peace flame (1)

Peace Flame by Winarso

EUR 6.99

From Winarso

30 $ year 2010

Peace Flame is a calm and powerful energy channeled to calm to the mind and alleviate continual worry, anxiety, hypertension and obsessional thought patterns. Peace Flame works through Solar Plexus chakra, Heart chakra and Sacral Chakra.

The energy of the tool is powerful help us situations of grief and sorrow. Assists in moving through the emotions with grace and balance. This energy is also strengthens and shields aura from unwanted energies. Dispels attached entities, thought forms.

Peace flame promotes inner security, especially where one’s upbringing has been lacking in parental love or financial security. This energy promotes self-esteem, a positive attitude, courage in the face of adversity, and the removal of any ancestral or personal emotional patterns that have led to a feeling of unworthiness or lack of self-belief.

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Peace Flame by Winarso

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