mind power awakening (1)

Mind Power Awakening by Winarso

EUR 7.99

Mind Power Awakening by Winarso

Price $40 year2010

Mind Power Awakening is a powerful tool whose specific frequency stimulates dormant areas of the brain. Meditation with it may open new pathways in the brain and awaken latent powers of your mind.

It may also enhance a range of different psychic gifts, heighten your ability to be alert to spirit’s communication with you.

The energy pattern of this energetic tool will allow you to access the higher transpersonal chakra, especially when you use it with other high vibration energy. It has an ability to unify your mind with your spirit.

Work with this tool will assist you to raise the vibration of body, may stimulate your creativity, memory and learning abilities. Within the body, and particularly in the brain, there are genetic triggers waiting to be activated. Once you activate these triggers you may begin to use the superior gifts and talents gained.

As you explore new areas of interest that this energy stimulates, you begin to increase and embrace your capacity for change.

These newly gained talents may include an increase in psychic skills and may lead to psychic employment.

This energy assists you to connect to the Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra and even to link to the higher chakras in the etheric body. These transpersonal chakras include the Soul Star Chakra, where this energy is most effective at creating change. It may help you to develop psychic powers and in particular it may aid you with automatic writing.

R eceive manual, attunement chi ball, & lineage.

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Mind Power Awakening by Winarso

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