balancer energy device (1)

Balancer Energy Device by Winarso

EUR 9.99

Balancer Energy Device Winarso

Price $60

Balance Energy Device is very helpful in time of stress and trauma, physical or emotional. It acts synergistically on all 12 meridians and the 7 major chakras, or energy centres of the human body. It balances excess or deficiency in any of the channels or chakras.

Even this is very useful in times of stress and trauma, it can be used in any situation of physical “overload”. Balancer Energy Device calming to the mind and relaxing to the body.

Balancer Energy Device helps those souls who are highly absorbent or spiritual influences. It tend to be very awake and quite mentally active, with a strong attraction to spiritual practices and various forms of meditation. However, it often absorb far more energy than can actually be processed through the body.

At a deeper level, it teaches one how to moderate and regulate one’s spiritual-psychic energy. In this way the soul learns to use its highly sensitive capacities in balance with the physical needs of the body.

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Balancer Energy Device by Winarso


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