winarso (369)

Quantum Energy Shield by Winarso


EUR 8.00

The Quantum Energy Shield absorbs beneficial earth ,cosmic ,subtle and Tachyon energy and imparts these energies to the practitioner thus enhancing the Biofield

THe Quantum Energy Shield also provides you with a 750ft bubble of protection from the other less beneficial or harmful energy fields including vortex spin energy and electromagnetic radiation emitted by all electrical appliances power lines cellphones and anything with electricity flowing through it

Vortex spin energy is energy that has been forced into a spinning motion

Just like eddies in water rapids or a tornado in the air ,vortex spin energy can be quite disruptive to your bodies biofield ,affecting internal body functions and signaling between the brain and the body even affecting intra cellular communication


Protects the biofield from potentially harmful energies inclusing Emf s and Vortex Spin Energy

Enhances your bodies Biofield & Electromagnetic Field

Effectively diffuses all energy that passes through your body 's Electromagnetic Field

Balances energy flow through the meridians of the body

Cancels out the negative energy from the people around you  etc..

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EUR 8.00

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Ethereal Garnet by Winarso

EUR 6.99

from Hari Winarso year 2010

Ethereal Garnet is powerfully grounding. It helps to inner stillness, stability, strength, presence into your energy and life. It encourages you to live in the present, to release past and future, to be grounded in the here-and–now. It strengthens your ability to weather the fiery, chaotic storms of life with flexibility & stability, enabling you to stand strong & solid in the midst of it all.

Ethereal Garnet encourages independence and self-sufficiency, helping you to release energetic, mental or emotional entanglements from other people. It strengthens your boundaries, both in your energy field and within personal relationships. It enables you to clearly see where your energy ends and someone else’s begins, to be more aware of when other people’s energy is interfering with your own, and to recognize where your choices and motivations have come from (within you or from some external influence?). Overall, it helps you create very clear boundaries and enables you to “stand your ground” in any context.

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EUR 6.99 

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year 2019- 40$ -   EUR 35.00

999 energy is a high spiritual energy, some people said if it is a very high frequency of energy and the highest frequency of angelic realms. Spiritually, 999 energy represent spiritual progress and the ascension of spiritual awareness to a higher level and a deep inner transformation.

999 energy has a soft and calm energy pattern that useful to calming your body and mind, bring the inner peace and increases emotional stability.

999 energy may help in the development and strengthening of personal transformations, spiritual potentials, healing, and many other.

999 Energy of Vajra Kartri was channeled and created to cleanses, purifies, and removes all blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. It is powerful to removes any obstacles of life, black magic spells, curses, hexes, cleansing all kinds of negativities and any of their negative influences, etc. And also helpful to dissolves negative thinkings, anger, criticism, fear, and any other forms of self-negativities.

999 Energy of Vajra Kartri are excellent to purifying and cleansing any negative energies in any type of spaces/rooms, like as home, office, etc. It will brings positive energy to the space, bringing peace and calm to makes everyone will feel comfort, positive feeling, good-mood and no negative energies.

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35 euro 




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Environmental Purification Flush by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 22.00

year 2019 - 25 $

Environmental Purification Flush was channeled to clears and purify aplace and an environmental.

It will remove the negative energies that appear from the environmental stress.

Environmental Purification Flush will also helps to clear and release accumulat ed pollution and toxicity of all kinds from the energetic blueprint.

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EUR 22.00



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Divine Shield of Mind by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Was channeled and created to activate a protection shield for your mind from any kinds telepathic and or any magickal devices.

And also protect you from all bad-suggestions, bad-dreams, black magick's spells, etc.

Divine Shield of Mind will makes your mind perfectly protected from any kinds dark and negative forces.

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EUR 14.99




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Aura Salt Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

Aura Salt Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Was channeled for assistance with healing, clearing, cleansing, balancing, and enhancing your aura.

It helps to heal and protect your aura and also keep your aura clean and fresh while removing negative entities and clearing energy blockages.

Aura Salt Essence is also useful to rebuild / repair the auric field, mending holes caused by old wounds, substance abuse, psychic parasites or exposure to negative energies.

Working with this Aura Salt Essence regularly may also increases your charismatic power -- Make you become respected, honored, and loved by others. And also give you ability or power to influences and calm the others.

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EUR 14.99




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Insomnia Healing Flush by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018- 40 $

Was channeled to help to relieve insomnia and sustain a good quality of sleep.

This flush will infuse positive energy, calm the mind, relax your body and mind, assist you to prepare for sleep, and then fall asleep and stay asleep.

Insomnia Healing Flush gives a treatment and helps your mind to take a break from the pressures, stresses and anxiety, ease nervous tension and hyperactivity, and soothe loneliness, grief and rejection – all of which can become the roots and or exacerbate insomnia.

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EUR 14.99




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Magickal Love Energy Flush by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Was channeled to fulfill you with the love energy and makes you have a strong connection with the Source of Love energy.

Magickal Love Energy Flush energies are powerful for warming and opening your heart to receive and radiate love, so your life will full of joy and happy.

It may also enhance your personal magnetism and you will become a magnet for love.

It helps to attract a partner or a spouse that fits your needs and values.

This Magickal Love Energy Flush will help soothe and heal deep emotional wounds, helping to release and begin recovery from the traumatic memory of sexual abuse and other forms of physical or emotional abuses. Then, it will bring emotional warmth, mental balance, love for life, self-love and for others.

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EUR 14.99




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Dream Catcher Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Was channeled to help you to get a deep and peaceful sleep. It helps you release and let go of stress and tension. This essence fills you with relaxation and peaceful tranquility and also helps to optimize and makes the whole of your body systems working together in harmony.

Dream Catcher Essence can protect you from any kinds of telepathic and or any magickal devices, protects you from bad-suggestions, bad-dreams, black magick's spells, etc -- channeled for when you sleep and might assist with those who have sleep interruptions of this sort.

This Dream Catcher Essence may also stimulate positive thinking to overcome all negative thought forms.

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 EUR 14.99





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Venus Higher Force Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Helps to absorb any negative energies and negative emotions into love and when transmuted become positive. and for students who are needing a clearing, it clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and disease associated with holding on to such negative emotions.

This energy can also help to heal a broken heart, allowing release of pent-up emotions and grief.

Venus Higher Force may also improve your romantic relationships and social life, harmonize and also improve the ability to experience pleasure and sensuality.

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EUR 14.99




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Clove Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

Clove Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 . 40 $

Was channeled to attract incredible luck.

It helps you to be blessed and surrounded by a great luck.

This essence is to be used with the methods you are currently using to realize, achieve and obtain your wish or desires.

Whatever your need or desire, ideal opportunities can spontaneously present themselves opening new paths to wherever you wish to go to allowing you to realize your desire.

Clove Essence could also help to enhance love, sexual and sensual feelings -- And give you a deep understandi

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EUR 14.99




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Abundance Cells Activation by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $40

Was channeled and created to activates a powerful magnetic force within you to attract abundance and prosperity.

It will help to attract money, windfalls, and financial blessings from all directions.

This Activation helps you to progress financially to acquire abundance and prosper.

Abundance Cells Activation may also helps those wanting to be famous by upgrading your personal magnetism.

Your personal magnetism becomes very strong and you have a high level of charm that make everyone around you love looking up to you and also helps you become famous wherever you go.

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EUR 14.99



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Carrot Juice Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

40 $ - year 2018

Was channeled to improve your eye sight.

Like as the real Carrot Juice, it will helps to ward off various eye disorders, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness.

Carrot Juice Essence is also aids the body to speed up metabolism, and also supporting the body's natural processes to increase energy, lose weight, regulate metabolism, increase vitality and boost the immune system.

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EUR 14.99




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Magickal Force Of Green Jade by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

40 $ year 2018

Was channeled to remove any blockages for wealth, abundance, and prosperity in your life. Then, creates a powerful magnetic field around you to attract abundance and prosperity from all directions.

Magickal Force Of Green Jade may also helps you to get rid of the debts in an unseen way, unpredictable, and extra-ordinary way.

And also creates many opportunities for you to accelerates your success in any sides of your life.

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EUR 14.99




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Cells Healing Activation by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018- $40

was channeled to activates the Cells Healing Mechanism and encourage your cells to regenerate health in your body.

This essence will speed up and stimulate your cells regeneration in order to restoring you to the optimum health.

This Cells Healing Activation helps to restore your cells ability to remove unnecessary diseases from your body, remove viruses that are incurable from the body.

Cell Healing Activation will makes your body becoming healthier and stronger.

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EUR 14.99




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Tart Cherry Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $ 40

was channeled to helps you to soothe and relieve stress, tiredness and depression.

It has a very calming energy that fills you with relaxation and peaceful tranquility, and helps you in stabilizing mood swings.

Tart Cherry Essence are excellent to heal old and fresh wounds of the heart.

And also helping to combat the damaging effects of bipolar disorder, emotional and mental dependencies, hypertension, etc.

Tart Cherry Essence may also assist you to optimize and makes the whole of your body systems working together in harmony.

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EUR 14.99




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EUR 14.99

year 2018- $40

Was channeled and created to strengthen and boost your magickal energies and improve your abilities of them.

This essence assist you to help more people and all living beings with your magickal energies.

If you are an energy healer who uses your hands to send energy, such as a Reiki healer, this Reinforcement Magick Essence will boost your ability to sending of energy.

This Reinforcement Magick Essence will also boost your manifestation power to manifest your goals and get results shortly.

It will stimulate the development of your intuition and soul sensitivity to know and read every "messages" from the universe to helps you to overcome any problems in your life -- And also enhance the development of many of the psychic powers.

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EUR 14.99






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Magickal Cayenne Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $ 40

Was channeled to break all curses, hexes, spells, and clear out any negative energy. It gives your ability to break or remove them, including any negative effects from you or others.

Many people have spells, curses, and hexes casted on them and they are unaware of it.

So, when you work with this essence for yourself and or others, you or your clients will receive a feeling of rejuvenation, freedom and freshness and positivity.

And if you often feel unlucky, it may also helps to change your luck for the better.

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EUR 14.99




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Mystical Force Of Serpent's Head by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018- $40

Was channeled to protect you on and in the

multidimensional level and in all aspects of your life.

It will protect you from all multidimensional, physical, metaphysical, and also magickal dangers and attacks.

Mystical Force Of Serpent's Head is also provides protections against the bite of venomous snakes, and from the attacks of any ferocious beast.

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EUR 14.99




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