energy (5)

Universal Peace Attunement by Winarso

EUR 6.99

Universal Peace from Winarso

Universal Peace Attunement helps us to clear energies of trauma and desecration due to acts and thoughts of man (and violent acts of nature) that have become imprinted in property including accident sites, negative thought forms and energies from battlefield areas, energy patterns and thought forms due to alcoholism, psychological imbalance, drug abuse, and other forms of abuse and discordant energies of man that have become imprinted into the material substance of your property and possessions. It provides a protective barrier against interfering influences and “dark forces” of many kinds.

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Universal Peace Attunement by Winarso

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Sun Radiance Attunements - from Winarso

EUR 9.99

Sun Radiance Attunements by Winarso

Price $ 70 year 2011

Sun Radiance Attunement has a higher frequency of energy, it have high vibration.

You will not find any techniques to use this energy, it just attunement (s), because i will work differently for each person who uses it for it will be “fine-tuned” by the person’s own Guides and Master Teachers. This is one of the most exciting aspects of this energy for me, to know that each person who resonates with it and works with it will be receiving the added benefit of their own Guides and Teachers working with them in this whole new way!

Too, the person’s own Guides and Master Teachers shall be guiding each person on how to use this energy for their own best benefit so it is very important to be sure that one pays close attention to such things as dreams, synchronicity, intuition and so forth.

This is such an amazing time to be alive, the sky and beyond is truly the limit for what any of us can manifest and experience in our lives!

This is a modality that we shall be co-creating with The Beings Of Light as our planet becomes more and more aligned with the Highest Vibrations of The Universe.

R eceive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage.

EUR 9.99

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Sun Radiance Attunements - from Winarso

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Chakra Light Attunement by Winarso


by Hari Andri Winarso year 2009

25 $

Chakra Light Attunement works well to open energy centres, so that they are functioning actively, radiantly and strongly. The unity of one’s entirety is resultant of connecting the body and mind to other levels of consciousness-aligning one’s chakras.

Bringing the chakras into harmony requires some centres to be energized and this can be simply achieved by using the incredible Chakra Light Attunement!

Chakra Light Attunements is consist of 7 Chakra Light Attunement ( Please take minimum 24 hours for each attunement), that is:

1. Red Chakra Light Attunement

2. Orange Chakra Light Attunement

3. Yellow Chakra Light Attunement

4. Green Chakra Light Attunement

5. Blue Chakra Light Attunement

6. Indigo Chakra Light Attunement

7. Violet Chakra Light Attunement

receive manual, attunement chi ball & lineage

$ 6.99

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Chakra Light Attunement by Winarso


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20 Angel Essences Attunement - Hari Winarso e Argandini Titisari

More and more people are more aware of angel and are opening up to them, now in this most exciting period in Earth’s history the Angel Realms are helping and guiding us more than ever before. This is because the astral levels surrounding the planet are clearing away, making it easier for these Divine Beings to penetrate the earth’s density. Earth and humanity are becoming lighter in vibration al frequency due to the release, clearance and transmutation of all that is not love.

20 Angel Essences Attunement creates a bridge between your life and that of the Angelic Realms, linking you into web of light and higher consciousness. The Angel will work with you through their essence to help you bring the positive qualities that they emdoby deeper into your awareness, bringing transformation and higher awareness. Call on them for inspiration, illumination and guidance as you take these beautiful essences.

After you have receive the 29 Angel Essence Attunement from your teacher for this system, you can take 20 kinds of Angel Attunement as self attunement. The 20 kings of Angel Attunement is also as the daily treatment. 29 Angel Essences Attunement consist of :

1. Angel Of Abundance Attunement

2. Angel Of Beauty Attunement

3. Angel Of Compassion Attunement

4. Angel Of Determination Attunement

5. Angel Of Forgiveness Attunement

6. Angel Of Glory Attunement

7. Angel Grace Attunement

8. Angel Of Harmony Attunement

9. Angel Of Hope Attunement

10. Angel Of Joy Attunement

11. Angel Of Love Attunement

12. Angel Of Mercy Attunement

13. Angel Of Patience Attunement

14. Angel Of Peace Attunement

15. Angel Of Purification Attunement

16. Angel Of Strength Attunement

17. Angel Of Tranquillity Attunement

18. Angel Of Transmutation Attunement

19. Angel Of Truth Attunement

20. Angel Of Wisdom Attunement.

Receive manual, attunement chi ball,

$ 6.99

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20 Angel Essences Attunement - by Winarso & Titisari

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Perfect Weight Attunement by Hari Winarso

EUR 7.00

price 55,99 $

This is a single attunement and the techniques are simple to work with. The energy of this attunement supports a balanced appetite, balanced metabolism, confidence and self-love. Assists in letting go of anything, especially thoughts that no longer serve you.

Promotes enjoyment of being in your beautiful body. Best if energy is used daily calling in before bed... for a length of time to maintain this frequency.

You do not receive a mp3 file and ebook

Receive pdf manual, attunement chi ball & lineage.

EUR 7.00

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Perfect Weight Attunement by Hari Winarso

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