magical flowers 1-3 (1)

Magical Flowers 1/3 From Hari Winarso


Price founder 30 $

Magical Flower 1-2

The Magical Flowers Program will attune and connect you to the energies of many kinds flowers. Each flower has unique energy patterns and difference benefits. After you attuned to these energies and work with them, you will find that every types of flowers have specific purpose and high vibration. And every time you work with them, this energy will increase and will enhance your abilities for using the flowers related their specific functions, such as love, friendship, purity, goal, success, protection, etc.

Magical Flowers Program has 3 levels:

- Level 1: You will attune 4 kinds of flower energies as with 4 elements. That is: Heliotrope ( Fire element), Vervain (Water element), Cherry (Earth), and Water Lily (Air Element).

- Level 2: You will attune many kinds of flower energies at this system that used for physical healing, mental healing, help you to resolve all problems and achieve your purposes or goals.

Magical Flowers Program has 3 levels:

- Level 1: You will attune 4 kinds of flower energies as with 4 elements. That is: Heliotrope ( Fire element), Vervain (Water element), Cherry (Earth), and Water Lily (Air Element).

- Level 2: You will attune many kinds of flower energies at this system that used for physical healing, mental healing, help you to resolve all problems and achieve your purposes or goals.

- Level 3 : The attunement for this level will strengthen your power to achieve your goals and manifest your desires when you working or using this system.

The attunement for this level will strengthen your power to achieve your goals manifest your desires when you working or using this system. The 3 rd level also called as Master Level, you can teach and pass the attunements to this system for another person.

receive manual, attunement chi ball

$ 8.00

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Magical Flowers 1/3 From Hari Winarso

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