EUR 7.99
Energy Implants Neutralizer Winarso
Price $30 year 2010
Implants not only create damage to etheric body but also to physical body and interfere with the general health. They can block ones abilities (psychic), interfere with the flow of energy in the body as well as aura, throw one off balance, disabling one physically and mentally, create weird behavior, anxiety, fear, depression, anger.
Some problems of Implants:
· Mainly to block ones abilities (intuition psychic)
· Interfere with the flow of energy in the body as well as aura
· Manipulation/control purposes
· Surveillance, tracking
· Throw one off balance, disabling one physically and mentally
· Create weird behavior, anxiety, fear, depression, anger
· Deplete the immune system
· Develop illnesses, terminal diseases, heart attacks
· Develop mutation of cells resulting in disease
Neutralize and remove the unwanted energy implants from physical and subtle bodies
· Protect against harmful unseen energies, blocking intrusive vibrations
· Ground spiritual energies
· Strengthen and repair aura after implant neutralizing
· Cleanse negative energies, replacing them with living energies
· Increase well-being
· Protect against and eliminate psychic attack
Receive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.
EUR 7.99
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