blockage removal vibration (1)

Blockage Removal Vibration by Winarso


Blockage Removal Vibration is a higher vibrational energy that removes frequency blocking and frequency blocking “sields” from the subtle physical bodies ( energy field) of individuals. This energy vibration can also be used with animals. The use this energy is also to applying other forms of vibrational or energetic treatment modalities can massively increase the effectiveness of these other treatment methods.

This vibrational energy is channeled and intended to remove blocks in the subtle “energy field” so one can become more receptive to vibrational and energetic healing modalities. It is also channeled and intended to boost endocrine gland function by clearing blockages in the subtle energy processing faculties of the body and energy field.

My experiences in subtle energy phenomena indicates that people having experienced abuse and trauma in all of its forms, especially childhood or sexual abuse, exhibit several physiological and emotional challenges as result of the abuse, as they mature into adulthood. At the time of the abuse, one seems to internalize feelings of shame and worthlessness at subconscious and emotional levels

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Blockage Removal Vibration by Winarso

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