winarso (369)

Black Tulip Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $ 40

Was channeled to stimulate, open and maintain your Third Eye Chakra.

It will enhance your intuition and heighten the psychic abilities, and also helps your intuition get stronger every day and assist you becoming more aware of spiritual guidance.

Black Tulip Essence will fill you with spiritual knowledge and deepening your knowledges about life, about the world, so you will have a deep understanding, empathy and compassion of it.

Black Tulip Essence may also increase your self-capacity to achieve your highest potential and enhance your self-confidence.

It will teach you intuitively and allowing you to trust yourself, bringing trust to your abilities and potentials.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $40

Business Maintenance Essence was channeled to stimulate and maintain your business for success.

It will stimulate your mind and build-up your business mindset, so you can find opportunities, creative ideas, and also create the best business plan for your business intuitively.

Business Maintenance Essence will remove your fear of running and being successful in your business.

It may also boosts your motivation and enhance your performance so that your business dreams and goals are within your reach.

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Quantum Prana Empowerment by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $40

Quantum Prana Empowerment was channeled and created to increase and boost the ability of your physical and subtle bodies to absorb more prana.

It will makes the Prana flow freely in the whole of your body, so you can becoming more healthy and vigorous, more balanced and invigorated.

It will completely refresh and revitalize your physical and energetic bodies.

Quantum Prana Empowerment will accelerate the healing process, blast away all illness, release diseases and stress easily, and also develop an overwhelmingly powerful immune system.

It is also helps to restore a reduced condition to get back to an optimal condition.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 . -$40

Scarabs were popular amulets and impression seals in Ancient Egypt.

Mystical Protection Force Of Scarab has many powerful protective capabilities, it provides protection against negative energies, dark forces and the ill wishes of others. It will protects us from any forms of bad vibes that not only make us feel uncomfortable but actually harm us in a very real sense.

It is said to protect you from bad luck, misfortune, accidents and from harm in general.

Mystical Protection Force Of Scarab may also provides a shield against harmful external vibrations for example geopathic stress and the commonly problematic EMF waves associated with power lines, mobile phones, domestic electrical equipment, etc.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - $40

Namgyalma is the deity who has long been associated with her connection to longevity and the process of spiritual purification.

Namgyalma Vajra Siddhi was channeled to purify your body and soul from any negativities and negative influences from others or from the environment. It will removing any obstacles in your life, purify any negativities and spiritual pollution who becomes barriers and blockages for blessings and positive things come to your life.

Namgyalma Higher Force has a high force of multidimensional healing, so you will have an ability to heals curable and incurable of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual diseases. It is also helps to heal the soul by removing the effects of any vows, curse, emotional attachments, etc.

Namgyalma Higher Force makes you have a strong connection with the Divine, and the Divine love and light always within you, so you can find joy, peace and love, and also realize the Divine existence in your life.

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Silver Bubble High Energy by Hari Andri Winarso - in german only

EUR 9.99

year 2014 . 40 $


Silver Bubble High Energy (Hohe Energie der Silbernen Energieblase) ist ein großartiges energetisches System, um Deinen Körper mit kraftvoller positiver Energie aufzufüllen. Es
schirmt Deinen Körper ab und schützt Dich vor allen negativen Energien, die Dich umgeben.

Es entfernt auch jegliche Negativität aus Deinen Gedanken und durchbricht alle Blockaden in Deinem gesamten Energiefeld.

Silver Bubble High Energy (Hohe Energie der Silbernen
Energieblase) fördert das innere Wachstum und den spirituellen Aufstieg.

Diese Silberne Energieblase unterstützt Dich, Deinen Geist zu öffnen und führt Deinem Spirit neue Energie zu, um Deine Träume Realität werden zu lassen.

Benütze es, um Deine Rolle auf Deiner Reise besser zu verstehen.Es lässt Dich mehr an Dich selbst glauben und verstärkt Deine Begeisterung und Motivation. Silver Bubble High Energy (Hohe Energie der Silbernen

Energieblase) wird den Glanz Deiner Aura verstärken, sodass Deine Aura stärker strahlt.


EUR 9.99




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Inner Smile Essence by Hari Andri Winarso - in German only

EUR 9.99 

45 $


Inner Smile Essence (Inneres Lächeln Essenz) ist eine starke Essenz die Dich unterstützt, Liebe für Dich selbst zu empfinden. Sie hilft, einen Zustand von Freude und Glück zu erreichen.

Sie ist eine exzellente Essenz zur Unterstützung der Heilung von negativen Emotionen, gebrochenen Herzen, Traurigkeit, Ärgernis, Verbitterung etc.

Durch diese Essenz fließt die Liebesenergie direkt in Dich hinein.

Inner Smile Essence (Inneres Lächeln Essenz) ermöglich das Loslassen von Stress ohne Anstrengung und zusätzlichen Aufwand.

Sie hilft Dir zu entspannen und Deine innere Mitte zu finden.

Inner Smile Essence (Inneres Lächeln Essenz) unterstützt auch das positive, übergeordnete Denken, hilft, den täglichen Stress zu bewältigen und allen Problemen in Deinem Leben positiv zu begegnen.


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Etheric Blockages Remover Device by Hari Andri Winarso - in German only

EUR 7.99

year 2012- 35 $


Ätherische Blockaden in unseren Energiefeldern entstehen direkt vor unserer Inkarnation, um unsere Lebenserfahrungen zu erschaffen und um den freien Fluss der Energie und des Bewusstseins des Spirits zu blockieren.

Negative Energieblockaden können in unseren Energiefeldern für Dekaden eingebettet bleiben und schädliche Muster
verursachen, die wir ständig wiederholen und oft erzeugen sie körperliche Krankheiten.

Tatsächlich sind 90% aller körperlichen Krankheiten mit negativen Energien verbunden, die in unseren ätherischen Feldern gefangen ist.

Das Entfernen dieser negativen Energien erlaubt es uns, wirklich die Wurzel von körperlichen und/oder emotionalen Krankheiten zu heilen, so dass wir unser Leben mit einem gesünderen Körper und weniger Wiederholungen alter Muster fortsetzen können.

Das Entfernen dieser Blockaden wird dein Potential freisetzen und deine Energie und deinen Körper von Beschränkungen befreien.


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EUR 7.99

$ 25- year 2018

Kamdev Higher Force has a strong energy connection with Lord Kamdev.

Kamdev Higher Force was channeled to activates a powerful love and makes you have an extraordinary amount of personal magnetism, so everyone you will love to look up and at you.

You will always receive massive favor and respect wherever you go.

The people around you especially the opposite-sex, will not easily be able to forget you.

If you are a single, this Kamdev Higher Force helps to attract a partner or a spouse that fits your needs and values

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EUR 7.99

year 2018 - 25 $

Miracle Of Happiness Empowerment was channeled and created to infuse positive energy to you, bliss and joy.

This empowerment stimulate your mind to experience more uplifting feelings, attract things that make you feel happy and enjoy more in life.

Miracle Of Happiness Empowerment will make the feelings of joy and happiness spread throughout your body and overflow into your soul.

You will always radiate positive energy to your environment and everyone around you when you feel happy - And when you feel happy, you will attract more abundance, and attract only positive experiences and people into your own life.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Shakyamuni Buddha was a king known by the name of Siddhartha Gautham.
Shakyamuni Higher Force has a strong connection between you and Shakyamuni Buddha.

It was channeled to bring mental balance, peace and tranquility. And also bringing clearness into your life and mind, and also helps you to bring in and find happiness and a new fresh spirit to facing any problems of your life.

Shakyamuni Higher Force may also provide a helpful mental approach and control to stop pressure, emotional pain, fear, and defends the user from any harmful energies.

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WEI-TO HIGHER FORCE by Hari Andri Winarso

WEI-TO HIGHER FORCE by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Wei-To (Wei-To P'usa) is an important Deva or God in the Chinese Pantheon as his image is always present in all temples as the 'Entry Guardian'.

He is the General-in-Chief of the thirty-two heavenly generals who come under the Four Heavenly Kings and has earned such titles as the 'Protector of the Buddhist Faith', the 'Protector of Monasteries' and the 'Protector of Dharma Books'.

In all temples where his image is found, he is always placed with his back to the statue of Maitreya Buddha (Mi-Lo Fwo) so that he faces the Main or Grand Hall known as the 'Tai Hung Pao Tien' where the main images of the temple are installed.

Wei-To Higher Force has a strong connection with Wei-To P'usa. It was channeled to give you powerful, general, and complete protection.

Besides provides powerful protection energy, it will also helps to removes any negative influences of everything, negativities energy patterns, negative spirits, black magic, curses, etc.

Wei-To Higher Force assist you to defeats all your enemies and makes you victorious in any sides of your life.

It gives you more power, strength, and courages to facing your enemies.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Vajra Sword is a powerful etheric weapon that useful to remove and destroy any forms of bad/negative/dark/evil forces of someone that wants to harms or attacks you.

Vajra Sword is also has a high level of healing energy that can used to heals any diseases, but the specifically it is very effective to heals and overcome metaphysical diseases, like as getting diseases from black magick, santet, teluh, or interference by demons, evils, dark spirit.

It also helps to overcome any forms of curses.

You can also use this Vajra Sword to clears a haunted place, remove the evil or djinn/genie from that place.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Vajrakilaya is a wrathful manifestation of Vajrasattva (the esoteric aspect of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra), the Buddha of purification.

This powerful practice of Vajrakilaya focuses on removing outer and inner obstacles to happiness, peace, bliss, and enlightenment.

Vajrakilaya Higher Force has a strong connection between you and Vajrakilaya. It was channeled to helps you to removing any obstacles in your life, purify any negativities and spiritual pollution who becomes barriers and blockages for blessings and positive things come to your life.

Vajrakilaya Higher Force will guides you to find your true life-purpose and assist to improving your spiritual life to the higher level, strengthen your love radiance and helps you to entering a deep-state of unconditional love.

It helps you to achieves happiness, inner peace, loving-kindness and compassion.

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EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Jagdamba Mata also known as Devi Jagdamba, Jagdambika or Amba-bai is a Hindu goddess who is mostly worshiped in Maharashtra, India.

Jagdamba translates to "Universe Mother" and she is considered to be the mother of the entire universe.

Jagdamba Mata Bliss Essence was channeled to protects you from bad-lucks, miss-fortunes. And brings good luck, prosperity, and abundance in your life quickly.

Most of my in-person students who have receive this attunement and use it, reports if they have achieves their goals and fulfill their wishes shortly after receive and practices it.

Jagdamba Mata Bliss Essence helps you to always surrounded by divine energy, so you always become lucky, peace, happy, safe, and success.

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Titanium Buddha Flame Healing by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

yea r 2018 - 40 $

Titanium Buddha Flame Healing has a powerful energy to cleansing and purifying the accumulation of negative energies in our energetic systems.

It is effective to remove the blockages energy from the chakras and to transmute negative energy away from the aura.

Titanium Buddha Flame Healing may also acts as a multidimensional healing energy to heal any form of multidimensional, physical or metaphysical diseases.

In addition to being a healing modality, Titanium Buddha Flame Healing helps in strengthening biomagnetic energies, and enhances the flow of energy in the physical meridians. Titanium Buddha Flame Healing assist you to entering into a deep meditation state more easily, and the result is you will always have a positive outlook on life, feelings of well being and positive emotional state states of joy, love, happiness, etc.

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Full Moon Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

Full Moon Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

year 2018 - 40 $

Full Moon Essence was channeled and created to balancing your psychic and physical energies, clears the auric field and strengthen the aura radiance that make you have a healthy aura and strong radiance.

Full Moon Essence may also stimulate your inner eye, strengthen the intuition.

It is assist to increases your awareness, accelerates your spirituality, and improving any sides of your life by open the intuitive spiritual life knowledges.

It will teach you how to living on the new levels of awareness and bringing you to a higher level of spiritual wisdom.

you will receive pdf manual and Chi Ball Attunement


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Cancer Healing Essence by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

40 $

Cancer Healing Essence was channeled to boost and maintain immune system to help you fight and kill cancer cells.

This Cancer Healing Essence energy is an anti-oxidant energetic that helps protect against free radicals that damage cell membranes, alter DNA and kill healthy cells.

Cancer could be the result of emotional wounds, stress, anxiety and depression, and other negative emotions -

This Cancer Healing Essence is also effective to assist you to release negative emotions, calm your mind, maintain positive mind and attitude because it is a very important aspect to fight cance

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Mystical Shiva Force For Cancer Care by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

60 $

A cancer diagnosis can be a huge impact to the mind and state of most people as feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear - It makes the cancer difficult many times it get worse

.Mystical Shiva Force For Cancer Care has a strong connection with the Mystical and Divine energy of Lord Shiva.

This energy brings to protection for your healthy cells and helps strengthen your own immune system

. It will help to remove cancerous cells from your body, also overcome symptoms of cell damages and assists to repair cell mutation.

Mystical Shiva Force for Cancer Care will help you relieve stress and depression that can accompany illness.

It assists you to feel harmony, balance, and filled with happiness and joy.

Mystical Shiva Force For Cancer Care helps you control your mind and stimulates your mind to be positive assisting in a strong fighting spirit

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Thyroid Flush by Hari Andri Winarso

Thyroid Flush by Hari Andri Winarso

EUR 14.99

45 $

Thyroid Flush is an excellent flush system that assists the body to balance the thyroid gland, clears and opens up the throat energy center.

It will normalize the functions of Thyroid gland to controls metabolism, maintains body weight, our heart rate and the rate of energy used.

Thyroid Flush will also help to balance all hormonal imbalances, reduce fatigue, and overcoming the thyroid dysfunction / disorders.

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