metallic laser trilogy (1)

Metallic Laser Trilogy by Winarso


From Hari Winarso year 2010

Silver Laser. Golden Laser. Platinum Laser.

Silver Laser can be used to disperse the negative thoughts and can protect against diseases, it helps financial stability and protecting the business. Align the root chakra and stimulates the Kundalini.

Golden Laser Prerequisites: Laser Silver. Golden laser activates the heart chakra and aligns with the throat chakra and the third eye synthesizes the energies to produce thoughts of love and loving communication. It connects to infinite source of 'love, which is purified at all levels.

Platinum Laser is the last of Metallic Laser Trilogy, Silver and Golden Laser prerequisites. Platinum laser allows the exploitation of 'intuition and clarity of communication. It helps in spiritual growth. It stimulates psychic abilities and clairvoyance, spiritual vision and telepathy.

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Metallic Laser Trilogy by Winarso

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