal the earth. It is an excellent system for cellular regeneration and to assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs. If you feel that there may be blockages in any of your chakras, this activation is useful aid. It will work at any chakra to clear blocked or stagnant energy.

Kundalini activation is associated with “”enlightenment” and this whole process has been written about in depth in many books.

The experience revolves around the Kundalini moving up from the base of the spine through the center of the spine. It comes all the way up to the crown chakra where it emerges like an enormous snake hovering over your head.

On its way up the spine it will open the channel, and clear each chakra as it goes until it reaches the pinnacle at the crown.

This process may occur spontaneously in some individuals but in many others it is the result of specific processes.

The use of Fire Serpent Attunement as part of this activation is it will alleviate some of the possible discomfort it is possible to feel. This is because using this attunement will allows you to clear the chakras as the movement occurs.

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Fire Serpent Attunement & Activation Kundalini by Winarso

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Triangles Healing Master by Winarso


from Hari Andri Winarso year 2010

Triangles Healing involves the manipulation of chi energy or prana on a person’s body through the use of the hands. The healer uses their etheric body as a channel for the soul to transmit vital pranic force into the etheric and physical body of the person being healed. Triangle Healing works best on the lower three chakras and generally on less spiritually developed people, but can be used on any part of the body. The one presented here is a simple form Healing system anyone can do provided they have a good hookup to their soul, and the desire to heal.

The Triangle Healing has 3 levels, that is:

1. Practitioner Level : At this level, you will learn how to heal yourself and another, Grounding, Scanning, and Lavender Triangle Meditation. At here you will use two kinds of color of Triangle, who have benefits for healing and meditation to increase the energy, enhancing intuition, protection shield, etc.

2. High Practitioner Level : You can receive the attunement for this level if you have doing 21 days for Self Healing. At this level, you will learn and use 7 kinds of color of Triangle, each Triangles has specific energy and benefits. This will be make your healing session more effective than the Practitioner Level.

3. Master Level : You can receive the attunement of this level after 7 days from the High Practitioner Level. At this level, you will use 3 kinds of color of Triangle, you can give the attunement Triangles Healing for another. At this level you will learn how to banishing, absorption, destruction of negative energy and also to heal the animals using the Triangles Healing.

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$ 9.99

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Triangles Healing Master by Winarso

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Artemis Stone by Winarso


From Hari Andri Winarso

Artemis Stone

Artemis Stone is beautiful and very special energy tool for our life, especially for women. When you activate the energy of Artemis Stone, the Artemis’s energy will be connected and channeled.

The Artemis Stone works to promotes independence, freedom and love of nature. Protective of women, children, wild places and wild creatures. This energy of Artemis combines strength, action and directness with sensitivity and kindness. Helps us focus and speed our prayers, visualizations and thought-forms to their goal.

You can also use this beautiful energy to charge our drinking water, the water becomes infused with the Artemis energy. Water contains Artemis energy provide effective remedies, acting quickly on a physical, mental and emotional level.

Receive this distant Attunement chi ball , Manual english language, and the necessary instructions, once it is prepared for you , chi ball not expire ,you can receive your attunement when you wish.

$ 6.99

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Artemis Stone by Winarso

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Rastaban Star Essence by Winarso


From Hari Winarso

Rastaban Star Essence

The star of “War & Retribution” remove the false heart and slays the foolish seeds of greed. Oversees justice and guides the payment of karma. Beneficial for those who have a tendency to get “pushed around by others”. For those who have difficulties in saying “no” to others. If you have become too caught up in the material world and the need to “posses everything”, Rastaban will bring back a sense of balance and harmony. Rastaban may produce an uncomfortable sensation (especially if you have not been acting in the best interests of all) as it is effectively rearranging your energy stores and putting things back into a sense of “right order”. Beneficial for those who are too “full on “to soften and soothe, those who feel the need to convert everyone they meet to agreeing with their own set of ideas and ideas. Assists to allow people be who they are.

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Rastaban Star Essence by Winarso

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